Well, this is certainly a change from the past few days, weather-wise, isn't it?
We've got near freezing conditions, and a little snow here and there.
You have to understand that this IS Indiana, and things change by the hour, so by this afternoon we should be seeing all this clearing up (we hope).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly sunny skies, temps reaching to about 44 degrees, and we might transition over to rain by afternoon...fun stuff, hmm?
Take the time to dress appropriately, and do drive carefully out there early on.
The life you save may just be your own.
Now, let's get ourselves a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the fence post is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Dentist's Day
---It's National Dress Day
(and a fetching dress that is)
---It's National Frozen Food Day
(saving the culinary-challenged for a very LONG time)
---It's National Oreo Cookie Day
(I prefer chocolate chip, and hold the politics, please.)
---It's National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
(now THAT would make a great breakfast)
*** Next up, and since we're staring at Tuesday, let's see all the FWPD calls that we SHOULD have heard about, but didn't because the media was crying the blues over another drop in viewership for the Academy Awards program...
FEB 26 - MAR 4:
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
18F022241 02/26/2018 07:46pm 113 SHOTS FIRED E RUDISILL BLVD & S LAFAYETTE ST
18F022377 02/27/2018 03:48am 113 SHOTS FIRED 6400 FAIRFIELD AVE
18F022541 02/27/2018 02:38pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4300 SMITH ST
18F022686 02/27/2018 07:42pm 113 SHOTS FIRED E MAPLE GROVE AVE &
18F022720 02/27/2018 09:37pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 8500 BRIDGEWAY DR
18F022725 02/27/2018 09:46pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 HARMAR ST
18F022818 02/28/2018 04:34am 113 SHOTS FIRED NUTTMAN AVE & SOUTHWAYNE AVE
18F022817 02/28/2018 04:42am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1400 SWINNEY AVE
18F023057 02/28/2018 05:07pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3500 TAYLOR ST
18F023565 03/01/2018 09:01pm 113 SHOTS FIRED S ANTHONY BLVD & E PONTIAC ST
18F023578 03/01/2018 09:23pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3900 HOLTON AVE
18F024002 03/02/2018 07:54pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 5900 LUNADA DR
18F024003 03/02/2018 07:55pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3400 MCKINNIE AVE
18F024065 03/02/2018 10:47pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1600 BOONE ST
18F024085 03/02/2018 11:39pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2900 SHAWNEE DR
18F024103 03/03/2018 12:00am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 W WASH CTR RD LOT 30
18F024452 03/03/2018 09:05pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4400 S CALHOUN ST
18F024453 03/03/2018 09:09pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4200 N WASHINGTON RD
18F024475 03/03/2018 10:08pm 113 SHOTS FIRED ARDMORE AVE & TAYLOR ST
18F024481 03/03/2018 10:18pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 6100 WINTER ST
18F024517 03/03/2018 11:50pm 113 SHOTS FIRED MCKINNIE AVE & MCMILLEN PARK DR
18F024546 03/04/2018 12:46am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1300 GREENE ST
18F024579 03/04/2018 02:46am 113 SHOTS FIRED 7100 BRADBURY AVE
18F024600 03/04/2018 04:48am 113 SHOTS FIRED SMITH ST & BAXTER ST
18F022641 02/27/2018 05:56pm 23,113 3400 DEBENEY DR
18F022698 02/27/2018 08:20pm 23,113 3100 S HANNA ST
18F022820 02/28/2018 04:53am 23,113 500 NUTTMAN AVE
18F023024 02/28/2018 04:02pm 23,113 1600 SCHILLING AVE
18F024233 03/03/2018 09:24am 53 ARMED ROB 3200 WAYNE TRACE
18F022687 02/27/2018 07:46pm 58 SHOOTING 5000 SALEM LN
18F022813 02/28/2018 04:35am 58 SHOOTING SOUTHWAYNE AVE & NUTTMAN AVE
18F024186 03/03/2018 03:41am 58 SHOOTING 2000 RIVER RUN TRL
18F021998 02/26/2018 11:25am 61 RAPE 00 E MAIN ST
18F023266 03/01/2018 03:54am 61 RAPE 900 E WASHINGTON BLVD UNIT B
18F024195 03/03/2018 05:06am 61 RAPE 2200 RANDALLIA DR
18F022768 02/27/2018 11:36pm 75 PURSUIT 1000 HUFFMAN ST
18F024075 03/02/2018 11:12pm 75 PURSUIT EXECUTIVE BLVD & RESEARCH DR
Plus 13 narcotics calls
NONE...that's amazing!!!
*** Next, have you noticed what kind of TOYS, or to be more precise, what types of (non-video) GAMES they have available to children? Well, wonder no longer. Here's the story:
Yeah, it says something about the state of affairs in our society when the "best" thing we can come up with are toilet-related games (and toys) for the young'uns.
I suppose since such toys and games ARE gender-neutral, that's good for all our over-medicated and sexually-confused offspring? I would say it's all crap, but that just adds another "log" to the fire. (or is that toilet?) It's all kinda creepy, really.
(well, it might keep some guns out of their little hands)
I can only imagine what kind of adults this stuff will produce.
Lord knows what would fill their hands in place of regular toys for boys and girls.
I mean, God forbid we have girls play with DOLLS, or boys play with CAP PISTOLS (yes, they still make and sell them...just not in LEFTIST states across the fruited plain).
