26 September 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Well, the rain is supposed to end sometime early today...thank God for that.
We have again arrived at that midweek crisis we call Wednesday.
Still, it could always be worse, right?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies starting out, with clearing by this afternoon, and that means some sunshine.
Temps will be topping out around 66 degrees, so enjoy the cool-down. Might even need a blanket tonight when it drops down into the mid-40s.
Now, let's all get the day rolling with something on the refreshing side to drink, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the counter-top is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"The voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance."
Okay, now if this doesn't seem to call into play what's going on these days, I don't know what does.
Leave it to ignorance to screw society up even more than everything else.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
meanwhile, back in Topeka Kansas...
*** Next up, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Compliance Officer Day
(what are we complying to or for anyway?)
---It's National Dumpling Day
(who thought stuffed dough could be this tasty?)
---It's National Johnny Appleseed Day
(I think FTW was a bit early on this one)
---It's National Pancake Day
(I know what I'm having for breakfast)
---It's National Shamu the Whale Day
(didn't PETA screw everyone out of this deal?)
---It's National Situational Awareness Day
(something we ALL should practice daily in today's society)
---It's National Women's Health and Fitness Day
(goodness know what goes on the other 364 days, right, guys?)
*** Next, Baltimore is now the new homicide leader of big cities in the US.
That's a shame. I thought Chicago would have nailed it.
And what happened to Gary, Indiana?
 Not a big enough city to matter.
You have to remember that it isn't JUST about the actual NUMBER of homicides, but rather the number of homicides PER 100,000 people. (per capita). That's where the data comes from and why Chicago ranks FOURTH behind Memphis (#4) Detroit (#2) and Baltimore.
Detroit DID have the OVERALL #1 spot for violent crimes, however.
But here's last year's FBI crime stats - CIUS, so you can all see for yourselves:
And what do these large cities all have in common? I think you can find that out easily enough.
*** Next up,, it looks like social Darwinism is still alive and well:
So, some numbnut hangs on the outside of a vehicle, an get killed in the process.
Sorry, don't feel pity for people who go out of their way to prove HOW stupid they are.
*** Next, and speaking of how well karma works, we have this:
A portage middle school driver was fired for allowing students to DRIVE THE BUS...!
Yeah, that's a SPECIAL kind of stupid there.
*** Next up, another school bus incident right here in the Summit City:
Can you say "OOPS"?
Well, at least no KIDS were driving...right?
*** Next, let's take a look at our loser of the week:
Police arrested 20-year old Tehran Neeley hours after the incident. He's charged with robbing the 3 Rivers Federal Credit Union branch at 1130 East State Boulevard just after 1730 hrs. Tuesday.
His first name is TEHRAN??? How stupid is THAT?
If morons like this worked a REAL job, the only time they'd be going into a bank would be to DEPOSIT a PAYCHECK.
Whatta dumbass.
*** Next up, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
Snoozing together...how cute.
The kids did well yesterday. With the lousy weather, they were not in the mood to chase one another around, so it was more snoozing.
And, while napping, it makes for a good opportunity to tray and get some pictures.
*** Next, let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome spent most of the day nearby. Midnight was there for all three meals (surprisingly), and yes, even when it rained, they got fed (under the table, naturally).
It's a bit tight under there, but it does remain dry.
In the brief time we had some sun, he took to checking our the neighborhood (never straying far from our house).
Sometimes, it's good not to go on patrol.
Whiskers was the really smart one - she stayed in the shelter during the rain, and came out for the meals.
*** Last back to the kitchen table...What is going on in today's world when it comes to intelligence, anyway?
I can hear gears grinding...
I remember a LOT more people possessing a pretty good level of it, but that's changed somehow.
Today, we're seeing more people wanting to abandon reason (and often the truth) for THEIR perspectives it's told to them by the drive-by media sources.
Well, there's no way in creation you're ever going to have a civil discourse under such conditions...is there?
People are bordering on serious violence in many instances to "get their point across",
Whatever happened to sitting down like civilized human beings and TALKING things out like RATIONAL people?
Is such a notion becoming another one of our "lost arts"?
Judging by what we see, hear and read in the news...it would appear so.
That's NOT how any society advances...quite the reverse, in fact.
But unless and until everyone makes a conscious CHOICE to behave in a more civil and ethical manner, I fear not much will change (and things might even become worse in the short term).
This nation is better than that, and her people should be better than that.
Perhaps we should all remember that we ARE being watched, by God and by other nations.
Both will judge us accordingly.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Looks a lot like my humpday face...

Boy, I agree with you on the quote. Whoiever it was should be teaching remedial ethics to Congress...

My reading and commenting skills are not well today, it would seem. Noticed I hadn't thought about commenting from the SitAware pic all the way to the dumbass award. Not surprising THAT would catch my attention...

Homicide: And still, the survivors elect the same people, and keep the same attitutdes. You have to WANT to be helped...

I did read the fall story. I guess they think asphalt (or concrete) is softer inside an addition...

I did pass by both the bus headlines. It would be amusing to see how many neurons were firing on that first one... the other, thank God it stopped before anything worse happened.

I don't think you should have titled Tehran's picture "Young Loser." I'm sure there's a rapper ready to sue for name infringement...

Easy answer to your closing question: "There is none..."

Ending statement, though, overstates the mental acumen of said other nations...

Bob G. said...

---Living where WE do, it's my "everyday" face...LOL.
---The person behind that quote wrote a good number of books, but there's not much other information, AND it's another "first-timer".
---NO worries - the "awards" always seem to catch the eye...heh.
---That is THE solution to such city-related problems...plain and simple.
And that WANT is something they NEED...the only instance where one helps the other.
---Nope...concrete is STILL concrete (or asphalt)...can't change the laws of molecular density OR any Newtonian applications of motion.
---You know, given the TYPES of buses they run today, it's little wonder we don't have MORE accidents. They've got a high center of gravity and physics once again comes into play there.
---ROFL...had not even thought of that one.
---I'm starting to think that INTELLIGENCE is becoming like COMMON SENSE - it's SO rare, it should be labelled a SUPER POWER!
(or a positive mutant attribute from the Xavier Academy)
---I think other nations will watch us JUST to point some more fingers (as if we don't enough right HERE already).
Having GOD watch us is a whole other matter, right?

Hey, thanks for swinging on by to comment today.

Stay safe (and walking with Scrappy) up there, brother.