23 August 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
So much for the REALLY nice weather, although today won;t be that far off from comfortable.
But, if you have plans for outdoors, by all means, have at it...
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us sunny skies to start with (with increasing clouds as the day progresses).
Temps will top out around 77 degrees, and some light breezes come along for the ride.
Now, let's take a minute to get ourselves a refreshing drink to begin the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the trash bin is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured." 
This is attributed to an "old" friend of ours, one Marcus Tullius Cicero (3 January 106 BC – 7 December 43 BC) who was a Roman statesman, orator, lawyer and philosopher, who served as consul in the year 63 BC. And here is his WIKI (if you want or need a refresher):
It's a pretty lengthy read, but if you;'re into Roman history and the politics of that time, then spend some time and see how things in America seem to have an eerie similarity to that of the ancients.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Ride the Wind Day
(sounds like there's a song in there someplace)
---It's National Sponge Cake Day
(no song, but plenty of "yum")
*** Next, a bit of DEJA VU (imho). See if you agree. Here's the story link:
Yes, the Glenborrk Square Mall is losing it's SEARS store as of this November...who'da thunk, huh? The closeout sales might be worth checking into.
What bothers me, is that something VERY similar took place when Southtown Mall began it's own decline well over a decade ago.
But back then, the Sears was one of the LAST stores to close at that location. We lost the KOHL'S first, and then the JC PENNEY, and well, the rest of the dominoes started to rapidly fall.
Glenbrook already has lost CARSON'S...and now SEARS.
Cripes, we have also lost all FOUR of the K-MART stores we once had.
This is getting a bit ridiculous (and way out of hand).
*** Next up, a little bit of the old "Prophecy Meets Reality"., and a stern warning.
Here's the story link:
Yeah, this is scary sh*t, if you ask me, and the main reason for it being like this is that...IT IS HAPPENING AT THIS MOMENTI!
Talk about your "12 step plans"...
(makes me want to take UP drinking, rather than stop cold.)
*** Next, a  double dose of Kevin Leininger, with some good insight.
This column deals with all the "fake news" out there. Here's the link:
And this column addresses the Red River trash problems, and the solutions that could be available. Here's that link:
*** Next up, a great column from Leo Morris, sure to get you smiling. Here's the link:
This plays right into my "close" for today, so do take the time to read this. Leo and I seem cut from the same cloth in many ways.
Not bad for growing up so many miles apart. I guess age (and wisdom) knows no boundaries.
*** Next, we can't let the day pass without our daily dose of stupid, so I bring you THESE...
ITEM - Two armed robbers are nabbed trying to flee.
((Peter Henry, 22,  is charged with robbery and gun possession by a serious violent felon. He was being held without bail because he is out on probation, a jail spokesman said.
Isaiah Smith, 26, was caught as he ran through the Memorial Coliseum parking lot. Smith, who had 2.7 grams of marijuana in the pocket of his sweatpants, said he lived on Bowser Street.))
Henry                               Smith
Hey, here's an idea...when you just get turned out of jail for ROBBERY in South Bend, DON'T come to MY city and do the exact same thing, you effin IDIOT!
That goes for your Bowser St.partner, as well. Losers.
ITEM - Illegal immigrant murderer update:
There is this ambulance-chasing "lawyer" that is representing this POS who has the nerve to lash out at president Trump (no doubt for his immigration stance)...whatta crock!
All the snowflakes who bemoan the breaking up of (illegal) families forget that the TIBBETTS family is PERMANENTLY broken up, thanks to this killer. And the Tibbetts are U.S. CITIZENS.
Sorry if the TRUTH is so damn inconvenient for you socialists.
*** Next up, leaving the stupid behind us, let's instead stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
The kids had a good time with a new "acquisition" yesterday (more on that in the close).
Seems they like when we humans have birthdays just as much as their own.
Not a problem here. We can always accommodate.
After all, we don't call this a "forever home" for nothing, do we?
*** Next, time for our daily check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
"Sure, your birthday...working on it."
Our furry twosome had a very good day, even if Midnight did come back late for lunch.
He just has to make sure the area is as "secure" as he can make it...lol.
"Yeah, happy birthday...right, got it."
Whiskers was around all day and they do look forward to those "treats" around dusk.
It's a good way to end the day...on an upbeat one.
And isn't that what all of us attempt to do every day?
*** Last back to the recycle bag...I (even) had a pretty decent day yesterday.
First off, the lovely Mrs. Bobby G. and I enjoyed my birthday fare - Chinese food, followed (closely) by chocolate fudge cake (courtesy of Krogers, who makes a marvelously RICH cake).
Sorry, forgot to get a picture of that before I cut into it, but trust me, it's great.
After that, it was time for gifts, which consisted of the following:
---The AVENGERS - INFINITY WAR DVD (and got that for way under retail price)
---An intriguing book: From Sixty To Zero (the downfall of GM) by Alex Taylor III.
(even if the copyright is 2010, it does cover the loss of Pontiac..should be a another good read)
---The cats got me an "activity tent"., which is something FOR the cats (and not me).
"we got Daddy a nice gift." 
It didn't take long to assemble it, and even less time for one of the cats (who we will call MISTER DESTRUCTO) to chew the string holding the glitter ball in half.
Well, it IS the "thought" that counts with gift0-giving, right?
Take THAT, you tree-hugging libtards...I'll save the Earth...just like in the Leo Morriis article...in MY OWN WAY.
(and for curmudgeons like us everywhere).
Yes, many times, life can be humorous, and it should be. It's too brief to be otherwise.
If we would all devote a tenth of our time (and energy) looking at the lighter side of life, maybe we wouldn't be so full of micro-aggressive stupidity..
And, you DON'T need a birthday for that, do you?
Just the right choice.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there,America.


