So where is this "early Spring" we heard tell about 3 weeks ago?
Naturally, Wifey's school corporation didn't even DELAY for 2 hours, and considering they have the MOST BUSES on the streets, I suppose neither the SAFETY of the STUDENTS or the TEACHERS matters much to them.
It must STILL be all about those damn TEST SCORES.
Of all the recent winters we've suffered, wouldn't you just KNOW that THIS one has to be a "beaut"..and not the best one to NOT have the heaters/defroster working in one's car (like the Wifeymobile).
I swear, someone must really want us stressed out...and it's all we can do to keep from getting there.
If it's not the WEATHER, its some of the local aborigines. And if it's not them, it's something with the house...or the car...
I realize that we can't "really" WIN (perhaps a Pyrrhic victory?), but breaking even now and then WOULD be a welcome respite from ALL of this crap.
With that preamble, let's get the ball rolling, because God knows where it will wind up today.
*** Apparently, low-income black households (calling them a "family" in MY part of town would be a misnomer) STILL do NOT know what TOYS are when it comes to their progeny.
They're still in the "stone" age (pun intended).
And here's the reason why.

The prior "thump" was his FIRST toss (all of THREE feet...it was THAT heavy).
So, outside I go and I say: "Hey, put that damn rock BACK where the f$ck you found it. That's NOT a play-toy".
This kid (obviously NOT from this particular part of the ghettohood) stood there alongside a another young male, both with a "who the f$ck are YOU to tell me anything?" look on their faces.
I said: "Are you DEAF as well as dumb? Put it BACK...NOW."
He grudgingly picked it up and carried back to the pile we have at the base of OUR driveway.

THEN, the wise-ass made a big mistake...he opened his mouth.
"Stone-Age" then said: "You're just a RACIST".
( *ahem*...here we go again - I thought 'that was the WRONG thing to let slip out of that piehole, kid.')
I said: "I didn't say ONE damn thing racial to you AT ALL, so don't even pull that card from your ass. I'm getting sick and tired of you people trying that shit, and I'll tell 'ya...it don't float with me, so just get the hell up where you belong, before I call the police."

Now THAT really red-lined my blood-pressure!
I said: "You damn well better LEARN to fear the police...that's the trouble with you...NO respect for anyone, but you EXPECT it from everyone else...for free."
He said, as he left: "I bring my dad down here."
I said: "You DO that, and I'll straighten HIS tie, too."
(my right hand moved my jacket away and behind the HOLSTER I had on my hip...complete with PISTOL - I NEVER go outside on my property WITHOUT one).
The kids does a "180", and says: "Wow...lemme see."
I said: "This AIN'T for show." and went inside the house...the kid moved along down the alley...case closed.
(rolls eyes)
Somehow, I knew this was gonna be the start of another "stellar week" in the ghettohood.
And today kind of keeps that whole thought-chain going, doesn't it?
Still, it wasn't ALL bad news.
*** I actually sat down and watched most of the Daytona 500 yesterday, and it had one of the best finishes I had seen in a while.

Driving for the legendary WOOD BROTHERS team, it was nice to see that number "21" car back in Victory Lane.
Now, my favorite driver, Bobby Labonte came in 4th, and his brother Terry came in 15th (provisional start), with none other than Bill Elliott finishing 12th.
Almost felt like the good old days...none of the "superstars" of NASCAR were to be found (up FRONT, anyway).
NO Harvick, NO Johnson, NO Gordon...Dale, Jr got wrecked two laps from the finish...loved every minute of it!
And one of the first things this 20-year old did was thank GOD and talk about praying before the race...glad to see that.
This young man will do well in life with an attitude such as that. Congrats to him and his team.
*** Another young man didn't make out as well, as this link tells:

The NY Post article goes into more detail about the Columbia University students that booed and heckled a wounded Iraq veteran was was there to speak on the misperceptions of the military.
Personally, I can't think of ANYTHING other to say to ANY veteran, but to THANK THEM for their service, and for their sacrifice.

It's men and women like former Army S/Sgt Anthony Mascheck who make it possible for us to live free and enjoy our liberties...and that includes every one of these snot-nosed kids that attend Columbia University, having their heads stuffed with all that liberal rhetoric from those leftist professors.
When I see or hear about this, I think right back to our troops being spat upon and called "baby-killers" when they returned from the 'Nam.
It's starting all over again, and some of us have apparently learned NOTHING from that era, have we?
*** Another neighbor leaves our ghettohood...

