22 November 2018

Thoughts For Thanksgiving Thursday...
Welcome to the one day where you can be a glutton and get away with it (for the most part).
And, from what I heard, it seems to be one of the COLDEST Thanksgivings on record (for those on the east coast).
We're not that much better in the heartland, so yes, if you're planning anything today aside from that wonderful meal, then be sure to dress accordingly and always take care to drive defensively.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, temps trying to only the mid-30s and no precipitation.
Now, let's start this day with a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we see what else has been happenings...
*** First off of the stove is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude."
This was spoken by one Gilbert K. Chesterton (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) who was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic.
And here is his WIKI:
Chesterton is often referred to as the "prince of paradox".
((Chesterton routinely referred to himself as an "orthodox" Christian, and came to identify this position more and more with Catholicism, eventually converting to Catholicism from High Church Anglicanism. George Bernard Shaw, his "friendly enemy", said of him, "He was a man of colossal genius.))
It's a really decent read, and of a person I don't remember reading about in school.
((Chesterton, as a political thinker, cast aspersions on both progressivism and conservatism, saying, "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected."))
That sounds like something Twain might say.
*** Next up, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Thanksgiving
(that was a smack at the obvious, wasn't it?)
---It's National Cranberry Relish Day
(probably not as good on hot dogs)
---It's the National Day of Mourning
( a protest started in 1970 thing - unthanksgiving day on the LEFT coast)
---It's Turkey-Free Thanksgiving
(not happening in OUR home)
---And it's the 55th anniversary of the assassination of President John F, Kennedy.
Here's a refresher course in an event that changed much of America:
I remember it like it was last week. I was in the 6th grade at the time.
*** Next it time once again for "What on God's green earth has Bob bought on ebay NOW?"
---Okay, I finally got a copy of the book Momma Fargo reviewed a couple months back - Super Hero Ethics.
(got that for under $6)
---And, I nailed a DVD of Ant Man and the Wasp (sealed) for under $9.
(cheaper than retail or even going to the theater with a box of Junior Mints and a large buttered popcorn)
---Lastly, I got a Captain America long sleeve shirt (graphic printed from Avengers Infinity War) for a little over $7..
I just wish I had the body to go under it...LOL.
*** Next up, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
We DO like watching daddy.
The kids had a great day which means they stayed out of trouble, were not under my feet trying to trip me, and didn't make any credit card purchases over the phone.
Yes, we certainly DO.
Doesn't get much better than that, does it?
Amazing what the power of napping can do.
*** Next, time for our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
These people take real good care of us...
Our furry twosome were once again right alongside the house all day from sunrise to sunset.
That never gets old in my book.
Yes, they do. Very good care.
And today...everyone gets turkey.
Excuse me...did someone say TURKEY???
We do our own version of the Rescue Missions and "feed the homeless".
Actually, our community cats are not REALLY homeless, as long as they're near the "Fortress".
*** Last back to the dinner table, a few thoughts on Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that changes over time.
Perhaps not in the way you think - we still have the dinner and the family getting together, but as the years pass, the faces at the table change...or even are no longer in attendance.
My family was small. It was just Mom, Dad and myself (and whatever pets we had).
Later, (after Dad passed) we had my first wife and her family coming over. One year, we invited our pastor over (his wife was out of town).
And so it was for a while. Nana lived with us for a while, so she was there, also.
More time passed, and the faces (and places) changed again. Some faces passed away.
A new city, new faces...new everything. Wifey (#2) and I decided to invite her aunt and uncle (from Portland, IN) up for Thanksgiving. And so, we began a new "tradition"  with people around the table (and our two cats).
More years passed, and our aunt and uncle passed away, as did our cats.
The number of empty chairs around the table grew.
These days, it's just Wifey and myself (and our two almost new cats). Plus, we have two other cats outside.
I said all that to say this...there is a LOT to be thankful for every day of every year, and not for just one day.
I'm thankful for the times we shared with loved ones in the past, and thankful for a wonderful wife, food on our table, a roof over our heads, and enough funds to pay the bills and still give to those in need. I'm also thankful for good friends past and present (you know who you are).
I'm thankful for a loving, caring, and (most of all) forgiving God, with whom ALL things are possible.
And that's just the tip of a very large iceberg of people, places and things to be thankful for.
So, when you're all gathered around the table, whether your numbers are large OR small...remember that you're never alone, and that an atmosphere of GRATITUDE should set the tone of today...and every day forward.
From our home to yours...may you all have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Hah! Thought I forgot you again, didn't you? But not so, just late to the party!

Almost didn't know who this was, until I shortened the name to initials. His concept of politics is certainly straight on. It might be interesting to know what changed him from Anglican to Catholic.

"Prolly not as good on hot dogs": uhh, yeah...

Turkey free? Damn at least I had som smoked turkey samwiches today...

I remember assasination day too- deswpite being a year and a half old...

"...wish I had the body..." yeah, virtual immortality punctuated by episodes of sudden aging? Thanks, no. Plus, it would require you to go out and fight crime, "With great power..."

Bob G. said...

--- I would ALWAYS hold up the party just for you.
(and Laurie & Scrappy)
---Yes, he's often known by G.K. Chesterton. And we probably will never know what made him change to Catholicism. I would have thought he'd go the opposite way.
As to his "antisemitism", that hardly seems fair given his abhorrence to Hitler's rule. That would smack as being contrary to G.K.'s beliefs, plus he was anti-eugenics (unlike Shaw).
Certainly a complicated person, but worth reading up on.
---If they said FREE TURKEY day instead of "turkey-free" , that could have worked. Sandwiches are fine.
---Gees, you WERE a young'un back in '63! LOL.
---Sudden aging?...GAH! No thanks. Ditto for immortality. Lost enough people in my life as it is.
As to "fighting crime"? I do what I can...heh.
Perhaps ANY power comes with responsibility...no matter how "less than great" it is, right?
(BTW, I thought you'd get a kick out of the Doctor Who opening meme (made it up early this morning) as well as the familiar "Rockwell-TARDIS" picture.

Thanks much for taking time to drop on by to comment.

Stay safe and sound up there, brother