18 October 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
If you park your car outside, you might want to see if you need to use the ice scraper on the windshield...it's been a cold night here in the Heartland. Or, you can wait until the sun comes up and let so lar heat do the job.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will be mostly sunny, with temps rising to the mid to upper 50s by late afternoon.
The windy conditions go away, and no rain going on...not a bad one for the books.
Now, let's get that nice hot cup of whatever you prefer (hopefully not salt water...that's nasty), and together we'll see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the couch is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"I never really thought of my neighborhood in South Philly as being a neighborhood; it was more a state of mind. For people who aren't familiar with those kinds of places, it's a whole different thing. Like, 42nd Street in New York City is a state of mind." 
This was spoken by none other than James Joseph Croce (January 10, 1943 – September 20, 1973) who was an American folk and rock singer-songwriter. Here is his WIKI:
And his official site:
I know he left us WAY too soon, and he died in a place crash (during takeoff). The WIKI goes into that, as well as his rise to stardom.
Thing is, in the brief time he was on the music scene, he made his mark known.
His songs still garner praise and (when I hear one on the radio, or dig out an album) I find myself back in those days when songs told stories that touched the heart.
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Get to Know Your Customers Day
(no business, no customers...no problem for me)
---It's National Chocolate Cupcake Day
(you had me at chocolate)
---It's National Get Smart About Credit Day
(that's one of the basics these days)
*** Next up, is Walmart following in the footsteps of Sears and K-Mart?
I guess the first step here IS to open FEWER supercenters and make the ones they have MORE productive and profitable.
But this sure smells like the similar strategy used by K-Mart, Sears and others...
We'll have to see what the future has in "store" here, because it could have far-reaching implications down the road.
*** Next, a wanted man was arrested in the death of his girlfriend's toddler. Here's the story:
About damn time, too.
What a LOSER!
Shane A. Patton was captured around 1100 hrs. Wednesday in the 1100 block of Chandler Drive, off Hessen Cassel Road.
Hell has a special place lined up for THIS P.O.S.
*** Next up, a hit and run leads to 2 arrests after a  police pursuit. Here's the lowdown:
This took place around 1945 hrs in the 5000 block of Lois Lane.
Oakley                    Lichtsinn
Keon D. Oakley Jr., 25, of the 4500 block of Spatz Avenue is a member of the MOB gang...big surprise there, huh?
And he's a stalking, threatening POS, according to what was disclosed in court documents.
Dean Lichtsinn, 36, of the 2100 block of Oxford Street, was also arrested on scene.
*** Next, it looks like the proponents of passenger rail lines are once again pushing for funding. Here's the story:
Baker Street Station
And to think we USED to have more than adequate passenger rail...in days gone by.
Everything "old" is new again (sooner or later)...'ya think? It's gonna cost a TON of money to make this happen.
*** Next up, Fort Wayne's main Animal Shelter fund is put on hold for a week. Here's the story:
Animal Care and Control facility
Gee, I guess ALL those MILLIONS tossed at the Electric Works ate up any available funds...so screw the pooches and kitties...for the time being?
Yeah, we know where the "priorities" lie, don't we?
(the good old boys cabal strikes again)
That's pretty damn sad.
*** Next, time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our "children" enjoyed a good day, as did we humans.
"I iz chilled out now."
Twice a week, they get wet food for breakfast and dinner (as do the outdoor cats), and that seems to go over well with everyone.
"I iz watching the inside of my eyelids."
The other days, they get wet food for lunch and dinner.
Whatever the case, it's something they do look forward to, and the food always comes to them. What's there to gripe about?
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Yesterday, we had a bit of a "change-up". Midnight was here for lunch, but Whiskers was not. Every once in a while, she misses, but not as often as he does.
Maybe they tag off on the whole patrol gig...who can tell.
I do know that whenever they get wet food, the dishes are CLEANED out. I started this last winter as a way to get them a warm meal (heating the dish under hot water). And soon, we'll be doing that once again. We do take care of the "homeless". All they both have to do (now) is use the shelters.
*** Last back to the living room...as I grow older, I have become more aware of not taking everything at "face value".
In fact, I tend to examine much more than I did when I was a lot younger, and that's worked out well.
When you "just go along" with everything and everyone, you not only miss a lot of things you later wished you took time to notice, but you become part of a growing problem in this country. You become another one of "the sheep".
Now, it's okay to be a follower once in a while and for the RIGHT reason.
But, too many just "go along to get along", and that takes away our individuality. Just look at many of these ad hoc mobs we see congregating all over ht place. It's something to do, I guess for those with NO idea how to think for themselves. Just follow the fad of the week.
That's a dangerous road to walk down, however.
I prefer to think for myself, and live life with the importance that should be attached to it.
It may not work every day and at the level I prefer, but it sure beats looking for that cliff face to jump off of when I'm busy following all the other lemmings...wouldn't you agree?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Here I am, fresh from one day in the future with Bobby "Boris" Pickett, Barnabas Collins, and Alec Douglas-Howe. We had tea... we'll maybe they did. I had Pepsi Zero. Barnabas had tomato juice, I think.

Jim Croce, a member of the M10 club.

A workmate hit her last day today, and we had these things the baker called "cake balls". Devastatingly good, I had far more than I should have... UGGH! Right in the middle of that great memory, Scrappy just air-raided me. Damn dog!

Those tards at Wal-Mart if they want increased production, I have a few suggestions: 1- stop platying "who's the biggest a-hole" to pick new managers; 2- try thinikng about hiring schedulers that have half a brain and/or basic mathematical skills; 3- communicate PROPERLY with ALL employees; 4- set one hard and fast rule across ALL stores at ALL times, and make your floor managment FOLLOW it; 5- make sure each store has the tools it needs to accomplish the rest of this list; and 6- make it EASIER to communicate with management. Did you know a cashier can't even come in and ask mgmt a question UNLESS they are clocked in to a shift? Trust me, they manage to do NONE of these common sense things. Come to think of it, Dowco is coming close to checking all these boxes, too...

Bob G. said...

---Okay, with A.D> Howe in that group, I KNOW you got something planned...heh.
Pepsi ZERO? You got it for FREE? Cool!
---Croce - definitely in the M10 club.
---Anything with CAKE in the name has to be good (except cauliflower or broccoli "cake")...
---Yes, excellent points, and ones that take me back to my Circuit City days (in my division at least)...same old crap that never seems to change.
And then the company wonder WHAT WENT WRONG when they start to "go under" (and that's NOT opening a store in Sydney)!
You'd think they'd TRY to get ahead of the curve by seeing what happens with OTHER firms that close down...guess not.
(I'm sure the stockholders must love that)

Hey, thanks for dropping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and air-raid free) up there, brother.