Still waiting to see a plow truck come through...haven't seen one since that last big snowfall last week.
Goes to show that the SOUTH side of town doesn't matter (except to those fostering a mentality that provides specific portions of our city's populace free stuff at everyone else's expense)...God, how I love PROGRESS!
Anyway, let's take a look-see as to what's been going on in the REST of this part of the multiverse.
*** You know I'm always busting on those numbnuts that drive around for AGES without proper illumination on their vehicles.
And I bust on the city for not readily ENFORCING the appropriate laws governing such occurrences.

Now this is something I have NEVER personally encountered...and I've been driving since the mid 1970s.
In fact, I don't even recall my DAD changing out his license bulb...because it never blew the hell out.
So, I told her the situation, and mentioned if she DOES get pulled over (our luck, naturally), to politely inform the officer that I have (here at home) a list of over a few HUNDRED other vehicles that are AHEAD OF HER IN LINE for being written up FIRST.

I might have a bulb in my "stash", but given the manner and frequency that automotive engineers LOVE to change things, the possibility of having the EXACT replacement can be slim to none (on a good day).
I mean, we went to K-Mart last week to get "refills" for the last LT24 bulb I used for HER car's side running light...and that store DID NOT HAVE THEM.
K-Mart used to carry damn near every replacement bulb for cars...what's up with that?
Oh...it must be because it's a SOUTH SIDE store...and the fact that most everyone else around here doesn't care if THEIR bulb blows out (they'll never get pulled over for it, anyway)...I got it now.
Yeah, that definitely explains it...totally logical.
So that means a possible trip to Auto Zone to "stock up" on all the bulbs we might need.
I still have replacements for MY Firebird...see, they used to have a "bulb set" you could buy that carried all the standard bulbs needed for cars...but that was a while ago, and I haven't seen such sets in a long time.
I have poked about online, and the replacement for the offending bulb is a number 194 type.
I might even have one of them still floating around somewhere...we'll have to see. Knowing the way I like to keep spares about, I might luck out on this one.
It's that whole BEING PREPARED thing...
*** We're seeing more and more of these state "protests" regarding the right-to-work gig and pension benefits, unions, and such.

We are talking about the PRIVATE sector, however.
If you're a government "employee" (aka a civil servant, for example) you DO get the pension, no matter what the cost to the taxpayer (that probably does not or will not receive a pension).
Imagine that...treating the "servants" better than the ones who OWN THE MANOR and pay the freight.
Trouble is, this is becoming harder to sustain for a number of reasons.
--People are LIVING LONGER, ergo, those pensions "pay off" for MORE years.
--Governments need to cut BACK in order to survive and still provide needed services, so that money isn't going to be there in as great an abundance as it once was.

The alternative is wholesale LAYOFFS, and the LAST thing we need is MORE people on the dole, collecting close to TWO YEARS of U/C.
(that's because the JOBS simply aren't there for these people to get back into)
We've certainly allowed the government to paint itself into a very nice corner, in that regard.
Much of the protests we're seeing in place like Madison, Wisconsin are being falsely labelled.
The governor there is TRYING to avoid the whole LAYOFF thing, and the best way to do it, is to keep people IN THEIR JOBS.
But, in order to do THAT, the unions running the dog-and-pony show for their members have GOT to understand that pricing themselves over the budgetary restraints of a depressed economy isn't in the best interest of all concerned.
Now, I'm no freaking economist, but I like to know I have enough common sense to see the writing on the wall here.
I've also held jobs that were union as well as NON-union.
And, it's always better to keep working than to to be NOT working...because those damn bills keep a'coming, regardless of YOUR personal employment status.

The same applies to any and all school systems or corporations.
Unions cannot simply keep demanding more when there is no more "more" to be gotten, right?
The initial thrust of establishing unions was to give workers a voice when it came to UNFAIR business practices, UNSAFE working conditions, and the like.

Unions need to step back a few paces and get back to doing what they USED to do...protecting the worker, and not reaching into others pockets to line their own. When my father, who was once pro-union, at one point changed HIS mind and told us WHY, it became very clear that HE was right.
In the end...union or not...we ALL wind up paying.
And that simply isn't right to share THAT (lack of) "wealth".
*** Lastly today, in case you've been hiding in some cave, watching the shadows on the wall, it IS getting pretty dangerous out there.
With all this turmoil will come a level of chaos...no getting around that.
In St. Petersburg, Florida, they've had a THIRD police officer gunned down in the last 30 DAYS...that's some serious sh*t!
When it becomes that dangerous for those carrying guns FOR A LIVING, you got to wonder.
What WE have to do is keep OUR wits about us (while everyone else is losing theirs and blaming it on us...Kipling would be proud).
Now, this isn't an easy road to hoe, and many of us might be treading on ground we've never been to before.
We need to stay vigilant...and we need to prepare ourselves for as many eventualities as we can imagine.
We need to become informed, and we also need to learn the truth...and hold onto that.
This nation has always prided itself on it's PEOPLE.
And during times of trouble, it was always the PEOPLE that made us triumphant.

It's not some magic elixir of hope, or a sense of feigned superiority.
it used to be called FAITH. And we need courage from within to provide that faith.
Faith in OURSELVES...our FELLOW MAN...our GOD.
When all else would fail...faith would see us through.
Just something to think about...
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Hi Bobby G,I just wanted to tell you that yesterday I had the very nicest thing happen.. I was the recipient of a random act of kindness. Some one came by my house with their snow blower and cleared my drive and even took time and shoveled off my porch. I am so thankful for who ever it was, it was much appreciated. I will pay it forward. That random act has renewed my faith in our fellow man.
See, now THAT is what I remember growing up...people helping people.
Just because they CAN...
I can say with certainty that it wasn't me...but the hopes I had that "someone" would do your drive & porch MUST have reached some samaritan's ears.
Always happy to see something NICE occur!
Thanks for sharing.
Stay warm & safe down there.
i'm NEVER moving back up north. too much talk of snow blowers and snow plows. was it really that bad? wow. never the less......
without God, I am nothing. amen to your blog today bobby.
Thursday's post will be covering even MORE bad weather headed our way...stay tuned for that.
I think I need to have a talk with Punxatawney Phil...early Spring?
Glad you liked Wednesday's post...hope it fired up the inspirational "engine" a little.
And thank you for spending a little time up "here" today.
Stay safe & warm down there.
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