We were freezing our man and woman bits off a mere 168 hours ago, and today, we're staring at near 50 degree temperatures (before it gets COLD again tonight).
But it could be worse....you "could" be living in beautiful Boca Raton, FL, where the days are sunny and WARM...and the sharks are in GREAT abundance right offshore for your "swimming" pleasure...(yikes)!
I think I'll take the WEATHER...they can keep the sharks.
*** Our sidewalks are FINALLY all cleared off, and NOT because everyone pitched the hell in and SHOVELED them clear.
Mother Nature took care of the lazy-asses job (hope she's not a government lackey).

Yeah, just try and sit down and read through your latest copy of GUNS magazine...and get interrupted about every 15 minutes by some numbnut with more decibels than brain cells. I do like the IRONY with my "choice" of reading material, especially down HERE in the ghettohood.
*** The final four FWPD officers on trial for the excessive force used against Rudy Escobedo came to an end yesterday as all the officers were absolved of any wrong-doing.

And his testimony stated that our officers did everything BY THE BOOK.
Here's the links to the story in chronological order:
(number 2)http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20110218/LOCAL03/302189989
The second link contains related stories from the case.
I had a real strong feeling this wouldn't result in a guilty verdict against ANY FWPD officers or command staff.
For once, the judicial system WORKED the way it designed to work.
*** A Meth lab was discovered in the "heart" of fort Wayne.

And, as usual, CHILDREN were in the house at the time of the bust.
It's getting scary out there. If it's not some house on the block, it's that car next to you at the stoplight...all having meth somewhere.
And you never know when it might go "BOOM"!
*** And, as we inch ever closer to warmer weather, wouldn't you just KNOW

With all the hubbub in the Middle east, gas prices HAD to start climbing again.
The link states we're currently at a 28-month high for prices across the U.S., with the national average around $3.13 a gallon.
But Obama said that oil "was the energy of the past"...remember?
Let's all get on our BICYCLES or hitch up the HORSES and "ride to Wal-Mart".
*** Indiana state leaders are seriously looking at a TEXTING BAN while driving.
here's the link to the story:
Personally, I think this is LONG overdue...right alongside talking on the damn cell phone while driving.
Driving a vehicle is complicated enough, and by that I mean being wary of the IDIOTS surrounding you and not paying attention.
The actual "driving" aspect is actually quite simple to comprehend...and used to be very enjoyable when Dad would take Mom and I on those "trips to nowhere" on nice Sunday afternoons.
When driving is a "solo venture" aka all alone on the road, it IS enjoyable.
It's when you ADD people to the mix that things get "sporty".

I don't care if you have a VOA (voice-only activation) system for your cell phone in the car or not. You're sitting in that left-hand seat for a reason...to DRIVE.
Turn the damn phone OFF. You'll do everyone a favor.
besides, doesn't talking on the phone take away from all that FIDDLING w/ the CD PLAYER...or EATING...or MAKEUP APPLICATION...or READING THE PAPER that USUALLY goes on BEHIND THE WHEEL?
I mean give yourself (and the rest of us) a BREAK, for God's sake!
*** Lastly today, we're hearing a LOT of concern (and protests in some cities) over our educational system, and a majority of it has to do with the EDUCATORS THEMSELVES.
See, when I was growing up, back in those barbaric "middle ages" of the late 50's and early 60's, we knew that our schools ran on a simple premise:
There are THREE parts to proper education -
All THREE of these in concert provided everything anyone needed when it came to education.
You simply could never expect a child to succeed when one of those three items was missing.

