20 November 2018

Tuesday Tidbits...
Looks like we got us a wee bit of wintry precipitation overnight.
Ah yes, sure puts a festive touch to things, hmm? Screw the frost, we got snow on those pumpkins.
Guess it's going to take a while longer for things to dry completely out.
There may be some slick spots on the roads early on (we do still have leaves around), so drive appropriately and take care.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies (for half the day) and temps rising to around 37 degrees. Look, it's the SUN!
Now, what say we all get a nice warming drink poured and parked close by, as we see what else has been going on?
*** First off of the coffee table is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Absurdity Day
(well that explains damn near ALL of today's headlines)
---It's National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
(never met a piece of fudge I DIDN'T like)
*** Next up, and since it's a Tuesday, let's look at all the FWPD calls that went out last week that none of us heard anything about...and should have: 
"Shots fired. Five rounds, rapid."
NOV 12 - NOV 18
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
18F136255 11/16/2018 06:05pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 500 BEECHWOOD DR
18F136483 11/17/2018 07:58am 113 SHOTS FIRED 400 FAIRMOUNT PL
18F136695 11/17/2018 07:41pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3300 LOST VALLEY RD
18F136790 11/18/2018 01:07am 113 SHOTS FIRED 3000 MAUMEE AV
18F136836 11/18/2018 04:38am 113 SHOTS FIRED BROADWAY & TAYLOR ST
18F137066 11/18/2018 10:20pm 113 SHOTS FIRED SMITH ST & ROOSEVELT DR
18F137070 11/18/2018 10:27pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 6900 S CALHOUN ST
18F134538 11/12/2018 02:44am 113 SHOTS FIRED 100 W PAULDING RD
18F134545 11/12/2018 03:23am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2400 WASHINGTON CT
18F134838 11/12/2018 09:59pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 8400 LAKESIDE DR
18F134896 11/13/2018 02:19am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1300 GREENE ST
18F134898 11/13/2018 02:27am 113 SHOTS FIRED 6500 ST JOE RD
18F134902 11/13/2018 03:28am 113 SHOTS FIRED W MAIN ST & W JEFFERSON BLVD
18F135131 11/13/2018 03:50pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 6500 BLUFFTN RD
18F135162 11/13/2018 05:11pm 113 SHOTS FIRED MCKINNIE AV & ROBINWOOD DR
18F135291 11/14/2018 12:23am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 W WASHINGTON CENTER RD 
18F135493 11/14/2018 03:32pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4500 PLAZA DR
18F135569 11/14/2018 06:56pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2900 MCKINLEY AV
18F135940 11/15/2018 08:20pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2400 CAPITOL AV
18F136025 11/16/2018 02:41am 113 SHOTS FIRED 300 W DEWALD ST
18F135725 11/15/2018 07:21am 23,113 200 W PAULDING RD
18F134667 11/12/2018 01:39pm 53 ARMED ROB 10300 DAWSONS CREEK BLVD
18F134831 11/12/2018 09:12pm 53 ARMED ROB 2400 S CALHOUN ST
18F134999 11/13/2018 10:17am 53 ARMED ROB 2500 STARDALE DR
18F135114 11/13/2018 03:12pm 53 ARMED ROB S CALHOUN ST & E LEITH ST
18F136019 11/16/2018 02:03am 53 ARMED ROB 400 E WAYNE ST
18F136063 11/16/2018 08:57am 53 ARMED ROB E COLISEUM BLVD & COLDWATER RD
18F136830 11/18/2018 03:57am 53 ARMED ROB 4800 S CALHOUN ST
18F135745 11/15/2018 09:05am 56 MOLESTING 4600 FAIRLAWN PASS
18F137045 11/18/2018 09:16pm 56 MOLESTING 00 E MAIN ST
18F134766 11/12/2018 05:53pm 58 SHOOTING 1100 W STATE BLVD
18F134959 11/13/2018 08:45am 58 SHOOTING 2300 MORRIS ST
18F136941 11/18/2018 04:13pm 61 RAPE 400 DUNNWOOD DR
Plus 18 narcotics calls 
Fireworks calls: NOV 12 - NOV 18
18F135205 11/13/2018 06:31pm 44FW 4000 OLIVER ST
Ahh, there's our ONE asshole of the week.
*** Next up, from the OKAY, MAKE UP YOUR MIND DEPARTMENT we have his:
Gas prices are the highest since 2014?
I thought they were coming DOWN? I know OPEC is thinking of curbing their production (again).
Talk about one crazy-ass roller coaster "amusement ride"...sorry, NOT that amused.
Hike the ciggie tax? AGAIN? What will the state do when NO ONE smokes any longer and all the REVENUE from the sales of such products GOES AWAY?
WHAT will they decide to HIKE after that, hmm?
There is also some thoughts about making the Attorney General position for the state an APPOINTED position, rather than an ELECTED one.
Is THAT how democracy works? Take the power of choice AWAY from the people?
I think not.
Oh, and while the state chamber is contemplating new legislation...will this be a HATE crimes bill or a BIAS crimes bill...there CAN be a world of difference there.
Tread lightly on this, lawgivers.
*** Next up, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our "kids" seemed to enjoy their (2nd) anniversary, and spent a large part of the day doing what cats do best...NAP!
All "anniversaried" out, it seems.
We did have some play time with the laser, and there was a little bird-watching, not that any really came by, but it must have been fun for them anyway. there was loads of hugging and neck rubs (for them...not me)...lol.
*** Next, let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"
Can't get any closer than this.
Our furry duo had themselves a good time yesterday, with BOTH of them staying right by the house. She spent some time in one shelter, but "Mr. I'm a real manly cat" chose the leaf nest right alongside the patio.
And he is just a foot away from her.
As long as he's comfortable (and content), who am I to argue?
Suffice it to say they made all the meals, treats and some "back step" treats as well.
*** Last back to the family room...my ;prayers go out to the Chi-Town officer killed in the Mercy Hospital parking lot shootout.
Thankfully, the perp is also dead, but that doesn't change the fact that some family will have an undeserved empty chair at their table for Thanks giving (as they plan  the funeral).
Let's face it...we are certainly a MORE VIOLENT people than we used to be.
There was a time when we met violence with violence for a reason...like a World War, and we prevailed.
But these days, people are just too damn bellicose for no particular reason.
All this micro-aggression crap isn't helping one damn bit, either.
Is there something in the water or air? I can't say, but there IS something that's causing this aberrant behavior in so many.
And it sure isn't guns.They're merely the tool (of choice) when it comes to settling anything, because it's simple, effective, and easier than having to beat the crap out of someone face-to-face.That explains the HOW< but doesn't answer the WHY, does it?
Crime is supposed to be going down, but all these singular occurrences of mass shooting dictate that there is another aspect we seem to be missing.
I don't know if we suddenly have a spate of mentally ill roaming about, but there is evidence that we have many among us who seriously need SOME sort of help along those lines.
At this time of year, we SHOULD be concerning ourselves with how many ways we have to be THANKFUL...not seeing how many ways we can kill others. Obviously, there are some who never get THAT memo.
If there is anything to be done here, it's to ensure that the mental health of those borderline individuals is properly taken care of, and not just over medicated.
And above all, better choices need to become a part of everyone's life...period.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Okay, but I had a good excuse- Laurie was sick, and NCIS.

