19 December 2018

Humpday Happenings...
It would appear that we've a bit of a weather rut lately, but that is slated to change.
I mean, what we're seeing and feeling here in the Midwest sure beats shoveling a foot of snow, chopping ice off of everything, and wondering how best to take our lives in our hands when venturing out and about.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us sunny skies to start off, with increasing clouds later on,. Temps will rise to a "balmy" 48 degrees and no precipitation for the time being (but rest assured...it's coming).
Now, let's get a comforting drink poured, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the bedroom is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"As we give presents at Christmas, we need to recognize that sharing our time and ourselves is such an important part of giving." 
You see? Giving  is not always about "stuff" or money...and never has to be. I think this embraces much of what the season means.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the University of Utah...
*** Next up, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National hard Candy Day
(star mints of root beer barrels for me, thank you.
---It's National Oatmeal Muffin Day
(I like oatmeal and I like muffins...should be a keeper)
*** Next, Tis the season to ponder the future of gun control. Here's the story:
((Leave it to a left-leaning private equity investor to assume that Americans’ fundamental rights are merely one more type of commodity that can be bought and sold in a highly-manipulated market.))
When our rights become commodities...I love that comparison, because it should scare the crap out of us all. To me, our rights are non-negotiable and not some sort of bartering tool.
I think we can get an AMEN on that.
*** Next up, Tis the season to rob a bank on the SE side of Fort Wayne.
Here's that story:
This took place at the Southgate Plaze Chase Bank branch Tuesday around 1055 hrs.
A black male tried to rob the place, but got away with NOTHING...(for a change).
He was said to have been armed with a handgun and was last seen running south from the location.
The perp was described as 5-feet-6 to 5-feet-8 inches tall, 180 pounds, and was wearing a black jacket with hood and tan pants. Oh, and he WAS a BLACK male. Let's make this very clear.
*** Next, Tis the season to get "mo freeshit" in da hood.
Here's the story:
This took place at the Brownlee Market on Oxford Street around 1340 hrs this past Monday. Police believed a woman entered prior to the robbery to "case" the place.
The robbery was committed by a (take a wild guess)...BLACK MALE.
Sorry if ALL those government SUBSIDIES aren't ENOUGH for your sorry asses.
*** Next, Tis the season to be VERY cautious of who you invite to your abode.
Here's the story:
Demarcus Hale, a mere 18 years old is now a (holiday) guest of the Allen County lockup after pulling off an armed robbery last Saturday.
While robbing the woman of $300 and her phone he said:
“This is gang (expletive),Give me everything you got.”
Seems he got more than he wanted by getting HIS dumbass arrested.
Gang-related as well...A violent punk-ass teen, too.
And people wonder WHY this part of town sucks as bad as it does?
*** And, changing gears, we lost actress, producer and director Penny Marshall at the age of 75. Here's her WIKI:
We all came to know her as LAVERNE, but she is known for much more, especially when it cmae to directing movie hits like Big, A League of Their Own and Awakenings (to name a few).
It's a very good read and a bit long, but worth your time.
*** Next up, let's slow things down and visit out "Kitten Corner"...
"Guess what? We're on the 'nice' list."
The "children" were well behaved yesterday, and aside from the fact that Gallifrey ran into my leg early on and I wound up stepping on HIS leg...all was forgiven soon enough, but he refrained from doing it again (for now). Violet was content to just follow me around, and climb into the cahir with me in the computer room.
"Guess what? I KNOW."
In fact, that's become a daily thing with her...and it's pretty cute. I just hope she's not taking notes on how to access the internet. That's all we need...our cats using the computers to buy cat toys ONLINE...!
*** Next, time to check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
You can't guard our house from out THERE!
Our furry twosome had another good day, but I did catch Midnight going on patrol out front.
When I called to him, he did the unthinkable - he sat down in the MIDDLE of the damn street!
"I'm keeping an eye on ALL of you"
Well, I had to break out the treats to get him back here and onto our steps.
That boy is going to give me a heart attack some day.
Whiskers did venture outside the gate, but I think she was "bird-watching", and she came back when I went out to visit with her.
"Not gonna catch ME doing that stuff."
They both had all their meals, and two treat-times...the patio and back steps. Midnight likes to meow at the back door to let us know he's there and wants treats. They are good to have around.
*** Last back to the linen closet...it really saddens me to see people take to crime at this time of year.
I know...crime never takes a holiday, but c'mon...it's the Christmas season for God's sake.
Ease up and let normal folks enjoy it, rather than cause them to be angst-ridden for fear of being set upon by the TAKERS of our society.
When people are catered to, and form this entitlement mentality as a result of being "taken care of" (as adults no less), that breeds much of the behavior we see on TV and read about in the papers...CRIMINAL behavior.
Sure, there are the lazy-asses out there, content to live on the backs of the taxpayers, and that takes away from those promoting charitable pursuits. Also, there are those who get a thrill out of taking from others. They certainly are not seeking redemption, are they?
I don't remember a time when I was young that came even close to what we're party to today, and that denotes a sad commentary to our society and how it's "progressed".
There needs to be a paradigm shift in attitudes across our nation and there's no better time to make that happen than at THIS time of year.
Who knows...it might just catch on for the rest of the year. In that, we can always hope, right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Hm... nothing to contribute on either of the National days, nor the well-done quote which is not been a real hallmark of mine...

Crime and Penny M... not much good news here...

Midnight: That's cats trying to prove how "independantly intelligent" they are.

Oops, I'm back, I had to resort to reading less important stuff (ie FB) while this coming week's M10 high debut played...

Society is a selfish thing nowadays. One can hardly enjoy anything for all the shitheads about. Which makes it all the worse when one catches themselves in the act of shitheadery (even if a more minor one) and has to say, "And you're better how?" That's the work on for now...

Bob G. said...

---When it comes to the quote, I think you're doing quite fine (but I am a bit bias...sue me...heh).
---The Southgate robbery is within walking distance...and I didn't see any police crisscrossing OUR neighborhood (we're EAST of it anyway...nothing to see here...except what the FWPD misses, which is a lot.
---I think Midnight believes he needs a rad cape and a big "S" on his chest...!
---Reading LESS-important stuff on FB? Whoa there.
---I agree...society has become DAMN selfish, and those actively practicing the "shitheadery" (Chris's lexicon...a keeper) are the ones leading this charge.
While we're not SUPPOSED to judge, I think I can say it's still perfectly FINE to point out how much WORSE they really are from the normal folks, whose numbers seem to unfortunately diminish each year.

Thanks for swinging on by today to comment.

Stay safe up there, brother.