13 August 2018

Monday Musings...
Here we go again, kids...the start of another week, and one which sees most all the other children going back to school (evil laughter).
Many parents will be thrilled beyond belief, while others (mostly down where we love) are glad the kids won;t be around while these "parents" get high ro swap boyfriends of the month. And we wonder why the world is the way it is?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us NO rain (amazing), but it will be sunny with temps rising to around 85 degrees - the heat is back, but with less humidity. I guess we can call this a win...for the time being.
Now, lt's get that cup of coffee, tea, or whatever suits your fancy poured, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the starting gate is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Left Hander's Day
(southpaws of the world unite)
---It's National Filet Mignon Day
(great tasting cut of meat if you can afford it)
---It's National Prosecco Day
(bet that might go good with the filet mignon)
*** Next, you all know by now we could NOT have a weekend without some dumbasses shooting people here, right?
First, a 13 yr old was shot back on Friday morning. Here's the story:
Mom wasn't home. This took place in the 3700 block of S. Lafayette St. (yep, down in the ghettohood).around 0115 hrs.
Mom works nights, so she leaves kids home alone (to create mayhem, no doubt)..
There were four other people inside the home (including 2 girls). One was identified as a runaway and was taken into custody.
A neighbor said he saw one of the boys from the house outside speaking to someone in a black car, shortly before police arrived.
Never at a loss for DRAMA down here, are we?
*** Next up, another shooting on Saturday, this time farther north. Here's that story:
This took place in the 200 block of 3rd st around 0430 hrs Saturday morning.
A woman shows up at hospital in critical condition. Investigators determined the woman may have been shot somewhere near the intersection of Fourth and Harrison. Now that is right near the (constantly improving) downtown area.
That's becoming a hot spot now. Crime does not respect boundaries or territory.
*** Next, and if that's not enough shooting for you, how about we bop out to Chi-Town. Here's this story:
Yeah, THAT'S more like it.
About 600 officers were added to patrol the streets after another TWENTY shootings over the weekend.
I say send in the damn National Guard.
This is been getting way out of hand for WAY too long.
Time to stop this crap and those causing it.
*** Next up, WHAT is up with the News-Sentinel, you ask?
Here's what seems to be going on:
Can't see how laying off staff makes things better.
And there's this as well:
Truly a"WTF???" moment for FTW.

