Yes, friends, we are definitely into Summer, as the heat (and humidity) continues.
And here I was liking that 70 degree stuff just fine. Fireflies are already active at night, so you know it won't be long before those damn cicadas start their noise (like I need any more down here).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, temps climbing to around 88 degrees, and don't forget the humidity coming along for good measure.
Uncomfortable? Why, yes it will seem that way, so take a proper precautions when outside.
Now, let's start the day with a refreshing beverage, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the frying pan is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Courtesy is the one coin you can never have too much of or be stingy with."
That's what I like - short and to the point.
Sounds like this person know humanity better than most. And in a nation built upon capitalism, it rings even truer.
So, WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in the Grays Ferry area of South Philly...
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 26 -
National Coconut Day
(makes pina coladas a LOT tastier)
National Beautician’s Day
(and who beautifies the beautician?)
National Chocolate Pudding Day
National Parchment Day
(well, yes, it can be used for cooking)
*** Next up...Looks like Waynedale is getting a taste of the SE side of FTW:
This took place this past Saturday evening in the 2800 block of Broadripple Drive (that's off of Old Trail Rd. behind the cemetery).
A homeowner reported someone shooting at her house.
((When police arrived, they found multiple shell casings in front of the home and bullet holes outside and inside the residence. The department said some of the bullets ricocheted inside the home. A neighbor told police he heard gunshots and went outside to see a silver Ford Escape quickly driving down the road with three people inside.))
As usual, this is under investigation. I'm glad the occupants weren't harmed, but I'll bet their mental state took a big hit.
*** Next...A final tally on the string of this past Sunday's shootings:
FIVE people were wounded and ONE killed...all in predominantly BLACK areas of FTW. Where's the TEN-POINT COALITION?
Cripes, things are getting WORSE...not better.
*** Next up...But there IS hope on the horizon for the troubled SE side:
(try not to fall over laughing)
We're up to our elbows in CRIME down here, and you give us a stinking TACO BELL?
WTH happened to the one down along S. Anthony Blvd. near the fire station?
(and NO, a Starbucks down here isn't the answer, either)
Yeah, city council IS making an effort to revitalize the SE side...just not MUCH of an effort, because even THEY can't say the real reason that retail left here in droves over the last couple decades.
Gimme a break here.
All we got back was Menards and Walmart. |
Hey Glynn, it was YOUR people who trashed this area quite well. The least you could do is acknowledge the truth.
(and yes, regular folks like us DO have to go everywhere else to get damn near anything...again, thanks to YOUR people).
Some folks just DON'T GET they? And they never will.
*** Next...time to lose the stupid, and stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
![]() |
Violet watches from inside. |
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Gallifrey just watches what's outside. |
All in all, not a bad day for any of us.
*** Next up...let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
![]() |
Taking it nice and easy in the shade. |
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" I iz all pooped out". |
At least they got their main meals and back step treats. For me, it's the best manner to start and end my day (hopefully, the cats feel likewise).
---AND, we had a visit from "collar-cat" on the patio.
It actually came by three times, and ran off when I went out.
*** We also celebrated Wifey's birthday...
Naturally, there was CAKE.
(and a balloon)
We don't do the candles things tends to set off the smoke detectors and alerts the local fire department. They got enough to take care of in this part of town as it is.
*** Last back to the fire...every time I hear about a "revitalization:" of our part of the city, I can't help but wonder what in God's name goes through their minds.

Literally hundreds of businesses up and left. We closed and tore down a MALL for God's sake.
Good neighbors left the area (attrition or disgust), and the human flotsam that replaced them only contributed to the decline of the SE.
Now, we see it spreading to the SW and up the NE side. Doesn't leave much more of the city to trash, does it?
And, anyone who thinks that a nice downtown and riverfront is compensation for the lack of vision on the part of our city leaders to keep the criminal element at bay elsewhere in the city, is deluding themselves.
As I've said here all too often, you get RID of the CRIME (and the people causing it)...first, and then businesses will be falling over themselves to return.
Until then, the city either needs more lipstick...or more pigs (perhaps both).
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
What you allow is what will continue.
A profound thought.
I've actually seen that phrase in action...for the past 20+ years.
A shame the author is unknown. Love to read up on them, whoever they are (or were).
Thanks for stopping by to comment today.
Be well out there.
Cicadas: That's a summer lullabye, brother.
As I scrolled right past the quote without it registering, I am back in time to read and comment... Very nice. Certainly not anyone who was a product of the American education system in the last couple of decades, I'd wager..
Coconut: Big ol' YUKK from this district...
Pudding: Ditto!
10-Pt-C: When black groups start coming out RIGHT AT the times of these incidents, instead of waiting 3-4 months to have a walk or candlelight deal for some victim, maybe someone will notice...
Taco Bell: Crime IS hungry work, and the resultant bathroom trips MAY slow the crime rate down...
Interesting that you bring up NE crime, as I see the FBI bagged the Canterbury Green Pusher du jour yesterday...
---Not when they screech right NEXT to you and frighten the piss outta you...heh.
---More like a "captain of capitalism" in the days before the progressives lambasted it.
I think you'll find it interesting.
---Where's Mary Ann and her coconut cream pies?
---YES!!! Best pudding ever.
---That's EXACTLY what they gotta do.
IMMEDIACY is it's own reward in situations like these.
---LOL...not much of a "silver lining" there, but I'll give it to 'ya.
---Oh, I'll be weighing in on that marvelous multi-raid event on the morrow.
(it's a good start)
Thanks for spending some time here and commenting.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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