Yes, friends, time to get the umbrellas out AGAIN.
But, it won't feel warm or humid out there. Not much of a silver lining, but better than none.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see us having dreary skies (cloudy all over), temps only climbing into the low 60s (nice and comfy for me), and a good chance of rain showers and windy conditions throughout the day.
(sounds more like a
Anyway, let's not have any of this dampen our spirits, as we get ourselves a comforting beverage to start our day
*** First out of the library is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity."
This was spoken by Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 – 21 September 1860) who was a German philosopher. And here is his WIKI:
I'm going to lift part of my post that first featured him back on 9 July 2015:
He once said that "Man can DO what he wants, but he cannot WILL what he wants".
(That might wipe man out of BOTH the Jedi Academy AND the Green Lantern Corps)
Schopenhauer's moral theory proposed that only compassion can drive moral acts.
(well, chalk one up for Captain America, then)
He stated that mankind can be guided by egotism and malice .
(And we see proof of THAT much today)
It's still a good read about someone who knew a lot about our humanity.
*** Next up...we bring you the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 13 -
National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
(don't have any in our house)
Random Acts of Light Day
(chase away the dark?)
National Weed Your Garden Day
(that's every day for several months)
National Sewing Machine Day
(Need to change the end of the Beatles movie "HELP!")
National Career Nurse Assistants Day
(Who assists the assistants?)
*** Next...Can't seem to go a couple days in FTW w/o someone getting shot or stabbed, can we?
This took place in the 2700 block os Sterling St around 0100 hrs this morning. At least it's NOT down in the SE side of town.
A man was found stabbed and was taken to hospital in critical condition.
He has since been upgraded to serious.
*** Next up...Here's one for the "This was stupid from the Start" file:
How about that? Sunday sales of carryout alcohol has NOT produced an increase in revenue.
Now what did I say that this was a bad idea for so long?
((“It's all about customer convenience,” said state Sen. Ron Alting, R-Lafayette. “It's not an economic development tool.
“The states that went seven days versus six had always advised ... when I reached out to them that, in the end result, you do the same amount of sales in seven that you do in six.”))
Then WHY even bother to HAVE Sunday sales? That was my point. Screw convenience.
It's NOT making you folks ANY more it?
*** Next, time to drop on by "Kitten Corner"...
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"I Can't help if I'm cute." |
But, there were times of random cuteness, and I'm always a sucker for those.
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"Did daddy say it was din-din time?" |
*** Next up, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"Where did he go THIS time?" |
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"I'm here for breakfast and dinner, right?" |
Talk about dedication. Cats will do anything for "Temptations".
*** Last back to the bookstore...when are people going to REALLY start to educate themselves?

Where is the curiosity in people today that made them want to seek the truth to any matter that concerned them or our country?
If you don't wonder about stuff, you never take the time to delve into it and find out the facts. If you listen to whatever soundbite comes across our airwaves today, you are definitely missing out on what is NOT being said.
As a result, an ignorant people, while quite pliable and open to the wrong type of propaganda, will become the pawns of those promoting the wrong agenda. That does NOT make a society prosper...history (frequently) shows us as much.
And when these same people claim you are wrong, you need to know the truth, carry that with you, and stand fast as you counter their slurs and slights. Prove THEM wrong (as they usually are).
The worst thing we, as a society can do in times like these, is to sit back and think it will all go away.
As long as ignorance is allowed to thrive, it most assuredly will.
That needs to change, and quickly. We've enough evil in the world as it is...we need not take on any more...right?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Schopenauer: But not a lot on hairdos... Looks like a Mickey Mouse club vet...
Kitchen Klutz: Funny, your wife just claimed the honor on FB...
Weed? In the rain? Try again...
Sunday: Got to go with your lead in.
Kitties: Hmph. Scrappy knew when 6 o'clock was, usually better than I did.
Closing: People don't look for truth anymore, just the 'guy that agrees with them."
---LOL...I think he was more of a thinker than a stylist.
---And I will gladly give it to her (and pay for that later, no doubt).
---Agreed. NOT in the rain!
---We never needed it at all, but they shoved it at us anyway. Typical result.
---Cats seem to have their OWN "sense" (?) of when to wake me for no reason.
---Man, is THAT ever true.
Welcome to "Lemming Central", hmm?
(we'll pass on that)
Thanks much for spending time here today to comment.
Stay safe (and dried out) up there, brother.
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