While some folks might think it a bit on the cool side out there this morning, I kinda like this weather, even if it IS June.
And there's NO rain around...how about that?
We can hang up the umbrella for a spell and give that a rest.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps only climbing to around 70 degrees (you'll miss this in the heat and humidity of Summer), and light winds...totally wonderful day.
So, let's break out the coffee, tea, of even cocoa and fill that cup, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First up, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 3 -
National Egg Day
As long as there's bacon with 'em)
National Repeat Day
(wouldn't that be a bit redundant?)
National Chocolate Macaroons Day
(I can work with those)
National Leave The Office Early Day
(it says June 2, but it's the closest working day...weird)
*** Next up - Just when you think it MIGHT be a relatively SERENE weekend on the SE side, THIS kinda crap takes place:
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Make that PLURAL |
--The first shooting took place in the 3500 block of Wayne Trace (near the McMillen Golf Course and Marathon Station).
WFFT did have the story up this morning:
Two people were injured - not much more information is known, other than a person showed up at hospital with a gunshot wound. The shooter fled on foot.
--The second shooting took place in the 800 block of Hamilton (near Weisser Park Av.) around 1730 hrs.
One male is dead, so that makes HOMICIDE #12 for the year (and it's NOT even Summer yet...is it?)
Obviously, more black-on-black crime (and that's because most every other ethnicity is in short supply).
It's things like this that give our part of FTW a BAD reputation.
These aborigines just need to stop all this crap. It helps no one, and hurts everyone...period!
*** Next...My quest for what could be "The Last Action Figure" (maybe),
Or "What Bob WON'T be buying on eBay anytime soon"...
So, Hasbro has come out with what I think is probably the BEST Captain America 6 inch figure (to date).
It's from the ENDGAME movie and is officially called "Power and Glory Captain America", but most everyone else is calling it the "Worthy Cap" figure.
It's part of the Marvel Legends line of figures that are always very well done.
It comes with a battered shield AND Mjolnir (Thor's hammer).. Without giving too much away, let's just say Steve Rogers is (now) capable of wielding the hammer.
In Age of Ultron, Steve can't lift the hammer, but if you listen closely, there is a slight sound as if the hammer may have moved ever so slightly...(things to come?).
It also has an unmasked head that looks a lot like Chris Evans (great sculpt).
It's a Walmart "exclusive" figure, so you can't get it anywhere else (I hate when they do that), except online, and that's IF you want to pay up to TRIPLE the retail price of $20.

Two reviews mention the figure was found (already) at stores in TN and MO. Those guys are the lucky buggers.
The FTW Southtown Walmart was a waste of time...they never have any figures of note, so my quest begins - to locate a figure in one of the other Walmarts we have around town.
(and if Laurie sees one at her store, let me know...heh)
It's like an early birthday gift for myself, and one that I really would like to add to my (small) collection.
*** Next, time to bop on over to our "Kitten Corner"...
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"Who is that cat climbing the screen door?" |
We had cuteness, chasing, napping, eating, and even an impromptu appearance from SPIDERCAT...LOL.
That's right, Gallifrey took to climbing up the patio door screen when I was outside. Wifey alerted me to it, but he got down before I could snap a photo.
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"Wanna see me climb up the screen?" |
As for Violet? She just watches the show and curls up on the couch with me later on.
*** Next up, Let's do our daily check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"I wanna help supervise, too." |
We had backstep treats in the mornings and evenings, too.
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"Nice job, now sweep up the dead leaves." |
*** Last back to the collector case...it seems that society is seriously lacking in what we used to call hobbies, and that would explain all the "free time" people have on their primate hands (that often leads to chaos).
It also explains why we have the level of violent crime that we do in our city (and the SE in particular). Idle hands are indeed the devil's playground.
It doesn't take much to be an a-hole, and many down here prove that on a daily basis.
Growing up, I was encouraged to have a hobby, and believe me, there are a buttload of them.
All you have to do is sift through them and FIND one (or more) you like.
Stuff like that kept me out of lots of trouble in life.
But that's too much like work for some people. It requires patience, persistence, and the ability to do something positive - all foreign concepts for the marginally intelligent and chronically-stupid (by choice).
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LOL...how very true. |
But it always took a willingness to devote some time and effort (and $$$) into finding what I was after...still does.
It's like anything you choose to do in life...you do the best you can, right?
But, it also takes the ability to prioritize, and that is something that, if you learn to do it with something as simple as a hobby, you can apply it to most every OTHER aspect in your life,. It will serve you well as you go through life, and it's one of those things that never stops teaching you.
Learning THAT makes learning everything else a bit easier, and makes you a better individual.
That's something this world sorely needs in greater number...better people.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Gee I thought "Repeat Day" was now Groundhog day...
Leave Early... those days are over for THIS season...
Bad rep: But they don't care... that would involve recognizing right to life beyond themselves...
Cap worthy: In the comics, he's lifted the hammer several times. I'll point it out to Laurie, but she's usually pretty oblivious to the inner recesses of her store.
Gallifrey's climb: Surprised they haven't done that before. As kid, I can remember our ferals doing that...
"...the ability to do something positive..." Yeah, Satan's really done a job on that skill.
---All I know is that there are SOME days I wouldn't want to repeat for all the tea in China!
---Remember, it's ALWAYS better to leave work early standing UP as opposed to lying DOWN.
---Yes,it would.
Now WHERE do you suppose they get that mindset from, anyway?
(not from us)
---I just thought I'd try as many avenues as possible for that figure. If she can't find it...no problem.
---Got me a superhero cat (in training).
Luckily that screening is heavy-duty enough to take it.
Now, if only I could get Violet to talk...heh.
(flying is out of the question)
---Thing is with the close...it's like riding a bike. Once you learn, you don't forget.
Some just never take the time TO learn, and that's a lot about where society might be headed.
Thanks for spending some time here to comment.
Stay safe (and prayerful) up there, brother.
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