I mean, the male there DID wear a military ACU and must be in the NG (he's never gone that long, though).
And he didn't have TOO many faults...for a "youngster" starting a family (no one else worked there).
He DID play his music a bit LOUD (must be in the ARTILLERY division of his guard unit...lol),

That still doesn't say MUCH though...does it?
Now, what I envision is another BLACK "family" moving in (probably a single mom with 3 kids and a new boyfriend every month...that's the usual M.O. around here for most any of the recently rented hovels).
I got an email last week that summed this mindset up very well.
Here's a part of it that makes SO much sense.
(( The problem with public housing is that the residents are not the owners.
The people that live in the house did not earn the house, but were loaned the property from the true owners, the taxpayers.
Because of this, the residents do not have the "pride of ownership" that comes with the hard work necessary.
In fact, the opposite happens and the residents resent their benefactors because the very house is a constant reminder that they themselves did not earn the right to live in the house.
They do not appreciate the value of the property and see no need to maintain or respect it in any way.
The result is the same whether you are talking about a studio apartment or a magnificent mansion full of priceless antiques.
If the people who live there do not feel they earned the privilege, they will make this known through their actions. ))
Now I can't think of a BETTER way of describing my "neighbors"...And the whole public housing issue.
And that's WHY we have ghettos in America.
*** Lastly today, our nation finds itself in a precarious situation.
Every one of us is concerned about our homes, our bills, our spending, our children...whatever.

We are players in the global arena, when we hoped we could just be spectators.
I mean, we PAID the admission costs and got a good seat, but we're still actively involved...much like a Greek theater performance.
We can't sit idly by and watch the spectacle unfold any longer.
We must voice our concerns...we must speak up.
Now, I don't recommend we all dash down into the arena, and commence to scrapping with whoever is the opposition.
But we CAN do something, however small it might be.
Remember I mentioned a while back about those ANTS...so small, and yet, when they all work in unison, they can deforest an ACRE of a jungle.
We need to come together so we can help this nation get on track and stay on track.
This country was the "grand experiment", and so far, it's worked out for us.
I believe we can make it work long after all of us are gone.
But, we DO have to participate, and teaching the next generation is a damn good start.

