22 August 2018

Humpday Happenings...("another year gone by" edition)
We're in for a really NICE day (for a change) here in the Heartland.
But never fear...hot, humid. and wet weather will be returning later this week.
At least we get ONE good day out of it (a good day for a birthday, in fact).
Our Hoosierland weather brings us mostly sunny skies (partly cloudy later on), temps climbing to around 74 degrees and NO precipitation whatsoever.
That alone is cause for celebration. My kinda summer for sure.
(wouldn't bother me at all if ALL summer was like this)
So, let's go get that refreshing drink poured and parked close b,y as we see what else has been going on...and what I have to say about it.
*** First out of the comfy chair is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote for the week:
"The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured." 
I figure when you get to my age (the "socially-secure" crowd), something like THIS takes more center stage than other things in life.
Yes, you're only as old as you feel, bu thre are days where we ALL feel older than our years.
So, who said that? The answer at the toip of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at Arpinum (about 62 miles SE of Rome)...
*** Next up, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Bao Day
(kinda like an Asian dumpling thing)
---It's National Pecan Torte Day
(never met a pecan I didn't like)
---It's Never Bean Better Day
(has more to do with pets than beans, actually)
*** Next, time for our daily dose of stupid, so here we go:
---ITEM - looks like PETA is getting more looney than the tunes we used to watch as kids.
Out with the "old"...
They took the "cages" off of the WILD animals on the animal crackers boxes...
Truly a "W-T-F???" moment for the month!
They're WILD animals (in captivity, and well taken care of) you a-holes.
Plus, they're ARTISTIC representations.
Also, you would NEVER find all these animals "walking side by side" in the veldt...the LION would be trying to EAT the rest of them (yes, even the elephant).
In with the "new"...
Maybe this crap is PC, but it does not reflect reality. Take the PETA people and put them IN THE WILD (or better yet, a ZOO) with these animals (no cages) and see how long they last...lol...
Whatta bunch of total effin' MORONS!
---ITEM -  Maybe THIS will (finally) shake the complacency out of the liberal idiots who think we DON'T need border walls and stronger immigration enforcement against ILLEGALS:
Christhian Bahena Rivera, 24 was living in America illegally for about 7 years (and managed to get a car AND license). He is charged with the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts.
A conviction on first-degree murder carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole in Iowa, which doesn't have the death penalty. (bet that state WISHES they had it NOW).
So, if convicted (and he likely will be), OUR country takes "care" of him the rest of his miserable life...does the word JUSTICE fit into any of this? It certainly should!
How many of OUR citizens need to die at the hands of these people before SOMETHING is done to keep them the hell out of our country?
My prayers and condolences go out to the family of the girl killed by this (illegal) P.O.S.
---ITEM - Here's more proof that people CAN be worse than animals
Paris Jordan (local human piece of crap) beats a puppy to death...how low can you get?
With people like this, apparently pretty damn low.
Where's PETA when you really NEED them?
Got us another volunteer for that "special kind of hell", don't we?
As humans treat animals in this manner, so they will do likewise with people, it's only a matter of time.
Better to save society the burden of having to deal with him again later on. Maybe the punishment should fit the crime?
*** Next up, time to lose ALL the stupid and stop by out "Kitten Corner"...
The kids did well yesterday, and did not find the need to get into stuff they shouldn't in and around our "Fortress"..
And that means a great day to be a pet lover...lol.
ANY and EVERY day is good for that, really.
Gallifrey loves to get his head and neck rubbed (and makes no bones as to HOW he goes about it), while Violet just quietly comes over to you and then rubs against you...ever the dainty lady.
Both unique in personality but with some aspects of our former cats...very nice blend.
*** Next, time to do our daily check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
I did manage to put together a collage of how Midnight utilizes his new dish...
He paws at the food, bringing it out of the dish, and then he eats it off the table.
So, I placed the old plate there with food on it...no problem.
Whiskers likes her dish so much, that she even uses HIS dish. Yesterday morning, they were eating out of each OTHER'S bowls.
Oh, and she's not favoring her hind leg today...that's a huge relief.
There's not a day passes where you can't find something with them that puts a smile on your face.
*** Last back to the bakery...yes, I turn the page of another year in my life.
Well, THAT'S not too bad...
As a reminder (and a public service), here are some others who share my birthday:
(they're either very lucky or unfortunate souls...LOL)
--Trey Gowdy
--Giada De Laurentiis
--James Corden
--Ray Bradbury
--Honor Blackman
--Carl Yastremski
And let's not forget:
--Valerie Harper
--Claude Debussy
--Gen Norman Schwarzkopf
--Cindy Williams
Here are some events that have taken place today (in history).
Flag day in Russia
2007 – The Texas Rangers defeat the Baltimore Orioles 30–3, the most runs scored by a team in modern Major League Baseball history.
1989 – Nolan Ryan strikes out Rickey Henderson to become the first Major League Baseball pitcher to record 5,000 strikeouts.
1963 – X-15 Flight 91 reaches the highest altitude of the X-15 program (107.96 km (67.08 mi) (354,200 feet)).
1950 – Althea Gibson becomes the first black competitor in international tennis.
1941 – World War II: German troops begin the Siege of Leningrad.
1902 – Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first President of the United States to make a public appearance in an automobile.
1902 – Cadillac Motor Company is founded.
1485 – The Battle of Bosworth Field, the death of Richard III and the end of the House of Plantagenet.
THIS is even BETTER!
I have to say that so far, it's been a pretty good ride.
But there is always that little "voice" in the back of my mind that whispers that I have more years behind me than in front of me.
Like I need another reminder, right?
And yet, there is very little I would have changed, because what has already transpired has helped me more than hurt me, and yes, that includes those times of grief, doubt and even despair.
For through all of that ...and more, my God has been right there with me, so even when I thought I was alone...I never really was.
And that's a gift that doesn't' just come ONCE a year...but every day that breath can be drawn.
Now, If you'll excuse me, I've a cake that seems to be calling me.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

