I mean, THAT word would wake up a patient under anesthesia!
That's a scary thought.

Certain situations in life mandate that the word OOPS never be used...at all.
Like right after you let that several-megaton NUCLEAR DEVICE "accidentally" off that short leash...
Or drive your SUV through the side of a restaurant...(the drive-THRU was on the OTHER SIDE)!
Or even when you assemble something for the kids, and wind up with a pile of parts left over (?)...

Wifey had a white-knuckle time driving home, and I have to say that traffic in residential areas was close to being non-existent (a welcome respite).
More than a few CHILDREN found that just getting ON the buses proved a challenge. Several of them slipped and fell, hurting themselves.
And the parents were deservedly concerned.
FWCS "felt" that conditions were fine at the time.
Now, you have to remember that it's ONLY THE KIDS who are BUSED TO SCHOOL...

In essence, they're ALL left "on their own" to get to school.
Well now, that's not hardly FAIR, is it?
When Wifey got to school yesterday, the lot was just being plowed and salted...and the place looked like a ghost town.
You could say about 25% of students didn't even get to school

Seemed they played for the "opposition" yesterday.
They didn't do right...by the kids OR the teachers...plain and simple.
Just because the streets might "appear" fine at the time, you ALWAYS have to look a bit farther down the road, as it were.
We used to call it PLANNING AHEAD...or BEING PREPARED.
If weather conditions are only going to get worse as the day goes on...use your brain and think ahead.
Plan for the worst case, and always err on the side of caution, especially where the children are concerned.
Today, it's still messy out there thanks to more snow, and FWCS is CLOSED.
Finally...reason and common sense strike back!
Surrounding schools are closed, so maybe they know something else...or are looking out for their kids a bit better.
Meanwhile...back at the igloo...
*** Ever hear about a FIRE IN A CAR WASH?
Well, we have them HERE...smack dab in the middle of freezing temperatures, too.

Updated: Monday, 21 Feb 2011, 10:34 AM EST
Published : Sunday, 20 Feb 2011, 11:37 PM EST
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - Fort Wayne fire investigators tell NewsChannel 15, they have ruled the car wash fire from Sunday night as arson and that they've discovered the car was stolen.
Firefighters rushed to the fire at Ray's Car Wash at 2510 Pioneer St. around 10:45 p.m.
They found one of the wash bays on fire with a vehicle inside it. Police were first told a person might be in the vehicle, but officials confirmed with NewsChannel 15 that no one was inside the car.
No one was hurt in the fire. There is a lot of fire damage to the wash bay and the vehicle.
The fire department has turned over part of its investigation to the Fort Wayne police department. ))
And this car wash is at that "roundabout" off of Wayne trace and Pontiac near the railroad tracks. Another once nice neighborhood that's gone to the dogs (or is that the government-entitled? They seem SO much alike).
Be nice if they gave some DETAILS about the car.
(Type?...could be a Lincoln...Local tags? Another state? Was the car REPORTED as stolen, or was it a random VIN/TAG check?)
And yes, kids, there is always more happening in the Summit City.
*** We've got some people that are literally DYING to get to a hospital here (yeah, bad pun):
(( Police: shooting at Lutheran a suicide - Person found in parking lot on hospital campus

Published : Monday, 21 Feb 2011, 6:42 PM EST
FORT WAYNE, Ind. - Police confirm that a shooting in a car in the parking lot of the Lutheran Hospital complex on West Jefferson Boulevard was a suicide.
No one else was hurt.
Police say it happened around 6:20 p.m. No other information is being released. ))
Well, if you're gonna want to suck on a Glock, a hospital parking lot is a decent place to do it.
Not that they can really HELP at that point...but the coroner IS close by.
*** And through all this... we DO have another good story:
(( Published: February 22, 2011 3:00 a.m.
City officer’s quick action led to rescue from car fire - Dominic Adams The Journal Gazette

The 10-year veteran of the Fort Wayne Police Department said he was just blocks away when he received the call that a 70-year-old woman was trapped inside a burning vehicle.
The woman, whose identity wasn’t released, is in critical condition at a Fort Wayne hospital.
Chambers said he saw smoke coming from the vehicle when he arrived at Adam & Bruce Apartments, 5910 Hessen Cassel Road. The doors were locked, so Chambers smashed out the car’s windows with his flashlight.

"I hope I saved her life," Chambers said. "My thoughts and prayers continue to be with her. I’m just very thankful I was able to get there quick enough to extinguish the flames and pull her out."
The woman was semiconscious when she was pulled from the vehicle, Chambers said.

