It's the end of the week, the end of the month, AND, we even get a break with all this rain...BUT (uh, oh), it will be short-lived, because we get rain back for tomorrow.
Still, shouldn't be THAT bad a day today.
Looks like we can give that umbrella the day off.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps climbing back up to the 80 degree range and light breezes.
I think that calls for a cup, glass, or mug of Friday Fortitude to get us going, as we see what else has been happening...
*** First off the calendar is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 31 -
Autonomous Vehicle Day
(not interested)
National Save Your Hearing Day
(shoot a boom car driver)
National Speak in Sentences Day
Doesn't everyone?)
National Macaroon Day
National Utah Day
National Smile Day
( I got accomplished)
*** Next, and since it IS the weekend, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours:
JUNE 1 -
National Olive Day
National Heimlich Maneuver Day
(choking on that olive pit?)
National Go Barefoot Day
National Nail Polish Day
National Say Something Nice Day
(Depends on who I'm talking to)
National Penpal Day
National Hazelnut Cake Day
(I can work with cake)
National Black Bear Day
(better than bare blacks day)
National Bubbly Day
National Prairie Day
National Trails Day
JUNE 2 -
National Rotisserie Chicken Day
(that sounds good)
National Rocky Road Day
National Bubba Day
National Leave The Office Early Day
National Cancer Survivor’s Day
*** Next up...Yes, we start a brand new month tomorrow, so here's the skinny on the month-long observances:
(be warned, the list is with it)
JUNE is:
National Give a Bunch of Balloons Month
National DJ Month
African-American Music Appreciation Month
National Zoo and Aquarium Month
(go to the zoo, see my "neighbors".)
LGBTQIA Pride Month
(oh please, enough of this stuff)
Men’s Health Month
National Accordion Awareness Month
National Adopt a Cat Month
(works for us, twice over and then some)
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
National Candy Month
National Camping Month
National Caribbean American Month
National Country Cooking Month
(as long as the country is America)
National Dairy Month
(chocolate milk? Okay)
National Great Outdoors Month
National Homeownership Month
(been there, doing that)
National Iced Tea Month
(extra sweet, please)
National Papaya Month
National Pollinators Month
National PTSD Awareness Month
National Safety Month
(should be every month)
National Soul Food Month
(what do you eat when you have no soul?)
Rose Month
Turkey Lovers Month
(move this to November)
And there you go...PLENTY of things to keep you busy and out of the local jail.
Just remember to ALWAYS observed responsibly, and if need be, have a "designated observer"
*** Next...I guess we're going to need an "Our Daily Stabbing" meme soon?
This took place in the 2500 block of Caroline St (yep...the ghettohood again) around 0045 hrs this morning.
No suspects (as usual), and the victim wasn't willing to provide information to police (typical).
---UPDATE - The FWPD caught the perp who shot the woman in her apartment earlier this week (nice job).
Wish ALL these ghetto-cretins were caught AS quickly.
*** Next up....time to drop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
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"I iz all chased out." |
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" Why are you sideways, daddy?" |
*** Next...let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"I'm making sure the garage stays put." |
When I was mowing the lawn, neither of them stirred (or supervised).
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"Best...nap...ever...!" |
Midnight was just lounging near the garage door.
As for the fluffy cat? It was guarding the front walkway (this was long after I had mowed).
Guess everyone has their own "tasks"...heh.
*** Last back to the aspirin bottle...they say there's a first time for everything.
Well, yesterday, we got our FIRST weed violation sign...only took the city 22 years to make that happen.
Needless to say, I went right out after I saw the sign (sneaky-ass NCC officers) and MOWED the front lawn, which basically ruined me for the rest of the day...I was hurting that much.
Now, I have no idea when McCarty Mowing is slated to come back. I told them every 3 weeks would work, but I have NO control over the elements (the rain), so it's not MY fault the lawn grows faster than usual. Plus, I don't mow in the rain with an electric mower! I practice more common sense than everyone else down here (without trying).
The house across the street also got "tagged", and their lawn isn't that high. Come to think of it, ours wasn't at the "nine inch" WTF is REALLY going on?
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There, it's MOWED, so piss off. |
What's hilarious is the sign itself. There's a mention of removing NOXIOUS VEGETATION...!?!
Seriously? NOXIOUS? I know my vocab, folks.
It's NOT really HARMFUL...or POISONOUS...or even that UNPLEASANT, actually.
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I've seen less foliage in forests! |
In my travels, I see taller grass (and weeds) than we would ever have, and WE get the "sign", along with a couple other houses that are not that overgrown to the point of making it more ghetto-esque than this neighborhood already is.
Maybe the NCC officers are bit OVER-zealous, and that can lead to people like me getting PO'ed more than I usually am when it comes to how our part of town has been ignored for decades.
The city allows businesses to leave the SE in droves, crime is permitted to rise and become more violent, and yet has the time to tag properties with weed violation signs (that may not need it).
Somehow, I'm not seeing the BEST bang for MY bucks here.
I suppose some day, the city will decide to get it's head out of it's alimentary canal.
Just not today, though...
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
See 'ya next month.
Hey, howsabout I read this on Friday for a change?
AVehicles- Ditto. Ursula Martin didn't raise that big a fool...
CompSentences: That's for your neighbors, Robert...
Heimlich: lol!
Barefoot: All last weekend...
Nail Polish day: The Pollock told his buddy, "I think my girlfriend wants to kill me!"
Buddy: What makes you think that?
P: She has a bottle on her dresser labeled, "NAIL POLISH"...
Guess I kinda blew the 'say something nice' thing, there...
Brae Blacks Day: God help us...
'Bubba Day'?
Geez, da queers get a new celebration month every time they add/subtract a letter?
Stabbing: See that not only shows YOUR effect on crime (No more do you launch ODS when the stabbings start), but again prove the point that the gun ain't the bad guy...
Fluffy abandoned the AC? Hmm...
IMHO you just pissed King Tom off enough, he decided to "Nixon" you. Bring it on, Tommy! You'll have to bitch about "the best Mexicans money can buy", like I did this week...
Again, I am exhausted. Just came Tilting at Windmills, that guy is amazing.
As are you.
---You never cease to amaze
---A-V...right you are.
---But they never said EBONICS was included.
---Mail Polish..>ROFL!
That was nice...and funny.
---Not gonna go there w/ Bubba Day.
---Sure is starting to LOOK that way, boss.
---MY effect on crime is actually "against the law" (very OLD Testament, if you get my drift).
The problem is PEOPLE, and not whatever weapon is chosen.
---Fluffy likes to "meander"...heh.
---Believe it or else, there WAS a perfectly good (and logical) explanation for the sign. I'll full you in on the Monday posting. It's good for a laugh.
"Best Mexicans money can buy"...oh, you MET my neighbors 2 door down?
Thank for swinging on by and commenting today.
(always gets me laughing, and that helps me get my calm back.)
Have yourselves a good (and safe) weekend up there, brother.
Chris and I are AMAZING
You sure you have the RIGHT Chris and Bob?
(there are those trying desperately to copy us...HA!)
I thought "AMAZING" only applied to GRACE and SPIDERMAN?
(learn something new every day)
Seriously, that's a very kind sentiment, and I will take that to heart (as will my compatriot farther north in the city).
Thank you for stopping by to comment.
May you have a very nice and restful weekend.
Stay safe and be well out there.
Amazing, IDK about... humble, self-effacing, perhaps ricketty...
I can attest to the RICKETY.
(on a personal level, mind you)
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