12 July 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
I love the way the weather-people talk about these "comfortable" conditions. Sorry, it's HOT outside. And, by the looks of things, it will only get hotter over the weekend. Yeah, I know it's summer, but don't try to convince me what's comfortable when every fiber of my being tells me otherwise. I get it.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps rising to around 85 degrees (that's still hot), and no rain in the forecast (for now).
Now, what say we get that comforting and refreshing drink poured, as we see what else has been going on, hmm?
*** First off of the sand dunes is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."
This was spoken by another "newbie" here, one Baruch Spinoza (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677) who was a  Dutch philosopher of Sephardi/Portuguese origin.
And here is his WIKI:
((By laying the groundwork for the 18th-century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy. Along with René Descartes, Spinoza was a leading philosophical figure of the Dutch Golden Age.))
If you're into philosophy (and who isn't these days?) you will find this more than idly interesting.
((Spinoza believed in a "Philosophy of tolerance and benevolence" and actually lived the life which he preached. He was criticized and ridiculed during his life and afterwards for his alleged atheism. However, even those who were against him "had to admit he lived a saintly life".))
His "magnum opus"
As can be expected with anyone who is considered a philosopher, it's a long read, but Spinoza is one of those people you just want to find out more about.
((Spinoza viewed God and Nature as two names for the same reality, Spinoza contends that "Deus sive Natura" is a being of infinitely many attributes, of which thought and extension are two.))
I do have several points of contention with him, but that's just my take on things. Overall, I think his views aren't that far off the mark. You may agree or disagree.
*** Next up, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 12 -
---It's Eat Your Jello Day
(I already did...when I was a kid...in the hospital)
---It's National Different Colored Eyes Day
(David Bowie once fit the criteria)
---It's National Pecan Pie Day
(this is sinfully good, and the best comes from Georgia...trust me on this)
---It's National Simplicity Day
(this fits in with Spinoza, believe it or not)
---It's Paper Bag Day
(note to Kroger...don't run out of them)
*** Next up, an update on next year's Fort Wayne Air Show:
So, it would appear that the "shuttle bus" from downtown to the airport  (16 miles round trip)didn't go over all that well...GOOD!
It was a stupid idea, and was only a way to get people to see our (newer and constantly improving?) downtown. Just some PR for his highness.
Parking will be where it was back in 2012...NEAR the ANG station (works for me).
When I went to that show, it was held the last weekend of August (and yes, it was hot, but overcast - actually rained the last day of the 3).
The 2019 show will take place right after the 4th of JULY (good and hot). And it will be only TWO days.
Believe me, an airstrip is not the BEST place to be when it's hot outside...all that concrete and tarmac around and little to NO shade to speak of. Wear lightweight clothing.
Let's not forget the exorbitant price of concession foods and beverages, too.
Still, it's better than not having an air show at all.
*** Next up, time to stop by our little old "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were doing okay yesterday. Both of them did not require any discipline at all.
They spent the usual amount of time sleeping, and even came into the living room with me when I was watching my evening television.
Violet curled up on the sofa next to my legs, while Gallifrey took to my chair and fell asleep.
Everyone made out well with that.
*** Next, let's do our daily check-in with "Midnight and Company"...
Midnight's "doppelganger".
Our furry twosome seemed more "beat with the heat" for the better part of yesterday. Guess humping those fur coats around all day DOES wear one out.
Early on, Midnight spotted another black cat (out front) and chased that bugger halfway up the next block. Must be weird to see oneself and not in a mirror.
That's some SERIOUS "Z-time" going on.
Took him a while to return, and when he did, he totally crapped out. He was sleeping by the garage door and when I went out, I actually had trouble waking him up! Scared the crap outta me.
Finally got him to MOVE.
He was REALLY asleep...LOL! That must have been one helluva dream he was having.
Whiskers just stayed around the patio, and spent her time in the Nam grass or under the shrub next to the patio door (when she wasn't leaning against the planter)
Hey, I couldn't wake him up either.
And yes, although no one missed a meal, they did peck at the food, until it was "treats" time...then they finished their grub (and got the treats to boot).
*** Last back to the shoreline...you never know when an opportunity will show itself.
I suppose that's part of the "fun" in life, and that's okay, as long as that opportunity isn't wasted.
Case in point...yesterday, some kids down the street were doing this "run up to the house and scream and then run back down the block" thing. Well, I went outside and stood against the door.
To my surprise, one of the boys came back, and actually APOLOGIZED.
In fact, he brought the rest of the kids up and THEY said they were sorry for doing that. And they all shook my hand.
I told them "I wish you wouldn't do that, but if you say you won't, then we're cool".
After that, we talked for about 15 minutes about a lot of things. One younger boy said he was down here from Saginaw, and I said it must get REAL cold in winter. He said "It sure does!". There were several girls there too, and we talked about staying safe in the area, and not straying too far from their house, because there are bad folks around waiting to do nasty things.
So there we were...8 black children talking to one older white guy, and they all have their own stories...MLK must be smiling from above.
To me, it was a very satisfying "mentoring" moment, and I thank God for that chance.
It wasn't a big deal (for me), just one of the minuscule ones (that add up over time).
Now, if these kids take anything away from our "chat", it's that some old white guy still CARES about the well being (and future) of our youth, and wants to see them ALL be able to live up their full potential.
After all...hope still springs eternal, does it not?
Be well, make a difference to someone , and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