CWMartin said...

Sears- they Darwined themselves out when they thought buying K-Mart would help either of them. That hadda be just a big tax write-off for someone no longer there...

12 Steps: I hate to say that, but IMHO that article was cribbed from a much older one comparing the fall of Rome to the present day. Not saying he plaigerised, but I bet he knew of it.

I watched the tail end of the CC meeting and the vote. I loved Hines roasting the system for RR being able to claim "just one miss" to the city based on the one person that bothered to complain when they missed ALL of Crown Colony. I also loved him giving everyone an alternative to 311- the Mayor's number!

Leo should drink his Yeungling through a straw. I'm told that cutting the ambient air swallowed with each drink gives a better buzz.

The first thing losers do after vacating the "little house" is try to score. If FWPD was just smart enough to tail them, you'd clear out a whole lot of "pharmacological establishments".

And now, news comes out that POS KNEW Mollie through a friend... Oh, but he "blacked out" and doesn't remember killing her and throwing her in the trunk. Yeah, right.

Sixty to Zero is basically the same story as a book I got on the car industry's domestic downfall. You'll love it, as you like myself appreciate self-destructive stupidity.

Straws for your birthday: GENIUS! I should send a case to Norma's granddaughter, lol!

Bob G. said...

---I agree that a MAJOR turning point was scarfing up K-0Mart...my first thought was "WHY???"
How far they've fallen from the days of Manhattan telephone book thick catalogues and MY personal favorite - THE WISH BOOK.
---I feel you might be correct (again).
Perhaps someone took a few pages from the manifestos of MARX, LENIN and HITLER?
(not my kind of plan)
---Yes, that "method" of claiming misses REALLY missed the mark.
Then again, some people just are so disconnected when it comes to the city (THEIR city).
When I contact Matt Gratz, I tell him exactly who was missed.
BTW, we were picked up today by 10AM.
(like to see that repeated for the rest of the year...we'll see.)
---I was thinking about that (and not because I still have a couple Yuenglings around)...it's basically true, if a buzz is what you're looking for.
Hard liquor is easier (imho), but, I have DUST on most all my bottles...LOL
---Yep...we call that being PROACTIVE. FWPD is still finding a way to do that (they should ring us up).
---That whole "blackout" deal is pure unadulterated BS (I can smell it from Indiana).
He might want to look into the fertilizer business.
---See, there's something ELSE we have in common...heh.
(that DOES refer to OTHERS, naturally)
---The dollar stores still got 'em by the bushel. D does have her moments (I'm such a bad influence...lol)

Thanks much for stopping on by to comment.
(you're carrying the blog this week, Buster)

Stay safe (and keep enjoying the vacation) up there, brother.