(anyone who took basic geometry knows this already)
This makes up the educational process.
The teacher, the parent and the student, all three knowing what is expected of the other two, as well as themselves.
It's not rocket science, it's plain old COMMON SENSE.
And that "triangle" stands pretty damn well when you HAVE all 3 sides.
Now, take ONE side away, and what have you got?
Short answer: Not a whole helluva lot!
The educational equation cannot balance, therefore the system breaks down.
Take the STUDENT out of the equation, and you've got a future criminal somewhere...or a fry-cook at McD's.
Take the PARENT out of it, and you've got an out-of-control child somewhere, soon to be a criminal.
Take the TEACHER out of the equation, and you've got an improperly or UNeducated child somewhere who will wind up in one of the 2 aforementioned "occupations".
All three of these parts are required for TRUE education.
Rare are the people who manage to TEACH THEMSELVES everything they need to know (these days) WITHOUT ANY intervention and help from either the parents OR the teachers. Those dogs just won't hunt.
Maybe in centuries past, it could be done...but not today.
So, it bothers me greatly whenever I see one part of the triangle missing (for some reason) and yet the end result of a child's education is expected to never waver and remain exactly the same as if ALL pieces were in place and working as designed.
That's what we call "asking for the impossible".

I challenge you to look up the "history" of the Department of Education...and see how it GREW from a simple "board" to an adjunct of the Department of the Interior into the monstrosity it is today...all the while having student achievement (on average) gradually falling below smaller nations around the world, when in times past it remained at the top of the heap.
I caution you though...you might want to read about this sans foot coverings, because what you find MIGHT just knock those socks the hell OFF.
(that's if your head doesn't explode first - use DUCT TAPE).
It's an eye-opening experience, trust me.
Be willing to arm yourselves with knowledge.

Apply the wisdom from your knowledge in order to become richer in discernment when it comes to right and wrong.
And never hesitate to "spread the wealth", in that regard.
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
I know the teacher demonstrations up in Wisconsin.. was over that they'd have to actually fork over a bit larger amount of their pay for pension & health insurance...still less than the private sector has to. Idiots. I'm against the requirements that one must get an 'education degree' that is just general knowledge, and actually get in people that can teach. I caused a firestorm on Facebook merely by suggesting that good teachers get paid more, and poor teachers less, or fired. Also by asking 'when is it justified for the government to take from one person and give it to another?'
Hey.. texting on my phone interrupts my pushing the radio buttons on my car, or finding a cd from the big binder while driving! And putting on lipstick too :P
The price of food is going up - and so is gas - yet the gov't says there 'is very little inflation'. However, they DON'T include food or energy in that statement. The freeze from the other week affected the price of produce. I went to buy an eggplant for parmigiana Sunday, and got sticker shock - $2.98 a lb; and the calabaza squash that has stayed at 98c a pound for over a year was $2.66 a pound. And roma tomatoes were $1.68 a lb. compared to the previous usual price of 88c a pound. And those were the cheap tomatoes!
Yep, you can *trust the government, because they're here to help you*
You make the very case both Wifey and I subscribe to...those "educators" (being fueled by their UNIONS) are cutting off their noses to spite their faces!
I like the whole "keep the good, dump the bad"...always worked in the past.
If they have to take a pay "cut" to fund pensions and/or HC, then they really AREN'T losing the money...just switching "pockets", right?
Dunno why THEY can't see this.
And NO Texting, young lady...or I'll take away the phone...OR your car (but not both)...LOL
Yeah, I'm under the impression that BOTH FOOD AND FUEL are DIRECTLY affected BY inflation, if not actually CAUSING much of it.
OIL and CORN...the REALLY big two to watch...those affect damn near EVERYTHING we touch, eat, wear or drive.
Trust the government?
That's a good one.
God, how I needed that laugh today...thanks!
And thanks also for taking time to drop on by and comment today.
Have yourselves a great weekend!
Stay safe down there.
We used to have a meth dealer across the street from us. The cops wouldn't do anything because "he wasn't big enough" to bother with.
After his wife left him he finally sold the house. A firefighter moved in. He found a couple of people in the house doing drugs that he kicked out and a few former customers tried to buy from him. They were dealt with.
That's pretty sad when ANY law-enforcement agency makes such abitrary "decisions" regarding the "small fish" aspect to drug manufacturing or distribution.
This affects a LOT of people, besides those living around the drug houses, and it would be wise for your police to remember that familiar phrase:
That means ALL THE CITIZENS...not just those living in THEIR OWN neighborhoods.
Glad to see it took a FIREFIGHTER to make that distinction...AND difference.
Good for him (and everyone else, it would seem).
Thanks so much for stopping by to comment.
You stay safe out there...and keep on singing!
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