I have been anticipating the tax extinction of smoking for a very long time. Not a radical by any menas, grew up around it, but taxing it to oblivion might not be a bad thing- IF the Gov't is willing to fight the black market harder than they did during prohibition.

AGs on a state level should be different from AGs at the national level. I don't think that the nat'l AG has as great a need of independence from the executive as the State AG HAS to have. IOW, I'm with you on that.

Violence: How much is the Law of Large Numbers? How many human lemmings CAN you pack into a planet w/o a major war or plague before they go nuts?

Bob G. said...

---Well, Laurie feeling under the weather IS a good reason.
As for NCIS? Okay, since we are talking about GIBBS...
(let it slide)
---As a smoker (I know...bad in the eyes of God), I just think it's wrong. It's the same deal with alcohol.
They keep TAXING THAT, too.
Try and find a 6 pack of GOOD beer t6hat DOESN'T cost $8+ these days - highway robbery. I'm NOT a chain smoker by any means. Less than a pack a day, and I don't even inhale hardly. I smoke them more like cigars.
The lawmakers should pursue better options, but won't because it requires serious THINKING.
(just my opinion there).
---Right...at the STATE level, the power of the people to ELECT various officials should remain in the HANDS of the people. National level IS a different animal.
---I know...it scares me to even think how close we might be to an honest TIPPING POINT.
(all bets are off after that).

Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe up there, brother.