These SHOULD be ingrained in us all from little on up.
THAT is where it needs to begin.
And that is what this nation was founded upon.
Have a great week and take it easy out there...winter's not over yet, folks.
By the way...a Happy President's Day to you all.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
I also watched the Daytona 500. What a fantastic finish. My man finished 10th. (Mark Martin) Really brightens your day to have such a good representative of the sport win.
I am shocked at those thugs. Rotten kids. Need a boot up their butt IMHO. Sounds like you handled the situation quickly and firmly. Keep safe and watch your back.
Mark Martin is the BEST NASCAR driver to NEVER win a cup!
(damn shame, too)
I hope he does well this year...doesn't have that many left, and I don't want to see him go out with a whimper!
As for the unsupervised "kids"?
(read wild animals)
I'll be watching our windows more than my back...just in case...lol.
Hey, thanks for dropping by today...sure is slippery out there.
Stay safe & warm down there.
I too watched Daytona... except for the small part where I dozed off and of course my guy (Jeff Burton) decided that he would blow his enigne while I wasn't looking.
Too bad you can't get the FWPD to do more than lip service down there. It would have been entertaining to see a couple of patrolmen knock on their door and say, "We understand there are a couple of young men here who aren't afraid of the police..."
Oh, and it's my understanding that FWCS's excuse for the day was "the roads weren't bad at 5 am. We go to work at 5 am and I will gladly testify that they were full of it up to their eyebrows.
I liked Jeff Burton when he used to drive the "99" car for Roush Ford (Brother Ward used to drive the "22" Caterpillar Pontiac).
Sorry to see him drop out...he did pretty well last season.
I know there is 1 FWPD officer that DOES care about my situation, and he's good people, but even HE can't be everywhere and do everything.
Plus, he's also gotta answer to the "brass" upstairs.
If it were "me", I'd have a TEAM of several officers that would JUST PATROL the sector, (streets AND alleys) citing violators...that would include wrong-way parking, double parking, kids running all over the streets, people walking downt bhe MIDDLE of the streets - all the "usual" ghetto-esque behavior displayed by the locals down there.
(yeah, I can still dream)
We used to call it being PROACTIVE.
The FWCS definitely dropped the ball this morning!
They were the ONOY school system that DID NOT delay...NOR close later (as many schools AND businesses wound up doing before 1300 hrs)!
REAL bad call on their part...and I hope they DO hear about it.
After all, if my wife gets into an accident, they aren't going to be buying us a NEW CAR...or WILL THEY?
They wouldn't want to find out...let's put it that way, eh?
Hey, thanks for taking a few minutes to swing on by today.
Lord knows the weather wasn't cooperating.
Stay safe up there.
(Hope Scrappy has fun outside.)
thats ate up about the little snots in your neighborhood. and the military guy moving is not a good sign. i dont care if he was careless in his lifestyle its not good. perhaps he is going to afganistan and moving his family the heck out of there. i drove by my old house yesterday. it was a pitiful sight. looked unloved like it is. the whole area looked forlone. i told my daughter that if this is how it looked when i moved in i would have never bought it at all. even the mexicans are moving the heck out. they bought that house for 84,000 with 2 or 3 lots. right now they are trying to sell it for 56,000 good luck. the bank is trying to sell the house i bought for 65,000 that i owed 42,000 for close to 17,000.
and the vets coming back are getting screwed. people in general are just getting so against vets, the working man, real people period. indiana trying to bust up the union. sometimes i want to shake my fists in the air. but, what good would it do. sigh. teaching used to be a wonderful job. service to the country was a fantastic job. being a union member was something to be proud of. SUCKS.
dont get too stuck in the snow and ice up there!!!!
It's sure not your parents' Fort Wayne any longer...and no one in any REAL "power" wants to do ANYTHING about it.
ALL of these current rentals COULD be turned around with GOOD families living in them, but "someone" doesn't want that to happen...like it's all part of some huge "master plan...
Good thing I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
Otherwise, I'd think that something IS amiss here.
Yes, our vets are being given the crap end of the stick...AGAIN. Thankfully, we've got a LOT more people ON THEIR SIDE this time around.
Thanks so much for taking time to swing up this way and stop on by.
Stay safe & warm down there.
well bob something is amiss here. my house was to sell at sherrifs auction. it never was put on the roll. i was served and everything but i have no idea whom bought it. then it all of the sudden has a sign on it but if you dont know the address its hard to even know its on the market. once i found the listing by a close mistake i read it and read it well. its listed as a 2bdrm. its a 3. listed as ips. its not. there are other strange things on the listing and i personally think the whole thing is strange. when i logged back into that site to look at the listing again it wanted me to sign up to look at that listing. i personally think its just being listed becouse that is the process but they are keeping it off of zillow and away from mainstream listings. so whom is it being intended to be sold to? and who already owns it. the whole thing stinks. and i for one am just watching the whole deal becouse i am not only the previous owner. but, becouse i beleive in theorys. we shell see how this plays out i've got all the time in the world to watch. i perdict it will belong to a landlord that has alot of houses on his /her plate and perhaps a landlord that is a govt official. i see plenty of those in the papers and how they dont keep up their property. and i sling that mud on both sides of the polictical spectrum.
Sounds more than a BIT "shady" (imho).
I'd get w/ the BBB on whoever is running this show.
These days, in Fort Wayne, I've seen houses nearby listed about AS falsely as you can get...
There USED to be a time when a honest-to-God (licensed and bonded) REALTOR handled everything...ALL the time.
But with all these "DIY" posers who "think" they're realtors, truth becomes the first casualty in this "war for the hood".
Sometimes, I think someone snatches up ALL these properties, tosses out a "carrot" (picture & description) for the realty guides, and then goes ahead and places the house on the section 8 list...
(that would explain a HELLUVA lot)
That's also why a lot of people get snookered when taking a damn mortgage out on such places...the whole 'red-line' thing that ends in foreclosures for the residents, and money in the pockets of those wheelin' & dealin'.
They don need no steenkin ethics!
Sad...but true.
Thanks for the followup.
Stay safe.
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