14 February 2019

Thoughts For Thursday...
Yes, it's Valentine's Day, and I suppose it's only fair that we get a break from all the crappy weather we've had of late.
Today will be a blessing compared to the last week or so.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, tempos rising to a (very) balmy 47 degrees, and no rain until later tonight.
Oh, and the winds will seem non-existent (for a change).
Now, if that isn;t reason to get a comforting drink to start the day, I don;t know what is, so let's see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the thawing patio is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress but they regard the things government does for others as socialism."
This was spoken by Earl Warren (March 19, 1891 – July 9, 1974) was an American jurist and politician who served as the 14th Chief Justice of the United States (1953–1969) and earlier as the 30th Governor of California (1943–1953). Here's the WIKI:
Yes, it's a rather long read, but it's not bad, considering Warren (other than forming the Warren Commission on the JFK assassination) was part of some important cases, not the least of which was Brown v. the Board of Education (and this was during the Eisenhower administration in 1954).
And yes, he was not what one would call a conservative, but he was also not a far left-winger. perhaps the term "moderate" would suffice.
*** Next, it time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
*** It's Valentine's Day
(be nice to carry such sentiments ALL year)
---It's National Organ Donor Day
(We're not talking Wurlitzer here)
---It's National Ferris Wheel Day
(still a bit brisk for my taste)
---It's National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
(gee, I wonder why that coincides with that OTHER "day"?)
*** Next up, yes, I did watch the TWELFTH State of the City Address from our king.
Here's the Cliff's Notes of it:
Still good to be king.
I watched it for a couple reasons, all of which presented themselves.
It was yet another speech devoted to past accomplishments (feathers in the hat), and while they look REAL good, they have ALL cost a LOT of moolah!
Not much about the SE, though (as usual).
This story also has a link to the ENTIRE speech, and YES...our monarch DID (once again) use the phrases "POINT OF DESTINATION" and "QUALITY OF LIFE".
Man, his highness sounds like a broken record.
Anyone else want an injection of some new blood downtown?
*** Next, from Kevin Leininger, comes his column on both sides of the political "racist" fence:
Yeah, I'm not banking the house on this one. The left will do as it pleases and will summarily get ignored by the lame-stream media for IT'S ignorance, while pulling out all the stops if anyone on the right is even alleged to having done anything similar.
Eddie Murphy did make a good white man, though.
Yep, that's Jummy Kimmel.
I also remember THE MAN SHOW w/ Jimmy Kimmel doing a funny impression of Karl Malone.
Don't even hear about THAT being dug back up,
What goes around now is just the way we've become as a society (and in less than 2 decades)... it's very sad to see this happen.
*** Next up...automakers plan to stop making CARS in lieu of "trucks"?
Not when THIS crap occurs:
Downshift by itself? Gotta LOVE technology, right? Whiplash much?
The fix is supposed to deal with software changes. Real nice for what is being called the best selling vehicle in America.
I'm losing count of ALL the recalls that have taken place JUST since the new year...and most all of them involve TRUCKS.
(maybe car makers should go BACK to making CARS...'ya think?)
*** Next up, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
"What is my brother doing down there now?"
The kids were okay for the most part yesterday. They did have a brief bout of "crazy", but it soon went away.
(nothing was disturbed, including me...lol)
"Daddy likes strawberry soda. I like sweet tea."
I guess chasing each other takes care of the wild aspect of their nature, and as long as everyone cones out fine afterwards...not a problem.
*** Next, let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
"The sun's peeking out again...yay!"
Our furry twosome were nearby the house most ALL day, and that was good, because the weather was not the best for being outdoors.
"I wish the sun would STAY out for a while."
It was cold, and we traded off between feeding under the table and near it. The ice and snow on the patio was going away (slowly), so clear areas were getting larger. And they both got after dinner treats.
*** Last back to the garage...Wifey came home yesterday saying she had a (new) light on her dashboard (uh, oh).
Seems it's a turn signal indicator failure light, so I checked and sure enough, the right rear turn signal would not blink (but was still on and working otherwise). The front and mirror lights work fine.
This means we have to change out the bulb...no problem, right?
Well, there's a procedure for removing fasteners holding the rear carpeting over the access area to the light sockets in the trunk (too cold to screw with that), and after that, the bulb is wiggled out of the socket, replaced and you're good to go.
Like I say...no problem, right? Guess again.
The PRICE for one of the dual-function (turn signal and running light) LED bulb is about $20 and up (mostly UP)!
That's JUST what I said!
Cripes, for that price I can get damn near ALL the backup and turn signal bulbs on MY car replaced, and maybe have enough money left over for coffee at McD's...!
Headlight "bulb" replacement is worse...from $50 per bulb and up (again, mostly UP).
The car's barely 4 years old, and I thought those damn LED bulbs lasted for like TEN years (the house bulbs are supposed to).
I have no idea what the exact replacement bulb is, so my suggestion to Wifey is let Yeoman's take care of it. I sure don't want to break something, and not be able to get things back together properly.
(When in doubt, refer to the professionals...always works in my book). At least they have the tools and reference guide to ensure the correct replacement
As I stated earlier in the post..."Gotta love technology"...right?
(now you know why I don't all that much)
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Hmm... first got here, every second picture was blank! Refresh fixed it.

Yeah... enough wind for a while, guys...

Ferris wheel in February... nice.

Cream filled: I made Laurie take the big bag of truffles she got me to her room, to be dispensed one per day. Note to assassins: Easiest way to get me is poison me with truffles. Won't even need large doses.

SOTC: Forgot there was such a thing. Actually I watched about 2/3s of Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Downshifting: Sounds like a brand new level of "planned obsolescence".

Kimmel: Are you sure he didn't just forget to put on his "anti-turd" makeup?

I thought you were going to say "turn signal fluid light".... Maybe it thought she "touched" it. Damn things are so particular.

Bob G. said...

---Google (blogger) has had an issue with "hiccups" of late.
Maybe they need to breathe into a paper bag (tied firmly about their neck...lol)
---I used to fly kites (relaxing), but even I had enough of it until NEXT year!
---Yeah, they ought to move that day up to JULY!
---Truffles can be VERY habit-forming...grant 'ya that.
---GotG is a really GOOD flick, and adds some back story to the Infinity Stones.
I watch it every time it's on (and I have the DVD...go figure).
Liked the ALITA segments, too. Fantastic use of CGI and motion-capture.
---Yes, it certainly DOES< and guess WHO gets to "rad test" all that...THE CONSUMER!
If a computer controls it,. something has to be controlling the computer, right?
---LMAO...you're nasty. Kimmel has been conveniently "forgotten" HIS blackface (and body).
---They're "particular" all right...and too damn EXPENSIVE!
(didn't know we could suffer HIGHWAY ROBBERY while parked IN THE GARAGE!)

Hey, thanks for swinging by and commenting.

Stay safe (and get ready for more cold) up there, brother.