I checked the calendar...funny, I "thought" it was April, but with the snow coming down this morning, I'm beginning to have my doubts.
Welcome to another "fun-filled" week on this laugh-fest we affectionately call Planet Earth.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us scattered snow showers, and temps only rising to around 42 degrees. Light winds are also possible, as are those wonderfully cloudy skies you see out there.
It's worth your time to dress accordingly, and drive appropriately for such inclement weather.
However, the sun IS shining...at up around 35,000 ft.
So, with this morsel of truth now exposed, let's get ourselves a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we take a look at what else has been going on...
*** First off of the snow-covered lawns is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Cherish An Antique Day
(finally, a day all for MYSELF...LOL)
---It's National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
(how I miss these tasty things)
---It's National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
(believe it or not, we have fewer of them alive every day)
---It's National Name Yourself Day
(I thought the whole "antique" thing covered that?)
---It's National Winston Churchill Day
(A "right man at the right time" kinda guy)
*** Next up, John Rosemond has another good article about parenting.
Here's the link to the News-Sentinel column:
Not having been a parent does not disqualify me as to figuring out how children behave.
We ALL were kids at one time or another, and we got to see how our parents dealt with us (sometimes, a little too intently).
I think this column also can help to allow us to better understand what is in the minds of this new generation of children and why they will grow up in predictable manners.
*** Next, Star Parker also had a column on the N-S, which speaks to how the gun-control movement is in direct opposition to the civil rights movement. Here's the link:
I love what she has to say.
((We have a young generation in our country today from whom we ask nothing for the privilege of living in freedom. The idea that part of living free is taking personal responsibility has become a concept alien to many of our young Americans.))
Yes, that's very true. She goes on to mention the Eisenhower years and how pivotal HE was in ensuring that black children had the same opportunity to go to (what was then) all white schools...and this was before Dr. King rose to prominence with his movement.
A shame the democrats blocked much of Eisenhower's Civil Rights Act in 1957.
*** Next up, and along the lines of protecting school kids in today's world, comes an editorial from a former Allen County Sheriff that brings to light HOW we can make our schools safer. Here's the story:
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Joe Squadrito |
Granted, we also have to contend with those who do acts of violence OUTSIDE of the educational systems...like what took place in Germany over the weekend. A van was used to kill several and injure a couple dozen along a street.
Or maybe the man in Indy who cut a few people before police took him into custody.
Those things you can't really plan for, but our schools are another matter that CAN be addressed...NOW.
*** Next, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Most of the weekend went well, but I have found that Gallifrey is starting to "snot up" the windows he goes to...lol.
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Ha ha ha...I'm not in the window NOW. |
Oh, well...there's always more Windex and paper towels to take care of such things.
Violet just prefers a ripped grocery bag to play with...or a jacket to curl up in. She's easy to please, bless her heart.
Evenings are perhaps the best time for everyone...the cats burned themselves out all day and I get to sit back and take things easy...and get some pictures.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
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They shall not pass! (whoever "they" is) |
When the sun comes out, there's plenty of time to get some "money shots" of the cats.
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What? I'm making sure the steps don't move. |
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Midnight, could you get DOWN , please? |
And, we had one of the twins come by (I call it "Stripes"), but nothing came of that, and the cat left a short time alter.
I also saw another cat (white with black spots...aptly named "spots") who was roaming around a nearby neighbor's house.
Didn't come to the patio, but kept our two cats alerted to it's presence. I don't think anyone around here has a cat...just dogs.
At least the dogs aren't strays...yet (like we used to see years ago).
*** Last back to the wigwam...responsibility is a curious thing.
And, it's something with which we ALL should become accustomed to as we grow into adulthood.
It's one of those pillars of society's foundation that allows us to mature properly, and develop courage, and wisdom, and accountability.
But these days, too many get that "free pass" when it comes to being responsible.
No one seems to want to accept it, in spite of the fact that they have to (sooner or alter). We ALL do, in fact.
Responsibility promotes personal growth.
Also, if YOU do something wrong...take responsibility for it.
If you're given a task.. be responsible enough to do it the best way you can.
I honestly will never figure out how people can meander through their lives without being responsible in the least.
That's why we have the infant mortality rates we do, among other things.
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Responsibility has personal power |
What needs to be nurtured with our youth, is the willingness to make the RIGHT choice.
It's probably one of the BEST habits to get into,
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Your commentary on the snow matches that of my trainee this AM.
Antique- you beat me to the comment...
CAC Day: Never heard of em, but no to almonds any way.
Recognition day- I believe, I was listening when Pat Miller had the guy from Honor Flight the other day.
Name: Can we wait till a day I have a better opinion of myself?
Churchill: Sal-UTE!
Imagine the laughs our parents would have had if we advocated gentle parenting? "According to the gentles, misbehavior is not the child’s natural inclination." Ah, more liberal "man isn't fallen" garbage. How you can missread this so badly in today's society, you have to be wearing blinders.
Squadrito always did know his stuff. The problem as Broward taught us isn't in implementing, but doing so without CORRUPTION. Good first step- keep federal dollars out of it.
You have nothing on Scrappy prints... also known as "dried Boofus stuff".
---I'll take it that hopefully means a GOOD thing.
---Another "great minds" moment, brought to you by CHRIS and BOB...LOL.
---Almonds are AWESOME (even easy to shell). But I still have YET to figure out how they get "almond MILK"...I've never seen a teat on ANY of 'em.
---You are correct, sir.
---Makes me wonder WHAT name you thought of for today...heh.
---Great show about Churchill - "Masters of War" (military history channel).
---And now you know WHY the liberals can't see their way out of any cogent argument!
(rose-colored BLINDERS)
---Agreed that keeping the fed OUT of school safety is a MUST.
(look what the feds did with RAILROADS, and most everything else they manage to touch)
---I had forgotten about the wet nose of a dog...very good point.
I guess that means they're feeling okay is we got snot-prints on the windows...right?
Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Stay safe(and "snotless") up there, brother.
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