The weekend WILL be arriving...just be patient.
I know it seems like forever getting here, but rest assured, it is coming.
At least yesterday's forecast wasn't that bad (better than Tuesday).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly sunny skies, temps climbing to 44 degrees, and windy conditions, which will feel colder than the expected high. Watch for slick spots early on.
Now, what say we get ourselves something to wet our whistle, as we see what else has been going on, hmm?
*** First out of the recycle bin is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office."
This was spoken by someone we haven't featured here since Ambrose Bierce (June 24, 1842 – circa 1914) who was an American short story writer, journalist, poet, and Civil War veteran. And here is his WIKI (again):
His is quite a life story, abbreviated as it was.
He fought in the Civil War at Shiloh, suffered a head wound at Kennesaw Mountain, was furloughed for the remainder of the war, and eventually discharged.
He worked with Randolph Hearst during the late 1800s and covered the Railroad Financing Bill, a clandestine attempt in Congress to pass the bill without public knowledge (sound FAMILIAR?) excluding companies from paying back loans from the U.S. government.
Sadly, he disappeared without a trace while traveling with rebel troops during the Mexican Revolution in 1913.
His most noted literary work was "Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge".
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 15 -
---It's National Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
(that's only because we have too many liberals screwing things up)
---It's National Pears Helene Day
(never was a fan of pears, period)
---It's National Shoe the World Day
(and here I thought they meant SHOO the world...I was good with THAT)
---It's National Farm Rescuer Day
(maybe if we stop government takeover of the land, the farms wouldn't need rescuing?)
*** Next up, A store (and company) reborn? Here's the link:
Yes, the former Gander Mountains store have been rebranded (after a fashion) and are now called Gander Outdoors.
(wonder if they will still carry firearms?)
This is the Ft. Wayne store up along Lima Rd, in case you want to drop by their grand opening and grab some coffee and pastries.
*** Next, it looks like it's official for TRU (pass the Kleenex). Here's that story:
At least the Canadian branches seem to want to save what they for US in the U.S. ?
Well, looking for cool toys is about to get a whole lot harder...and a whole lot more expensive.
Still, the liquidation sales might be fun...
*** Next up, looks like were staring at homicide number 7 (or 8, if you count county deaths).
Here's the update:
And, on top of this, we have ANOTHER homicide (#9?)in our city. Here's the story (so far):
![]() |
Same location, but from a 2014 shooting. |
When police were called to scene, they found a man and woman suffering gunshot wounds. The woman is in good condition, but the man died at hospital.
(and the decline of morality continues...)
Wonder how long before THIS place gets shut down?
*** Next, if you drive a FORD, you might want to look into this:
Another recall - this time about the steering wheel coming LOOSE (well, that can't be good).
I know I HATE it when the steering wheel comes off in MY hands...
As usual, take the vehicle to a dealer so they can replace the faulty part(s), and keep you rolling.
*** Next up, This story (read survey) might put a smile on your face:
According to the website, Fort Wayne has the lowest cost of living of cities polled.
However, nothing was said about the QUALITY of that living.
Neither was it mentioned what the cost of DYING in this city is (at least for those killed by morons for stupid reasons).
Guess nothing is really "fool-proof" when it comes to these surveys.
*** Next up, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
Not a bad day...our kids were better behaved and didn't manage to get into stuff they're not supposed to get into.
Our male cat is a bit manic (and noisy) when it's meal time, whereas our female is more on the "polite" side, and quietly waits until her brother is fed...then Violet comes over and sits up for her food. Ever the "lady".
Be nice if some of that polite rubbed off onto Gallifrey. I can hope.
*** Next, time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome didn't get too snowed on yesterday, and they both stayed close to the house.
Wet Food Wednesday always keeps them close by, as they have come to look forward to this. and wait until I bring the dishes in, load them up and then take them out to the cats.
Later on, they made sure to get some sun and warm up a bit, and with those fur coats, that's easily managed.
*** Last back to the gutters...I'm sure the left was lauding the student walkouts yesterday.
I applaud the schools that didn't allow that, but instead held "walk-ins" at their locations.
The schools that focused on learning get my approval, and not the schools that allowed another "Warhol moment" for these teens and their social media show.
These kids also are only focusing in on gun-related deaths, and there is a much larger picture to be seen the abortion issue. How many deaths have taken place with the unborn over the decades without a single shot being fired, hmm?
Where is the same level of outcry by students over THAT?
This country's morality is taking it on the chin, and I for one, am getting damn sick and tired of it.
When it comes to violent behavior, ALL of it comes from the lack of moral behavior.
It's that simple, so don't bring out all these "experts" trying again and again to overthink something that is common sense.
Acknowledging bad behavior in people is one thing (and that can be addressed)...rewarding it only leads to a lack of civility, and we see the result of that, do we not?
It scares me to think that generations of kids are growing up with little to no knowledge of what it means to be a GOOD person, but rather someone who can shirk at what makes for a decent society. That leaves us with a lot of mediocrity lounging about.
I hope time proves me wrong in such matters.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Well, Bierce certainly lived the exciting life...
Of course, these days they'd say that Hillary got him in Mexico over the financing investigation...
National Days:
Wrong: so, what's new?
Pears: A dyslexic man might be puzzled... so was I
Shoe: I thought it said "Shoe OF the world"... might make the pic make more sense
Farm: EXCELLENT comment!
Broadway Grill: prolly real soon, in today's climate.
Ford: That's not a loose steering wheel, that's "Surprise self-driving car".
Politeness rubbing off: Ever the dreamer, aren't you?
---Yeah...weird how he just disappeared, too.
He was a very good wordsmith.
---And you heard that comment about those FARMS come from the mouth of a CITY boy...remember
---I was thinking that at this rate, we could wind up a TAVERN-LESS city (even with alcohol Sunday sales) ironic would THAT be?
---Ford: ROFL...never even thought of that...brilliant!
---Yeah...but the cost of such dreams are one of the BEST buys around today.
Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe (and witty) up there, brother.
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