Yes, more heat and more humidity. We knew this was coming, but it seems a bit of an abrupt change (to me).
You might want to think about these conditions, by dressing properly (ditch the long underwear for light clothing), keeping hydrated (alcohol isn't the best me), and making sure you don't overexert yourself (heatstroke can be a bitch).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, temps climbing into the low 90s and if you can find a breeze, out there, enjoy it.
Now, let's get that hydration started with a refreshing drink, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the sweat-box is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Courtesy is the one coin you can never have too much of or be stingy with."
This was spoken by someone I came to know well in Philly, even though he passed LONG before I came John Wanamaker (July 11, 1838 – December 12, 1922), who was an American merchant and religious, civic and political figure.
And here is his WIKI:
I can't count the number of times I frequented his store in downtown Philly.
A remarkable establishment that had everything (and on 11 floors at that). There was even a restaurant near the top floor.
Most notable was the beautiful marble "Grand Court" atrium, the renown Wanamaker Organ (great Christmas light show) and the bronze Wanamaker Eagle created by artist AUGUST GAUL (no direct relation that I know of).
This is a very good read and shows how one person can make such a difference for a city.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 27 -
National Onion Day
(don't ever give me raw ones)
National Ice Cream Cake Day
(I wouldn't carry it outside for long today)
National Sunglasses Day
(wonder why they don't have rain glasses?)
National Orange Blossom Day
(how "special")
National PTSD Awareness Day
(I'm aware of it living down here)
National Bomb Pop Day
(yep, they still make these)
National Handshake Day
(not after having a sticky-ass bomb pop)
*** Next...The latest column from Bill O'Reilly...
Reading this is about as close as I want to get to these morons who "think" they can do a better job of running this nation.
What those in these debates will never realize, is that there will NEVER be enough money to pay for all their "pie-in-the-sky" pipe-dream programs aka the open-border, giveaway gravy-train.
And that why socialist-run (anti-captitalistic) nations will never be as prosperous as we are.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” - Margaret Thatcher.
*** Next up...This story is SO good, it just has to be bad for your cholesterol: THAT is some great work by the FEDS.
TWENTY-ONE people indicted...and MOST of them are HISPANIC!
Now, who the hell couldn't have figured THAT one out, considering the influx of such people over the last several years (to OUR area).
Most are actually FROM our city...others are not.
Got a fair amount of aliases to boot.
*** Next...It's "A Special Place in Hell" time for another candidate:
(warning - it has a rather graphic depiction of the situation)
Goes to show that alcohol and pets don't mix that well, especially with what appears to be a rather unstable individual.
I hope they catch this jerk and prosecute him to the FULLEST extent of the law.
*** Next up....let's drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
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Yes, she was following daddy around. |
In other words, it was more a typical day than anything else.
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Are you too tired to look up? |
*** Next, time for our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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She's our little "fur-circle". |
Midnight came back after lunch and flopped down by the garage door (which gets shady early on). He didn't even look up as I stroked his head.
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He was totally plum tuckered out. |
*** Last back to the common sense tent...yes, next week is the 4th of July (rolls eyes), and that means LOADS of fireworks set off by uncaring, unintelligent, and totally irresponsible people.
Here's what CAN happen when fireworks combine with stupidity:
Granted, this doesn't ALWAYS happen...but it could, and that alone should be ample warning to those who think themselves pyrotechnic "pros".
Sooner or later, we will have a ban (within city limits) of such mortar rounds and loud's just a matter of time, considering how our population has grown over the last decade.
I've always been of the persuasion that you just leave such stuff to the ACTUAL professionals (and enjoy it).
God knows we've enough displays over that holiday to watch, so avail yourselves of those, rather than annoy neighbors, pets, and cause possible damage to property (or self).
An ounce of prevention IS truly worth a pound of cure.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
How many Demo debates will there be for the next year+?!
My head hurts just thinking about it.
Every day is Ice Cream Day.
Truth be told, with THIS many dems (socialists) doing a Q&A and their "look what we can give you with other people's money" rather than a TRUE debate...ONE is too many...LOL.
God knows what the final number will be at this point.
Agreed...EVERY day is Ice Cream Day (in some fashion).
Thanks for your comment.
Be well (and keep cool) out there
Ditch the long underwear? But I need my 'escape hatch' in the back...
Those old boys that 'built from the ground up' sure were fascinating... their takes on life really showed why they were successes.
You can have the bomb pops... gimme another slice of the ice cream cake!
I'm thinking I know what the answers to Bill's questions would be: "uhmmm... uhhhh..."
I sure hope no one is surprised by the Hispanic community's ties to the city drug trade... Ive known it for decades...
---LOL...escape hatch.
---And they pretty much came from humble backgrounds. I thought you'd like his story.
That store of his in Philly was beautiful. Made shopping a really good "experience".
---I think I can count all the bomb pops I ever had on one hand (a very "young" hand at that).
---ROFL...sounds about right.
---I think any of us who pay attention to social trends knew it then as well.
(I think this city suffers from what Philly developed - SELECTIVE sensory input)
Thank you for swinging on by today to comment.
Stay safe *and keep cool) up there, brother.
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