A shame to see the only bastion of conservatism being so "trimmed down".
Sounds a lot like what happened in Philly back in the 70s when we lost the Evening Bulletin.
*** Next, and speaking of the N-S, here's the latest column from Kevin Leininger:
It's a pretty good call about the Electric Works. Personally, I think the city administration has had too many pokers in the fire for too long.
Better to do ONE thing at a time, rather than about NINETEEN.
Oh, and did I hear about improvements to the Memorial Coliseum which could impact TAXPAYERS? Yeah, we knew this was coming.
*** Next up, time to lose the nonsense, and drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids didn't do that bad over the weekend, but they did find a bug that came inside when I went to get the morning paper "fun" to play with. Had to get it outside (where it belongs), but the cats still hung by the door, as if another one was coming along...sorry, no.
Aside from that, there was plenty of window watching, napping, eating, napping, playing, and yes...napping.
Not a bad life, if you ask me...where can I sign up?
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome also did okay over the weekend. The off-and-on-again rain didn't dampen thier spirits all that much, but it did present a nuisance with feeding them a bit. Luckily, we caught the dry times, and managed to get the food out in good order.
Then, it was time to relax, take things easy, and be happy for some (crazy)  humans who care enough to want to take care of them.
Not to mention, they are both becoming the most-photographed cats in Fort Wayne.
And that's not easy to do, considering one cat from our past that held this distinction...along with a few squirrels.
*** Last back to the finish line...you always hear me talk about how CHOICES are such an integral part of life.
You can't perform a single decision without them, can you?
 I also don't believe you can keep track of ALL the decision you make in any one day.
Granted, some decisions are made without batting an eye, and for the most part, don't come with dire consequences.
That's the good news.
But, just as often, people will take to "doing what they please", and for whatever reason they feel justifies that actions.
Now, all of us who drive know about parking. We learn HOW to park, and WHERE to park and (with metered parking) how LONG to park.
I happen to be one of those idiots that took the time to LEARN to do things right...and what would occur if I did not.
Wow. My car parked in our DRIVEWAY!
Seems pretty simple, right? Most places are made for parking (that's a good thing considering all the vehicles around these days), like streets, driveways, parking lots, and the like.
Lazy-ass lawn-parking
Yet, when people choose to park ON LAWNS and IN YARDS, you have to wonder WTH are they thinking?
TOO many cars on the lawn
(most of the time, they're NOT thinking one damn bit - that's the problem)
More lawn-parking morons.
And, it's things like this that create another "broken window" in a community.
They also park on FRONT lawns
Sure, it might seem like small stuff, and not worth bothering with, but consider the fact that ordinances were created to keep communities safe, and able to maintain the "quality-of-life" that our "king" (read mayor) is so keen to tell us about every time he opens his mouth.
And some idiots park in back yards.
If you WANT a nice place to live, then do something to make that a reality...and not the exact opposite.
The dumbasses also block sidewalks.
But, if you WANT squalor (as some seem to desire), then by all means, go right ahead and do whatever you want.
That's why we wind up with "blighted" areas in our city...the slums...the ghetto.
Every area that suffers this WAS once nice, but thanks to uncaring people, it goes downhill REAL fast.
That's what you get when people are NOT held to the same standards of living,.NOT accountable for their actions, and NOT made aware of the consequences of their actions.
It's such a simple formula to follow,
Why some make the choice to follow the path of ignorance, and live like pigs is something I suppose we'll never truly understand...but it's something that needs to be addressed, for the betterment of everyone.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Yeah, let's have FM Day on a monday when I can't get at one...

Fourth and Harrison at 0400. You thinking what I'm thinking?

Kevin starring as the Lone Ranger... wonder how he feels about his job hanging by a contract clause...

I remember a cat of ours who thought playing with a pinching beetle was fun. After about the fourth time she shook it off her paw, it decided it was to dizzy to move. That was a bad move because the next thing I heard was "CRACK crunch crunch crunch..."

So the train wreck I predicted for 2 weeks in my mind has come to roost. Start with two cutters on first, one and a sub who occasionally got into the game on 2nd. Get 1st shift sewers fully trained, up-staff second. Have not one but both 2nd shift cutters quit. Don't change first shift cutter's hours until the last minute. What do you get? That's right, a group of supervisors wondering what to do at 1 hr before MY now 10 hr day ends as the 1st shift sewers have run 2nd shift OUT OF WORK. Well, maybe you would have realized this if a) you ever made more than occasional trips into the cutting area, b) took on the responsibility of seeing WHAT we have to cut and if it matches what you need; c) hadn't fired the ONE person that was doing that all for you just because the main culprit of F'ing it up in the front office got pissy; d) did a little remedial math. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with our new boss, but he really needs to figure out that fine line between his ass and a hole in the ground pretty soon...

Bob G. said...

---Believe me, I share your pain in that regard!
---The N-S will have some "freelancers" filling the gaps (make that CHASMS), and they're paid per column/article/story basis.
How the mighty have fallen.
(glad Kevin is still with them)
---Pets and bugs...whatta combo, huh?
(we did find an EX-cicada on the patio)
---Geez, buddy...guess that clusterf*ck you saw coming was something the bosses DIDN'T...normally, I'd say they should make YOU boss ('cause you KNOW lots more than they do), but I somehow think you'd have no part of it...right?
Seems the new boss WANTS to do the right thing, but again, we see the difference between WANTS and NEEDS, don't we?
Crazy stuff.

Thanks for stopping by to comment today.

Stay safe (and hang tough) up there, brother.