(catch you on the flip side, folks)


CWMartin said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Robert, happy birthday to you!

And a fine day it was- hope you enjoyed as much as we did!

In honor of last night's music game (and with no expectation of being right) I'll guess Walter Brennan...

PETA: Not near as stupid as the cookie company for doing something under pressure that it COULD have done when it saw the writing on the wall...

Mollie: The bad thing is, a whole LOT of illegals are prolly as disgusted by this POS as we are... and will be treated even worse because of him. Not trying to stand up for (non-existant) illegal rights, just wondering how long it will take some idiot to kill, say, a legal Turk thinking they "look like" an illegal Mexican "in revenge"...

Jordan: How about we tie his ass to the white boy that thought it was funny to (literally) punt a cat and upload the video, andthrow 'em both in a sack and toss 'em off a bridge. Again, not a recommendation... just a thought at ironically fitting punishment.

Midnight: Yes, that's the same cat that won't use a shelter, lol...

I always loved Debussy's "sounds of the night" version that was the theme on Bill Pirce's Nightsounds show back in the day...

I well remember that 30-3 game...

I like that Celsius idea...put's me at 13 1/3...

Bob G. said...

---Robert? MY, so very "formal" are we? LOL.
(thank you)
---It was a nice day (which the Lord hath made).
I rejoiced and was glad in it, my friend.
(as I'm sure you and Laurie were)
---Nope, not Walter Brennan (but a fine guess)
---Yes...Nabisco is nowhere near the giant they used to be (and they cowered like a mouse on this one).
---You bring up a good point. Fear (alone) of such people may well cause even more tragedy should the opportunity present itself, and the way things are, we have set the stage for that to happen.
---Sack off a bridge...GOOD idea! Very fitting (for both).
---LOL...he IS his "own" feline, that's for sure.
---I tried looking up that particular Debussy work...can't find it, but if you're referring to his "Arabesque #1", then I am a huge fan of that piece. THAT has been used as an intro to shows in the past.
(used to be the music for the old PBS 'Stargazer" snippet.)
Let me know the exact title if you can.
---I figured you would like the baseball stat...!
---Finally...a GOOD application for the CELSIUS scale...ROFLMAO!
(and you're more a "young'un" than I am...fantastic.)

Hey, thanks for stopping by to share the day and comment.

Stay safe (and younger than you were yesterday) up there, brother.

CWMartin said...

The Debussy piece is a hard to find thing. Bill did his thing with the 16 Singing Men and various orchestras therein, based out of Wheaton College and doing an overnight show carried on WBCL. The piece was as I understand a section of a Debussy work called Sounds Of The Night. This particular version had a vocal background that would give you the shivvers!

Bob G. said...

I guess I'll have to review my Debussy then...I'll bet I know it whenI hear it.

Thanks for the info.

Bob G. said...

I found some Bill Pearce videos (Nightsounds, right?)...and I "think" the Debussy composition is entitled BEAU SOIR.

Sure sound the same, and a very beautiful piece - orchestral or choral...various arrangements exist. Hard to pick a real favorite.
How's that, boss?

CWMartin said...

THAT'S IT! I sure miss that show... I went to sleep to that show for a couple years way back when...