13 February 2019

Humpday Happenings...
Looks like our crazy-ass Midwest weather continues with high winds, which has caused numerous problems around our city, not the least of which is tens of thousands of residents without power (due to falling branches or trees).
Some schools have closed and there is a travel advisory.
You know the drill here - if you HAVE to drive, do it defensively, and be aware of stuff blowing about.
And, if you don't have to drive...stay home.
Our Hoosierland weather for today sees us with partly cloudy skies, lingering snow showers, but a lessening of those windy conditions with a high of around 35 degrees. Getting real bored with this weird weather.
Now, let's get that nice hot morning drink to begin our day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the wind tunnel is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress but they regard the things government does for others as socialism."
You have to admit that there is little doubt about the truth found in this statement.
And, it sure describes a lot of what's going on here in OUR country.
So, WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Bakersfield, CA...
*** Next up, time our our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Break Up With Your Carrier Day
( I guess some people change them like others change socks?)
---it's National Cheddar Day
(make mine EXTRA sharp)
---It's National Tortellini Day
(this should go well with cheddar)
*** Next, sometimes all I can say is...Seriously???
They call them FRATERNITIES for a damn reason...same is said for SORORITIES.
I suppose not that many "students" out there have taken ANY form of classical LATIN, otherwise they'd know the difference.
Wonder how long before we see protests for men to be admitted to sororities?
We already have girls in the boy scouts, so how long before we add  boys into the GIRL scouts? You know that's coming.
It just gets crazier by the week.
*** Next up, and we  dare to wonder WHY teachers are LEAVING the educational systems?
Wonder no longer, friends.
Amazing how THIS (state) amendment can be voted DOWN, while a state amendment to abolish township boards does NOT.
Guess there are a lot of politicians who just plain refuse to give up their power, regardless where they find it.
*** Next, looks like we have our share of tax season woes:
And considering the CORRECTNESS of answers (information sought by consumers) given out by IRS phone-staffers was less than 40%...it has gotten worse from when I worked for them in the 80s.
Here's some proof from a pastor from back in 2012.
Talk about some NON-ESSENTIAL personnel...right?
*** Next up, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
It's a good life for us here.
Our "children" had another good day of playing...eating...napping...and repeating as necessary.
We had a couple bouts of following me around, which means I have to look down more than usual, to keep from tripping over one of them.
(I'm sure they appreciate that to no end).
...Tell me about it.
I suppose I don't want to know what they do when Wifey and I go to sleep, but I DO know that they don't tear the house up...
They like to save that for when I'm wide awake...lol.
*** Next up, let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Gee, ANOTHER day of this bad weather?
Our furry twosome had a rather brisk day with the rain, the snow, and the winds, but that didn't stop them from getting fed.
Only Midnight got after dinner treats, though. Whiskers chose to hunker down in a shelter and avoid the nasty weather.
But, we got food, water & people who care.for us.
At least their water didn't freeze once all day., but we had lots of puddles to work around, so it was "under the table" feedings for them.
*** Last back to the tundra...it would appear that we are never at a loss for stupid in today;'s world.
There is yet another article TRYING to relatively ignore this record cold weather through (you guessed it)...another story about climate change:
These experts ARE talking several decades down the pike, citing more temperate (city) weather, but ALL of this is based on "models", and not the real science behind the WHY things are changing in our environment.
How the SUN affects climate
Not a single mention of axial tilt, earth wobble, or even increased solar activity...ALL of which have come into play before and are cyclical in nature.
It's all about CARBON emissions to these people...like that alone will be the magic bullet to make the world the Utopian paradise they seek (talk about folly).
Cities ALWAYS are warmer, and that's because of the populations and buildings. A city will always have different weather than say a rural area, and you all know this to be true.
But to these people, climate change means something completely different than it's true definition.
The Earth changes it's climate pursuant to changes in the solar system, and the universe in general.
Can't see ANY means (created by mankind) to halt that in it's tracks...can you?
(didn't think so)
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Someone early this AM split the pole for the traffic light at Wash Ctr and Dartmouth clean in two about 4 feet up. I'm guessing he was trying to get home from bar time a bit fast...

Frankly I don't see what the government has EVER done for MY "social progress..." Unless it considers the bounteous abilities to be more secular "progress"...

First I thought that first one was about your MAIL carrier...



Gee, I LIKE your blog! When do we eat?

At Yale, can you tell them apart? Shucks, they just want equal hazing rights...

Taxes: And THAT is why you should go to a professional. And not the "government" kind of professional.

Bob G. said...

---WOW. That's wild.
(maybe he was a pilot who "thought" he was just flying LOW?)
---Notice that the quote mentions SOME people...obviously folks like US are wonderfully excluded (because we reasoned the truth out).
---I did the same thing first off, but it's PHONE stuff. Big whoop, right?
---Cheddar cheese tortellini...told 'ya it sounds good.
---We're getting to the point where people arbitrarily sue ONLY because they can...no thought about common sense, reason, or practicality needed.
---Truth be told, I did some tax forms for a few friends (on the side).
We were not "supposed" to do that, because of the information we came to know (which is more than the usual person).
The laws change yearly, so the specifics of what I once knew is obsolete, but the general GIST of taxes remain the same...

Thanks for spending some time here t comment today.

Stay safe (and warm) up there, brother.