Fort Wayne Fire Chief Pete Kelly said the fire started in the dashboard area and the cause of the fire was ruled accidental. It was not clear whether the woman was driving or had just gotten into her car, according to the fire department.
Officers Bobby Lemon and Greg Milner helped remove the woman from the car.
Three of the officers were treated for minor injuries.
"I was able to get there within seconds, do my job and take action," Chambers said. ))
Now, I've met Officer John Chambers a few times, and every single time, he brought the type of professionalism I would expect from the department.
Actually, the few officers I have come to know in the FWPD are some of THE BEST I have even had the pleasure to be acquainted with.
What still amazes me about John, is that I have a suspicion he must be TRIPLETS...LOL.
He is ALL over the place...in other words, this officer HUSTLES!
And he and I are the SAME height - 5'7"...gotta love that!
Good thing he was where he NEEDED to be in order to assist that woman.
Congrats on a job well done, John.
*** Finally, we're probably going to be seeing artificial gas price rises AGAIN...worst since 2008 I hear.
The "futures" boys are at it again, because of the turmoil in Libya (which ONLY produces a mere 2% of the world's oil...go figure).
But naturally, those on Wall St. have to justify their existence...SO, they pass the "costs" onto US...artificially, mind you.
Home prices have risen about 2.5% as well...but NOT in my part of this city's ghettohood, and we can thank entitlements for THAT.
Food prices are still rising, but not as noticeably as in months past...a few cents here and there...keep watching the SHELVES and always seek out the bargains.
And THAT will be THE word of the near future...BARGAINS!
(and who said the BIRD was the WORD? LMAO)
Maybe it was THIS guy...???
Well, that was certainly deserving of an OOPS moment...right?
Not really, it's my FIRST EVER embed of a video...!
(and it looks like it even WORKS...thanks, T.O.)
Score ONE for the "good guy".
In any event...the COST of things is going nowhere but UP...and we all have to be aware of it...and PLAN for it as best we can.

We've done such things in the past...made sacrifices, and even did without...and came out the other side none the worse for wear.
We can do it again...because the need is here.
Take care out there today IF you need to travel outside in bad weather.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America
Good thing that officer was there for that woman!
Yep, prices are going up. They're following right behind commodities, which have gone up over 25%, and one over 50% (forgot if it was cotton or what). Keep an eye on those commodities, it's a foreshadowing of what is to come. Also check out the NIA - National Inflation Association. They're online (don't recall the link offhand) but they have some info there.
And now they want to put 15% ethanol into your gasoline..instead of just 10%. That will make corn dearer, and more expensive. Gee, make sense, burn foodstuffs when prices are going up because of the crappy meddling and policies of the government.
Oh yes - a farmer was fined for growing too many vegetables! it happened last fall...
"cabbagegate". Yep, too much food grown would mean lower prices for the consumer, and OH GEE we can't have that! Or get the fed totally OUT of the agricultural business, telling farmers what they can/can't grow, what size they're allowed to market, etc.
We're in a maternal fascist state. Smiley face fascism. NICE fascism. Of course for your own good! Not paternal fascism such as mussolini and hitler had.
That car wash was on the idiot loop? THAT tells me all my assumptions about the incident were correct...
As are your guesses about the Gas thing. The news reporter said, "The rise in gas prices can be explained in one word -Libya." To which I answered, "And Libya can be explained in one word- EXCUSE."
You celebrated your first embed by embedding Peter griffin. Bob, Bob, Bob...
Yep..it was COTTON...highest price since BEFORE the CIVIL WAR...!
(adjusted for inflation dollars).
Astounding...amd idiotic at the same time.
Bet "they" are not telling you that 15% ETHANOL in a car that isn't really set up for hybrid fuels might actually DAMAGE that car...
(what, you didn't know?)
Yeah, ethanol is MORE corrosive with certain RUBBER parts (like FUEL LINES)...which could lead to more vehicle FIRES.
I heard about that farmer...I was "WTF???"
Bet they'll be comin' after ME this year with my tomatoes, peppers and whatever else I plant!
They can come, but they might not be leaving in the condition they arrived.
ANd it won't be because of the jalapenos!
Where does the insanity END?
Thanks for taking time to drop on by today.
Stay safe (and sane) down there!
Yeah, the idiot loop it was...!
(good assumption)
ANd we are already seeing those pump prices rise markedly (Close to $3.40...give or take).
I heard where Chavez is ending OUR contracts for HIS oil (2 years early) and instead selling it to CHINA (communism LOVES company) and eating the cost differences.
How "ignoble" of him.
Wait until HIS people revolt...!
Libya is the whipping boy for the REAL reason.
As to my 1st embed...hadda do this one...I darn near pissed myself laughing...because I REMEMBER that dang song from early high school!
(that...and WIPE OUT)
Peter just does what we "wanted" to do...and Stewie's take cracks me up.
McFarland has some truly brilliant moments (reminds me of me when I was younger and had time to devote to nonsense).
I might do a video a few times a month...don't wanna "wear it out" too soon.
(and maybe I got lucky today)
Thanks a lot for spending some time here at the "Erudition", in spite of the snow.
Hope Scrappy had fun outside (with you).
Stay safe up there.
bunch of bs about the gas prices. oh its the middle east crises that are raising the prices. WHEN HAS THERE BEEN PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. never and never will there be. bunch of bs with the gas.
and fire at a car wash wth.
praying for the old lady to make it threw alright. sad thing is this might actually stop her from being mobile if she does. life it could be me years from now. pray that it isnt.
we dont have the snow or ice bob. but, i'm sick of old man winter already.
I think the LAST time we had anything CLOSE to "peace" in the Middle East was when ENGLAND still owned most of those countries...LOL.
And when Israel kicked some ass over there, everyone else backed the hell off...for a while.
The FUTURES MARKET drives the gas prices up OR down...we can all blame Wall St.
I also hope the woman makes it through OK.
Weird about that car fire (was a late 80s Olds)...as well as the one at the carwash...that's as odd as having a fire at a FIRE HOUSE!
Glad you missed the ice & snow.
Thanks for stopping by todayu.
Stay safe & warm down there.
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