27 September 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
And, we're starting the day off with a wonderfully brisk morning. Nice to wake up and feel the crispness in the air. And the air itself smells cleaner.
We're not expecting any rain either, so we will be getting a break in all that humidity.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies (early on) once again, and temps climbing to around 66 degrees. We should see the sun later.
I think we can leave the umbrella home for a change. Just take along a light jacket or sweater.
Now, let's all get the first refreshing drink of the day to clear the mental cobwebs, as we see what else has been going on...fair enough?
*** First off of the dew-covered lawn is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAOD THAT? quote:
"The voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance."
 This was spoken by yet another "newbie" here...one Karl A. Menninger (July 22, 1893 – July 18, 1990) who was an American psychiatrist and a member of the Menninger family of psychiatrists who founded the Menninger Foundation and the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. And here is the (rather brief) WIKI:
Now, I'm not usually fond of psychiatrists, but Menninger might be an exception to the rule.
He believed that crime was preventable through psychiatric treatment, and that offenders should be treated as the mentally ill.
Makes a very good case in today;s world, where we see how many of the mass shooters do suffer from some form of mental illness.
If there ever wa a leader in psychiatry in the U.S., it would have to be Menninger.
Imagine that...a psychiatrist who was also a humanitarian...what a concept.
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature".
---It's National Chocolate Milk Day
(I have got this one covered today)
---It's National Corned Beef Hash Day
(maybe for dinner?)
---It's National Crush a Can Day
(sure...why not?)
---It's National Scarf Day
(Just don't pull an Isadora Duncan)
---And finally, it's been FIVE years (today) since our little Penelope left our lives.
I often think about her (and Rassie) and still miss her whenever Violet does something cute.
We had 17 years of Penny's particular brand of feline "cute" roaming our home.
*** Next up, a suspect from a murder case dating back to 2016 is arrested in Lake County. Here's the story:
Ugly thug there
Nice to know that Allen County perps get caught in OTHER cities, too.
Quentin E. Stewart, 28, happens to be our Loser Du Jour.
On 6 December, 2016, 22-year-old Codi McCann was shot and killed on California Avenue.
Since then, Cody's mother, Stacey Davis has been speaking out for the families of homicide victims and has helped create a group named JAVA — Justice, Accountability & Victim Advocacy.
Sometimes, the system works...and justice is served.
*** Next, le't stop by and visit our "Kitten Corner"...
She can be so sinfully cute
The kids were enjoying the weather yesterday, as they chased each other around more than usual.
They take turns, too. Sometimes she is chasing him, and then he will chase her.
And he has his moments, too.
As long as nothing get broken or torn up along the way...no problems.
Naturally, there is ALWAYS a nap time involved afterwards.
*** Next up, it's time to check back on with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
The furry duo were back in "typical" mode yesterday.
He was on patrol and missed the midday meal (he came back about an hour afterwards), while she stuck around (mostly in the shelter) and was there for all three meals.
Yay...the sun came out!
She was enjoying it when the sun came back out.
They did manage to get fed out from under the patio table.
I know they like that, and both of them stayed dry all the time.
As long as they keep coming back, there will be food, water and affection to be had.
*** Last back to the fence-post...the other day I spoke about the traits of a sociopath.
Now, I will admit that nearly ALL of us exhibit at least one of those 13 traits, and that's fine.
That does not make us a sociopath...it just proves we're human.
I mean we ALL get irritable from time to time, and yes, we might even get a tad impulsive once in a while.
It's the OTHER traits that determine the level of sociopathic behavior, as well as the frequency that such traits is displayed.
Fortunately, with better choices and the lack of needing to behave in such a manner, we manage to go through life with fewer problems. That's not to day we won't HAVE problems. We will, but we'll be better armed to handle them and won't create more problems in our wake.
Every good choice we make is another step toward becoming more than you were the previous day.
And that's a goal worth shooting for.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

I have nothing today... kinda been an emotional day between me and God.

Saw just enough of Kavanaugh's statement, that I really grieve for the souls of his accusers... though it might not have sounded like it when I was on FB earlier...

I mean, how low must you be when you, as an accuser, hear that testimony... do you finger your thirty pieces of silver? Do you think, "Well, I've done a good job for "the cause"?" Thank you dear Jesus for the day that my Dad told me "we're Democrats", and I answered, "Maybe you are..." and not, "Yes, father..."

Bob G. said...

---Perfectly OK to be emotional w/ God..
(sometimes I wonder if I'm not boring HIM to tears)
---I saw some of the hearings as well.
I thought the SPANISH INQUISITION had gone away hundreds of years ago (?)
Guess not, but perhaps the accusers have so little soul left in them.
In some ways, they're worse than Judas.
I will say that I admire the way Sen.Graham stood up against the left with HIS statement at the hearings defending Kavanaugh.
Good people are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I would go so far to say that D.C. has more death hanging over it than Chicago AND Detroit, if you catch my drift.

Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe up there, brother.