21 November 2018

Humpday Happenings - Pre Thanksgiving Edition...
Welcome to the middle of the week, or as I prefer to call it - that midweek crisis we call WEDNESDAY.
And, it's the day before Thanksgiving, so you  had best start getting that turkey thawed for tomorrow (note to self there).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, temps climbing to around the 40 degree mark, and no precipitation to speak of (that's coming later in the week).
So, what say we get ourselves a nice warm and comforting cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we see what else has been going on...hmm?
*** First off of the counter-top is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude."
How often people do the former, when they should be doing the latter.
I believe that at this time of year, you can't be thankful without a level of gratitude. In fact, they do go hand-in-hand.
Now, if only everyone could do this the REST of the year, right?
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile back at Campden Hill in Kensington, London...
*** Next, let's take a gander at the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Jukebox Day
(sure miss seeing them around, as well as the mini ones they used to have at restaurant tables...remember those?)
---It's National Red Mitten Day
(looks like a Canadian thing to me. I prefer gloves to mittens, anyway)
---It's National Stuffing Day
(I think they're a day early on this one)
---It's National Tie One On Day
(yes, they're talking APRONS here, guys...put down the bottle)
*** Next up, If you listen to classical music (as I do daily - it soothes the savage breast) then you probably know the people playing Beethoven, Bach and Brahms (among many other greats) in our city on WBNI (94.1 FM).
And, ever since I moved here, there's been one person who has had a matinee program every day from noon to 4 PM.
That person is Stan Whippo, and he's been a familiar voice around our "Fortress" all that time.
Well, Stan has chosen to hang up the headphones after 20+ years on air, and with good reason...he's in his early NINETIES!
That's right. He's in the "Bob Chase" area of longevity, and I only found out abut his age a couple years ago.
The person who has taken over for him (Joe Getz) is a good fit for that time slot.
Now, there is going to be a reception for Stan on December 3rd (which also happens to be his birthday), and I was offered the opportunity to attend.
But, it's way up Northwest and takes place from 4- 6 PM that day, so I'm going to have to regrettably take a pass.
I will miss hearing Stan intro all the classical pieces, but I'm sure his program is in fine hands.
Truly, he was one of Fort Wayne radio's top personalities in my book.
*** Next, Bob Rinearson has a good column that sets the tone for the upcoming holiday.
I could not agree more. Makes perfect sense.
Why ruin an otherwise nice family get together?
Leave such stuff at the front (or back) door.
Better yet,, don't even carry it around with you. It will just be another distraction (plus, it takes up space in the trunk...heh).
And, haven't we enough of this crap already?
*** Next up, from the "BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW THAT, DIDJA? DEPARTMENT, we have this story:
I mean who doesn't want to know why a cat will lick your face raw (it's probably not your after shave), right?
I wonder if I can get a grant or stipend to research such feline attributes?
I think about $400K...no, make it an even HALF MIL...that should do the trick...heh.
*** Next, and speaking of cats, it's time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
I feel a presence...must be daddy and a camera.
Our kids were busy yesterday, and that means napping the day away...LOL.
I don't think there is any time during the day (or night) when I don't have one (or both) of them near me.
Geez, he sleeps more than I do.
Now, it could be affection, but I feel it might be because I'm the guy who feeds them 3 times a day, changes their water and cleans up their litter pans.
*** Next up, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Ohmygoodness...the SUN is out.
The furry twosome were once again close by the house, and that's always a good sign.
I KNOW...nice and warm, huh?
If Midnight went on patrol, he didn't leave for long. In fact, I don't think he left the patio all day. I went out a couple times and there they both were.
I know Whiskers stayed close, as she creeps out of the shelter.
We can haz HAMBURGER? Cool!
I had some leftover hamburger (from six I had made the day before) and I mashed that up and put it in with their food. That went over very well. Just wait until tomorrow...they (like Wifey and myself) get TURKEY.
*** Last back to the clubhouse...I've never met a thankful person who was miserable.
And, I never met a happy person who wasn't thankful.
That's just the way things shake out, so there has to be a correlation with the two, don'cha think?
This time of year comes as a reminder to BE thankful...and for one very important reason:
There's a ton of things to be thankful FOR, isn't there?
When you come to think of it, ALL of us are blessed in some way...yes, even the downtrodden among us.
I say that because the charity that is displayed in this country far surpasses that found anywhere else on the planet, so even those less fortunate are granted some level of solace.
Sure, maybe we can't take care of every single person, but by God, there are those who certainly TRY,,,and in many cases, succeed.
From rescue missions to food banks and beyond, there is so much to be thankful for.
And, if we don't count ourselves among the less fortunate, then we have even MORE reasons to be grateful.
That should be worth a mention at the Thanksgiving dinner table prayer. It sure beats politics...
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

We don't have to start the thaw process till tomorrow, but I have cleared a shelf in the fridge for it. Now it'e Thanksgiving holiday plus one week vacation and the M10 Radio and Golden Monkey...

Great quote. Something I have been hammering into myself the last few months. This "Wear it upon your forehead" stuff isn't easy...

Well, I kinda got the jukebox thing going...

Tie one on: Too late, Robert, the monkey's been poured.

While I have listened occasionally to classical, not enough to know the personalities. Congrats for a great job, Stan!

I've seen many such articles as Bob's recently. Definitely my plan.

Research grant: Take it up with your local congressman- he'll get you free money tacked on to some new pork barrel before you can say, "Hey, I thought Donnely got beat?"

You have a great Thanksgiving. I'll likely be grumbling and starving myself until Saturday. BTW, Scrappy's Thanksgiving post turned out great... he did me proud.

Bob G. said...

---Well, at least I don't have to be testy for someone missing FRIDAY...LOL
(you missed TUESDAY this time...and our indoor cats' 2nd anniversary...HA!)
---That's cool you got a WEEK on top of Thanksgiving. Well deserved, too.
---I thought there was something in that quote for "everyone". I know what you mean...it isn't easy, but then again, that's why we call them challenges, right?
---Yeah, same here (kinda). Not the same as when we used to choose FIVE songs (or an album side) for a quarter, though. Always thought that was money well spent.
---I told "D" that we're going to have to hit Belmont Beverage soon for some (much needed) replenishment. ALL out of Kahlua and very low on amaretto. Might have a gin & tonic tomorrow, or maybe "something" on the rocks.
---If you ever watched the OLD Looney Tunes (or Popeye) then you also grew up on classical music. And talk about "covers"...WOW!
Been wanting to acknowledge Stan for a while, too.
---Bob Rinearson sure beats the hell out of Bill Maher ANY day (and personally, he SHOULD...lol)
---Here's a good idea for a grant - WHY COMIC BOOKS MATTER, AND WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THEM.
---I will be looking forward to Scrappy's Thanksgiving post with anticipation.

You folks have a very blessed day (even if the turkey comes later...Marie Callender is always there for ya in the interim).

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and don't starve yourself) up there, brother.