12 October 2018

Friday Follies...
End of the week...at last.
And that means two whole days to do all the stuff that needed doing the other five days...heh.
The wonderful fall conditions will continue through the next several days, which means we'll start seeing that foliage change we've been looking forward to, right?
Out Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies with a chance later on today of a bit of rain (farther to the north, I've heard). Temps will reach up to around 52 degrees, and we don't have to run the A/C (just the furnace).
Now, let's a glass cup or mug of some warm and soothing Friday Fortitude poured, as we see what else has been (and will be) going on elsewhere...
*** First  out of the tool shed is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Freethought Day
(wonder how much THAT will cost...lol)
---It's National Gumbo Day
(wish they still had this at Red Lobster...that was excellent)
---It's National Savings Day
(which gets eaten up by all the utility rate hikes in this city)
---It's National Vermont Day
(home of some real maple syrup)
*** Next, and since week's end has arrived (and on time), let's take a look at what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is I Love Yarn Day
( I do know cats love it)
---It's National Chess Day
(Garry Kasparov will love this)
---It's National Costume Swap Day
(kinda early for this, isn't it? Maybe not)
---It's National No Bra Day
(Couldn't have this during summer, could we?)
---It's National Train Your Brain Day
(sorry, but my brain does NOT jump through hoops)
---It's National Yorkshire Pudding Day
(always wanted to try this...looks quite good)
---It's the Navy Birthday
(kicking ass on the high seas since 1775)
---Sunday is Be Bald and Be Free Day
(don't rush me, please)
---It's Clergy Appreciation Day
(well we appreciate the ones that DON'T molest children)
---It's National Dessert Day
(feel free to have a few)
And there we have it...lots of things to keep oneself busy and out of the local jail.
Just always remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, here's something we can't blame on global warming:
Yeah, Mt Etna is indeed sliding towards the sea...and it's due to...(wait for it)...GRAVITY.
Wow, something that MANKIND cannot do a damn thing about...,how about that?
I wonder how long it will take the "experts" to realize that axial tilt may well be the cause of climate change (something else that mankind cannot do a stinking thing about)?
*** Next up, I've been having issues with Blogger (big surprise) on one of our computers (the newer one that uses windows 10).
The top right tabs  (email address) New Post - Design - Sign Out are missing.
Only have the create blog and sign in tab(which when clicked takes you to the "design" page)
Finny thing about this...it ONLY is screwed up with Microsoft Edge. If I use Google, it works fine.
Have NO idea what's up with this crap. The old XP system (still) works fine (if a bit SLOW).
Must have something to do with a Windows 10 update I got the other evening.
These people will never learn to leave things alone when it's working fine.
*** Next, time for our visit over to "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were in "antics" mode yesterday...plenty of stop and running about.
And yet, they did seem to like having the balance of the day available for (what else?)...nap time.
Sure would love to find out what they dream about.
*** Next up, let's do our last check for this week with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome had another typical day...he was on patrol and came late for unch (more like an early dinner), while she stayed close by and kept me company when I went outside (to check on them).
It's always great to not have to feed them under the table as "seating" is limited.
I sat on the back step last night and had them both out there with me. I told them to NOT expect this happening in the middle of winter with snow on the ground and sub-zero temps...this is purely a kindness for now (and I wanted to listen for the trash truck)...heh.
*** Last back to the garage,  Red River once again MISSED us on our regular trash pickup day.
Works for me, too.
Recycle came by around 1545 hrs (a bit on the late side), but trash as M.I.A. So, we continue the "service", such as it has become over the last couple months.
Thing is, in November, when the NEW schedule takes effect, our pickup day will REMAIN Thursdays.
Better tell these mooks NOW, because, for some odd reason, they prefer to come A DAY LATER...lol.
Now, I said all that to say this...the level of care and attention to details (however large or small) seems to be lacking with a lot of people in this country of late.
Sure, it might take a bit longer to do something the RIGHT way, but isn't the end result worth it for everyone involved?
I know when I worked in manufacturing, it was a big deal, because customers depended on your quality.
The same goes for when I worked for Circuit City (Store Technical Support). There, it was even more important, because the STORES depended on the quality of your work, and subsequently, the customers depended upon the stores...very good example of a domino effect.
The time it takes to do something the right way is far less than the time wasted having to redo something...believe me.
My Father always said that "If you can't do something right, don't do it at all".
He also said that "If you are going to do something, do the best you can".
Guess Dad read up on this man.
Such sage advice usually came from those considered our "greatest generation".
Be nice to have them around once again...to remind us of that which many seem to have forgotten.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

I KNOW what they mean by free thought- like military intelligence, an oxymoron. So I guess we can call them Oxy-morons, right? (BTW I just heard on Beck that people who believe in PC make just 8% of the population, so nyah!)

Savings- who needs utilities, I hadda get a brake job today!

Are people from Vermont called Vermin?

Definitely celebrating No Bra Day...

Be Bald: I'm with you!

Clergy- I was actually at some event (likely a funeral) when my old parish was led by one of the accused. Didn't seem the type, and parishioners liked him- never can tell...

Blogger: No complaints for a while now, but I'm a one-system kinda guy. However, I am a bit miffed that my hockey go-to site has top scorers from every league but Canada's WHL- luckily, I have a backup. BTW, We set up a list of teams for Scrappy this year- and right now his group has an 8-game lead on us! Damn dog.

Dreams- if they are anything like Boofus, food, sex, and hunting.

Your dad lived in a different world. Nowadays it's one big half-ass-fest.

Bob G. said...

---Yep, that's the way it works.
And I also heard Beck today...makes SO much sense (while that 8% remain senseless!).
---Geez, those sure don't cost what they USED to...
But at last you can stop much better (always a good thing).
---Only the socialists go by THAT nomenclature...lol.
---Wish I could go bald up my nose (and near the ears)!
---No, you can't That collar would seem to be a good enough place to hide behind.
---Be glad you're fortunate w/ Blogger...I think that update screwed something up someplace (and not gonna try to UNscrew it...things can only get worse).
---Scrappy is a Hockey fan extraordinaire...good boy!
---HA! Sounds like what I USED to dream about, but not in THAT order.
---Leave it to US to wind up with the WORST half of that ass-fest (the half that needs constant wiping).

Hey, thanks for taking time to swing by and comment.
Much appreciated.

Have yourselves a good weekend and stay safe up there, brother.