"..Spelling issues..." LOL!

Spinoza: Shows everyone an atheist doesn't HAVE to be an a-hole... most just WANT to nowdays.

The "infinitely many attributes thing" reminds me of the impression I got from Kaku's book about God being vastly multi-dimensional, thus explaining our inability to understand Him.

Paper bag day: Violet is celebrating, no?

That visit you had with the kids sounds really cool. That does more for race relations in one afternoon than Jackson et al did in a lifetime.

So now, here's a story for you:

Month or so ago: our boss quits, his boss puts us on 10 hour days.

Right off the bat: No 10 hrs, few Saturdays for cutters b/c we're ahead.

Three weeks later: New boss hired, starts week after 4th of July. Cutters still ahead.

Week of the 4th: Everyone on 8s for the holidays, no Saturday. Return to tens (for sewers) the next week.

This week: New boss starts. Cutters WAAY ahead (as in covers waiting to be sewn here there and everywhere).

Thursday: New boss declares no more WIP. Chris gets Friday off lack of work. Sun comes out, angels sing, 3-day weekend. Sewers still have 10 hour Friday, 6 hour Saturday. They could sew till Wednesday before they would even come close to being caught up.

Problems: 1) a lot of new and inexperienced sewers. New training plan just implemented.

2) Boss's boss told us today "For the first time in maybe forever, there are more jobs waiting to be filled than people unemployed." And we're a little low down the pay scale to be competitive in a lot of areas.

3) Tracker "Ketter" covers. IDK exactly what kettering is, but it really screws the pooch rate-wise.

Never the less, I get to sleep in tomorrow, and Mondays another day.

Bob G. said...

---Leave it to those "ancients"...heh.
---LOL...you got THAT one right, my friend. All by CHOICE!
---Yeah, that makes a TON of sense How CAN the FINITE ever interpret the INFINITE?
---Actually, I think she gave that bag the DAY OFF!
---Well, I'm just the "mouthpiece".
It's GOD's work, not mine.

---Wow...that's one crazy "about face".
P1 - a real "uh oh" moment there.
P2 - The bosses have some "skull-work" to do. Whether it's a pay raise (or not) is something management might REALLY want (or need) to look into IF they want the competitive edge.
P3 - Getting a bit of time off to "recharge" shouldn't hurt one bit (nice to hear those angels).
As for what "kettering" is?
I've no bloody idea. Never heard of it before today (except for the medical center).

Thanks for swinging by to comment.

Stay safe, hang tough, and keep cool up there, brother.