23 November 2018

(Black) Friday Follies...
Welcome to the end of the week, and the official beginning of the Christmas season shopping spree.
Yes friends, it's Black (eye) Friday, and that means elbows will be flying at all the stores opening well before the sun comes up.
(can we stand the strain?)
Not a fan of this mayhem, so I'm backing (way) off on this.
Our Hoosierland weather for this crazy shopping day brings us partly cloudy skies, temps rising to around the mid to upper 40s, and some precipitation moving in later tonight.
In the meantime, let's partake in a nice hot cup of  Friday Fortitude (coffee, tea, or cocoa), as we see what has been (and what will be) going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the cereal bowl is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Cashew Day
(cashew? Gesundheit!)
---It's National Eat a Cranberry Day
(would oif I had one, so it's gonna be juice)
---It's National Espresso Day
(it's rocket fuel for the "morning impaired")
---It's National Native American Heritage Day
(and a grand heritage it truly is)
---It's Black Friday
(I'm happily taking a pass here)
---It's Buy Nothing Day
(now THIS I can work with)
---It's Maize Day
(colorful corn, isn't it?)
---It's National Day of Listening
(listen to the gunshots on the SE side)
---It's National Flossing Day
(better late than never, I suppose)
---It's You'e Welcomegiving Day

(who on earth thought this up?)
---And today marks the 55th anniversary of the first airing of the BBC television show, DOCTOR WHO.
*** Next, and since week's end has arrived, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is National Sardine Day
(only like 'em in hot sauce)
---It's Small Business Saturday
(be a customer to those guys...you'll enjoy the experience)
---Sunday is Blase Day
(sets the tone for me quite well)
---It's National Parfait Day
(a pretty good dessert)
---It's Shopping Reminder Day
(like we REALLY need this by now?
And there we go then...plenty of things to keep you from spending time in jail or otherwise acting like our "locals".
Just remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next up, you know...when the president is right...he's VERY right.
I've seen evidence of that here in Fort Wayne, and president Trump is correct - the 9th circuit court of appeals is a TRAINWRECK!. Been that way for YEARS.
I'd fire the lot of them, and appoint some judges that know WHAT our founding documents mean.
*** Next, another asshole kills a driver in TN. Here's the story:
And you wonder why I worry whenever Wifey drives down to Vincennes a few times a year.
This kind of stunt is NO laughing matter, and when the police catch this perp, they need to charge him with MURDER...plain and simple.
*** Next up, a sad story from Milwaukee that took place earlier this week:
Goes to show that thugs in ANY city have little to NO regard for the innocent.
These murderers need to be brought to JUSTICE...PRONTO!
Depriving a family of a child with such promise is nothing to be proud of, you idiots. She is not simply "collateral damage" in your openly errant crossfire.
*** Next, and of course, we couldn't have OUR city be outdone along the last story's lines, so here you go:
The really odd thing, was that I was thinking about that Milwaukee teen when I heard sirens rolling south of us before 2240 hrs last night. This is less than a half mile from the "Fortress".
Had a feeling that something would be going down , knowing these aborigines.
Total tally: THREE dead, and TWO in hospital (critical).
This will result in homicides number 41, 42, and 43.
The record to beat is 48 (in case you were wondering).
And we still have a good month to go.
Kameron Joyner          Gerald Pinkston
Arrested was Kameron Joyner, 22. A "person of interest", one Gerald Pinkston, 22, is being sought. Someone will be charged with murder...that's a guarantee.
*** Next up, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
I just HAD to have a supervisor.
The kids had a really good day with dinner and all,
And Wifey occupied their time with one of those "fishing" toys.
Wha? Who, me?
Mr. Destructo (aka Gallifrey) grabbed the stuffed toy at the end of the pole and promptly chewed it free of the elastic cord.
Whaja say? Too busy eating turkey.
Violet just doesn't get into destruction the way he does...she's such a lady.
*** Next, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
This tastes GREAT!
Our furry twosome also had a very good day, sticking right next to the house until the sun went down.
And yes, they did enjoy turkey (well SHE did - more on that below), but it wasn't a total loss.
We always have a "Plan B".
The only fussy eater we have.
So, everyone made out fine...that's the way we like it.
*** Last back to the garage...we had a pretty good Thanksgiving.
Dinner went very well, and Wifey helped set the DINING room table (one of several times a year when we find the need to do this).
As you can see, it's a small layout, and humble, but quite tasty.
Naturally, all our "children" got some turkey (to go with their canned turkey cat food). And with only ONE exception, they loved it.
Midnight turned his nose up...what a culinary critic! Still, he got his fill.
But the day was not without a "bump in the road".
(no, we were not shot at)
We loaded the dishwasher and fired it up. I thought it sounded quieter than I remember (we last used it 2 years ago), and after it shut off, I checked inside. Apparently, there was NO WATER used in the cycle. But, it was hot inside. Now, that ain't right.
It's got to be one of several switch issues, because the water feed to it has not been messed with. The pump could also has crapped out.
Whatever the case, the old dishwasher gave up the ghost, so that means we have a very nice (and large) paperweight taking up space in the kitchen.
As to whether to try and get it repaired or just swap it out for a new one will be the real question.
And as far as to cleaning the dishes, we STILL have the best dishwasher around, and it happens to be located at the ends of my arthritic wrists...LOL.
To paraphrase a quote from the first Iron Man movie: "That's the way MOM did it, that's the way I've done it...and it's worked out pretty well so far". I rest my case.
All things considered, it could ALWAYS be worse, and I'm thankful that it wasn't.
Hopefully, all of you have found much to be thankful for in your own lives.
And you can't put a price on that, right?
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Well, my excuse this week was you didn't have it up yet when I looked early on, and I got involved in several million distractions after. Maybe you should just do a saturday morning e-mail reminder thing that can be downloaded, lol...

Can't say any of the National days applied to me...

Well, sardines, but I haven't had any in a while...

I don't know what to think of Roberts here. Either he's incredibly naiive, or blatently dishonest with himself and the POTUS.

Milwaukee: The upper Midwest is becoming a hellhole- what isn't infected with Chicago is infected with Somalia. In in the name of PC, officials continue to blow off both. According to a FB friend, the MN GOP is actively trying to get the party to move left to attract Dems. Flawed logic at its pinnacle.

Hasn't Pinkston been in your "hall of shame" before?

Yeah, of all appliances the easiest to say so what to is the dishwasher. To me, it's basically an enclosed rack for letting washed dishes dry, anyway.

Bob G. said...

---Okay, you can blame it on me, but use that as a REASON...NO excuses...LOL!
---A Sat. email reminder? Has it come to that?
What are you gonna do when you get to ME age?
(don't even want to know).
---Roberts has got me confused as well. Just when you believe he's got it together, he flips around like a frog on a hotplate. really weird.
---I agree. This is certainly NOT the Midwest that I came to 20 years ago...getting more like the east coast every year.
(not good)
---As to your FR pal - logic?
Maybe ANTI-LOGIC, but not REAL logic at work there.
Bad move if ANY of the GOP tries that stunt.
---I DID check back on that...it was ANOTHER Pinkston (Breondon D. Pinkston, 4700 block of Bowser - back on 22 May 2012). Gotta be a relative. Must run in the family.
---I"m not busting a nut replacing OR repairing it right now...still got two fairly good hands that do the same with LESS water. (and electricity).

Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe up there, brother.