Helluva way to wrest childhood from our kids these days, isn't it?
*** Next up, last night's series finale of STAR WARS - REBELS did not disappoint.
It had so many characters from the series included in this last 90-minute episode, and you know what the best part of that is? With everything (and everyone) being CGI, you don't have to worry about "blowing the wad" on actors asking tens of millions of dollars JUST to show the hell up.
The effects were worth it, as well...plenty of laser blasts and explosions to make even Michael Bay blush with embarrassment. They tied up a couple plot-lines also.
But, they also left a couple dangling...just in case (I already want some sequels).
Have to admit that was some of the best story-telling over the last few years, and I'm gonna miss it.
*** Next, from our very own Proof That There Is a God Department, we bring you this worthwhile story:
![]() |
Clueless and well-paid for it. |
Let's just say I've come to dislike Leatherman over the years, as he's done absolutely nothing for OUR part of town (the south side), and done it with gusto. So much for honest-to-God REDEVELOPMENT (that we've needed for decades).
Another minion of the (good old boy) empire takes his leave (don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out).
Let's hope the NEXT person taking over this position will have an affinity for the part of Fort Wayne that NEEDS it, rather than the parts that "want" it.
*** Next up, it pays to read those "tidbits" in the paper, because you just might come across something like THIS (from today's J-G):
((Booze to be sold till 4 a.m. Sunday -
The Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission will allow the sale of alcoholic beverages to continue until 4 a.m. Sunday from the previous evening because of daylight saving time.
Because clocks will spring forward to 3 a.m. from 2 a.m., sales of alcoholic beverages sales would need to end an hour earlier than normal. To allow the same number of service hours Saturday night, the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission said it will again allow alcoholic beverages to be sold until 4 a.m.))
![]() |
Better than the state of Indiana, obviously. |
---It will allow those businesses to sell alcohol from noon to 8 p.m. on Sundays.
Every other day, state law permits the sale of alcohol from 7 a.m. to 3 a.m.
---Efforts were made to expand those hours, but the push failed in both chambers.
---The first day for Sunday carryout sales in Indiana will be March 4.
(from the Indy Star - 28 Feb)
So, all of a sudden, things have "changed" from 8 P.M. to 4 A.M.???
And because of DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME???
How do you get EIGHT extra hours from ONE, anyway?
Sure be nice to get 8 dollars back for every dollar I put in the damn bank?
Be great to get paid for 8 hours for every hour you work, wouldn't it?
Love this state's "fuzzy math" (which only applies to those in the ivory towers).
*** Next, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids didn't do bad yesterday, as the weather helped things along. Plenty of time for cuteness, and some running around, to which the laser pointers were employed to restore a sense of "calm" to everyone at the "Fortress".
Once they get tired out from chasing the beam, they get to napping.
Be nice to solve WORLD problems in like (and easy) manner...lol.
*** Next up, it's time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our fearless furry twosome did fine yesterday, even if the weather got colder again.
I've been taking straw (from dead foliage) and laying it beside the house next to the patio door, and that has become the new spot for Midnight to stay.
Whiskers has taken over the shelter for herself, but no one wants to use the other one.
And, they showed up for every meal.
*** Last back to the driveway...it never ceases to amaze me how the few manage to "run the show" in this country.
I remember days when majority rule was the task of the day, but that doesn't seem to be the case now.
I guess much of it can be blamed for many IN that majority doing nothing, sitting idle and watching their lives go by.
Sorry, but apathy is not a reason for anything, and never should be.
Maybe they got tired of being ignored (I can relate there with our city and it's wonderful "lack of vision" to make OUR part of town vital and productive as it used to be).
I just want to see a time (again) where damn near everyone is actively involved with how they manage their lives, this city, and our nation. Leaving it to those we "think" can do the job might not get us there, however.
We try to make good choices with our voting, and we try to choose how we believe things should be, and often come up short. There needs to be a return to issues determined by black and white, rather than a myriad number of shades of gray.
Ambiguity has no real and lasting place here and now. We need to let our yay be yay, and our nay be nay.
Maybe the sooner all of us realize that, the better off we will all become.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
HA! Frozen food day on a night I actually cooked...
I'll take your oreos, just don't tell Doc Wuest...
Hmm shooting in the neighborhood... no one I heard about...
Another rape on Randalia? Getting to be a common thing, FWPD...
Well, poop games does fit with the left's sensahuma...
This city PLANS its development?? Well, blow me down...
I think on the booze they meant Saturday night- Sunday morning... but who knows with this lot?
Could you get King Henry to chase a laser pointer? Be a good test case. Maybe even into traffic (Hand slap for Chris).
---That's okay...there's ALWAYS tomorrow.
---Oreos? Never saw them (heh).
---Remember, it's the GUNS doing the shooting, not the people (said all the dumb liberals).
We know better, hmm?
---The gangsta docs are at it again?
---And here I thought today's "youts" had heads full of MUSH?
(that explains the smell...lol)
---Yeah, well they want you to THINK that...right?
---I just went with what I rad in print,...and those numbers just DID NOT add up like they wanted me to believe.
(score another point for old-time math)
---"Get Henry to chase a pointer"...ROFLMAO.
It's worth a shot.
Hey, thanks for stopping by and giving away a few smiles today.
Stay safe (and well0humored) up there, brother.
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