It would appear that any rain has held off (for the time being).
It's slated to come in later today and carry over into tomorrow, so that should prove interesting as usual.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies (increasing as the day progresses with scattered showers maybe by this afternoon), temps again reaching to around 80, and of course, some humidity just to make things sticky.
Now, let's all get that refreshing drink to start our day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the bakery is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"An imagination is a powerful tool. It can tint memories of the past, shade perceptions of the present, or paint a future so vivid that it can entice... or terrify, all depending upon how we conduct ourselves today."
And, on the plus side, isn't imagination fuel for the engine of ideas?
I would like to think that it is.
So, WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Theta Xi fraternity...
*** Next, we bring you our "What the hell happens today, Bob?' feature:
JUNE 18 -
National FreeBSD Day
(it's a computer tech thing)
National Garfield the Cat Day
It's the 41st birthday for the comic strip feline.
Here's the WIKI on him:
And his creator, Jim Davis:
He didn't do bad for a boy with asthma from Marion, Indiana.
And, he's received a LOT of awards over the decades.
(Think of it as a "summer kwanzaa")
National Martini Day
(vodka...shaken, not stirred)
National Watch Day
(sure miss the old Timex kinetics)
*** Next up...More proof we've got a major SOCIETAL problem in America:
Can't even leave a youngster home these days with such beasts roaming the streets.
Now this 11 year old boy did the right thing, and I applaud his courage in the face of imminent danger.
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Winner Loser |
Plus, this POS was arrested at his parent's apartment (and they need to be brought up on accessory charges of purposely raising a DUMBASS!).
*** Next...This story shows the sign of our times (yet makes me smile):
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Packard Avenue Marine Terminal |
Nice haul by federal authorities...over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in cocaine at the marine terminal. Over SIXTEEN TONS of the drug was seized (Ernie Ford's got a song for that...heh).
That's a RECORD amount of drugs.
Bet someone's gonna catch holy hell over THIS one, starting with the crew of that cargo
*** Next up...The latest Kerry Hubartt column regarding the "post-Christian" era in the City of Churches:

It would sure seem to be true, and that's why our society is going down the crapper.
Somehow, I wouldn't equate belief in our one, true GOD to a "hobby".
Haven't come across ANY hobby yet that promises eternal life.
*** Next...While we're on the topic of secularism a (and how we ignore what's right and just), WTF is with giving driver's licenses to ILLEGALS?
This column is from April this year:

When are we going to STOP all this "rewarding of bad behavior" BS?
Bet if I illegally entered a foreign country, I couldn't get a driver's license, so WHY do it here?
This crap is getting WAY outta control.
((What’s the point of having citizenship at all if non-citizens can obtain the same benefits as citizens through a less-stringent set of standards?))
An EXCELLENT point (of many) made in this article.
*** Next up, time once again to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were a lot better behaved yesterday.
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Not easy to get the shot left-handed. |
Actually, they spent most of the day napping, but came out for meals and naturally, when I had ice cream later in the evening after our dinner.
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"Mmmm, good." |
*** Next...let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"What's he up to now?" |
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"I'm taking it easy. It's warm out here." |
It was getting a bit "warm", especially if you have to carry a full body fur coat everywhere.
*** Last back to the border... We're at a crucial tipping point in this country.
And, to be honest, I don't think we should even BE here in the first place.
It used to mean something to become a CITIZEN in our country.
And we created Ellis Island just for the purpose of ALLOWING immigrants to come here...LEGALLY.
We even had a state of the art (for that time) hospital built so anyone with a communicable disease could be treated before entry to the USA.
Yet, we continue to see TENS of millions illegals coming across our southern border, who are taxing every system of infrastructure we have set in place for those ALREADY HERE (legally) or otherwise born here for generations.
I'm all for a "path to citizenship", but I am vehemently against "breaking in" to our country by whatever means is available. That's a crime.
Everyone has to be held to the SAME standards we have set down and which appear in our founding documents.
To pursue another avenue in the (false) name of social justice will be our eventual downfall.
I want OUR nation back...and so should you.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Darn near forgot to look at blogs again today... bad Chris! Bad!
BSD: Glad you explained, thought it was a pervo thing... jk
Good God... Garfield's 41...
Juneteenth: How 'bout, I think not.
Loser: Glad they found him. Police/Hospital communications really sucked in that town...
I just saw an article on the coke cruiser that it might have yet another 30 tons in it...
Your next two articles just make me mad and as today in the "Scrappy Recovery Index" is Anger, I'll pass on those two...
Ah... ice cream bar. I was having a time figuring out what that was....
I guess I better put that close under the no comment header, too... I'm having a hard enough time being civil to commenters on a buddy's FB page where he asked for 70s one hit wonders (One guy took exception to my friend's listing You Light Up My Life, saying, "...not even Debbie Boone's biggest hit." I just put up a link to her discography on wiki and said, "Try again..."
---You must have a thing for
---I thought it was a food additive.
---Yep. Wish I looked as good when I was that age.
---Juneteenth - Cory Booker wants reparations..sheesh.
---Yeah, he walks from hospital...imagine that.
---ANOTHER 30 tons? Definitely a RECORD-BREAKER!
(yay for OUR side).
---Well, you can add me to the ANGER column as well. Crazy-ass world.
---The cats didn't. As soon as I peel the wrapper...BOOM! - there they are.
---I know what you mean. I'm like Norma as my "tolerance level" is wearing REAL thin with these nut-cases out there.
If anything, we need to remember that WE are the CIVIL ones, and how we act needs to be our example to those who are not.
Not easy, but anything worthwhile rarely IS, right?
Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
Stay strong up there, brother.
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