It's another day just like yesterday, as far as the weather goes.
But be happy in the fact that we're all not digging out from the snow dumped on us if we were to be living back east.
See, take your happiness wherever you can find it (thought for today).
Our Hoosierland weather brings us a very close copy to yesterday.
Mostly cloudy skies, temps only reaching to around 31 degrees, and scattered snow showers throughout the day.
As usual, dress appropriately,. and drive with caution.
Now, let us get that morning drink poured, as we see what else has been going on, shall we?
*** First out of the cereal bowl is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."
This was spoken by Rosabeth Moss Kanter (born March 15, 1943) who is the Ernest L. Arbuckle professor of business at Harvard Business School. And here is her WIKI:
It's a short read, but interesting nonetheless.
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Sounds like Southeast Fort Wayne to me. |
She not only wrote about that, but has also published numerous books on business management techniques.
There are more than a couple of her works I'd be interested in reading.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Peanut Cluster Day
(I like these a lot better than Goobers)
---It's National Proofreading Day
(I do that every day with the blog...and sometimes I even get it right)
*** Next , are you looking to buy a movie theater?
Has someone local got a deal for you. Here's the story:
Yes, the Coventry Apollo (closed for health reasons) is now on the selling block.
A shame we have to lose any movie theater, but given the nature of some of the patrons, it could be a good thing.
Our society usually dictates what direction we're headed, and sometimes, it's not the RIGHT direction.
*** Next up, what to do with UNWANTED critters, right? Well, here's something to think about:
We've dealt with possum and raccoon (neither of which carried a big honking weapon and spoke to me), but when it comes to a coyote terrorizing my outdoor pets, I've got to do something other than buy an ACME Dynamite Kit for that coyote.
But there are pros and cons to relocating them, as many pest control specialists often do.
And, if you're an animal lover, you don't want to arbitrarily kill off the critters, either It's a decent read.
*** Next, and speaking of those who love and care for animals, there's this bittersweet story:
A homeless man (my age, actually) who took to feeding and caring for a couple dozen feral cats in a re-gentrified neighborhood alley in Chicago passed awy, and people there came together to find a way to take care of all those cats.
“These cats were his family, they were all he had. He was a very devoted cat owner,” said Cynthia Doepke, 28, who was a friend of Antonio Garcia's and helps take care of the cats. “They meant the world to him. The thought of being separated from them brought him to tears.”
(I know that feeling of separation)
It's a tale of how people will come together to help preserve a small legacy for an individual who passed quietly away during the winter...and has since crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to be with his four-footed friends.
*** Next up, let's forego any crime and punishment crap in our city and instead stop by "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids were a bit on the "antsy" side yesterday...seems whenever we get snow, they get a bit nuts.
Thankfully, even THEIR energy has limits, and they start to snooze.
Also, when their running about wanes, you can even manage to get a decent picture...
Sometimes, you catch a break and life rolls along as it should (with fewer problems).
I keep forgetting...this month's calendar picture is of Midnight.
And that's a pretty easy segue to our next segment.
*** Next up, time to check in with (who else?) "Midnight and Company"...
Neither one missed a meal, and both were waiting near the back steps when Wifey got home last night.
Since it was Wet Food Wednesday, having warm food in cold weather is always a welcome sight for these two.
I think Antonio Garcia would approve.
*** Last back to the kitchen cabinets...if more people took time to love animals, maybe it would spill over to loving one another.
I know, that seems impossible in today's world, especially with the way many people choose to act.
Case in point...trash day.
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Never a problem with OUR bins...wonder why? |
Doesn't get ANY easier than that, does it? Yet, people in our part of the ghettohood haven't managed to nail this one down.
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The trash bin was taken by people across the street |
Or, they place discarded tires out for trash pickup...sorry, not going to happen.
Tires (like electronics) have to be taken to a specified place for recycle.
(hard to get motivated to perform such a mundane task when you;re on the gov't dole, though)
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Everybody's ELSE'S bin is out at the alley. |
To me, it's more of that Oppositional Defiance Disorder...whatever they're supposed to do, they choose the opposite.
That's NOT the way to make any neighborhood better (or keep it from getting worse), is it?
Educating these people would seem a waste of time.
A change of HEART would lead to a change of MIND...there's where the solution lies.
Such is the job for a "higher authority", isn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Kenneth Lynch (the truth behind the former "Al Penwasser" put up a picture of the "back east mess" on FB. I commented. Thank God it's you and not us."
She could certain teach our politicians a thing or two on the "small wins", couldn't she?
Theater: Uh, lessee- no heat, leaking pipes, infestations- not for MY money, anyway.
I might have fought Knapp on the animal thing tooth and nail so to speak- but the 70% death rate from stress made me just. shut. up.
Chris:'re wonderfully incorrigible sometimes.
---That would definitely be a great starting point for the politicos. Lord knows they need it.
---In many ways, it's like DEJA VU (with Southtown Cinema back in the late '90s)...all over again.
---Yeah, the animals seem to react much like we do in specific instances...don't they?
More we can learn from THEM, I suppose.
(I'll take it the rest of the post moved you beyond words...especially Antonio. The trash was just that...trash...heh)
Thanks for taking time to drop by and comment.
Stay safe (and informed more than most) up there, brother.
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