04 April 2018

Humpday Happenings...
If you prefer you Wednesdays more on the February side than that of April, have I got a humpday for YOU.
It's Indiana, where the weather changes at least once every hour.
Be sure to wear a heavy jacket or coat and take care driving out there...you might encounter debris in the streets and roads from last night's wind-fest.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us morning snow showers, mostly cloudy skies and a high today of only 36 degrees. With the windy conditions outside, it sure going to feel much colder than the predicted high.
So, what say we get a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to chase that morning chill away, as we see what else has been going on, hmm?
*** First off the snowy patio is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control."
I feel this tells the tale of what is ailing our nation in a lot of ways, and shows us how to get ourselves out of this rut many have gotten comfortable with,
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
meanwhile, back at  Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania...
*** Next up, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's the Childhelp National Day of Hope
(Lord know they need all the help they can get thee days)
---It's Jeep 4x4 Day
(never had the need for one...yet)
---It's National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day
(It's pretty good, even if it's French)
---It's National Hug A Newsperson Day
(Alyssa Ivanson, Sara Schaefer, and Alexa Shear come to mind)
---It's National School Librarian Day
(the unsung heroes of the school system)
---It's National Walk Around Things Day
(way easier than tyring to walk THROUGH them)
---It's National Walking Day
(remember to walk AROUND and not through, right?)
*** Next up, today marks the 50th anniversary of th assassination of Dr. King.
And one story caught my attention. Here's the link:
Yeah, I can see where some people would disagree on the progress made since Dr. King was killed.
For a time, there was a lot of unity, an then, in the mid-to-late 70s, it started to fall away and finally culminating in the problems we see today. But, much of this has little to nothing to do with  whites.
The black community (generally-speaking) has failed itself.
I would wager that many blacks my age, who have pulled themselves up from whatever problem they encountered feel likewise.
It's the ones who have become multi-generational welfare recipients, and the gang members, drug dealers and such that have ruined the dream of Dr. King. He would probably be the first to say that a hand UP is much better than a hand OUT.
And, I'd have to agree with that.
*** Next, how's all that new-found Sunday alcohol sales been doing in Indiana? Here's the lowdown:
According to the story, sales have been DOWN...close to 75%, and especially on (you guessed it)...SUNDAYS.
Didn't take an Einstein to figure that one out.
You know, even GOD took a day off (the Sabbath), so why can't we do the same?
It's not like we're missing anything, anyway.
*** Next up, more proof that we need more officers doing PARKING CONTROL:
Now, having had people park on our lawn in the past, and one moron who took to driving THROUGH our lawn, I can appreciate the angst the person in that house feels when I look outside and see a van ON IT'S SIDE right outside the front door on my lawn.
Honestly,  you have to WORK at making that happen, so I would guess that SPEED had a LOT to do with this park job.
Wonder if the driver of that van is Latino...they seem to have a penchant for purchasing such vans (for whatever work they must be doing somewhere around the city). Our part of town is lousy with the vans, but I never see any improvements in any of the houses.
And, I also wonder if there was a language "problem" with the driver (that would confirm my guess).
*** Next, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids were so well-behaved yesterday, I thought they were sick or something. They were calm all day (for the most part), and spent lots of time napping, or looking out the windows and patio door.
The cats took turns coming in where I was watching the tv to giver me a leg rub (or two).
He still jumps into my lap, to get his head and neck scratched. She just keeps rubbing my leg until I bend down to rub her neck.
They have a lot in common, but do have their own special traits.
*** Next up, time to check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome didn't like all that windy rain yesterday, and I had to feed them under the patio table.
We did catch a break later in th day, so I could feed Midnight ON the table, but I had to call him to get his food, as he found someplace close by to stay dry (which he did). Whiskers just dashed back to a shelter.
And yes, we did get our "last call" in, complete with the hand-held treats they both like a lot.
Both of them have their specific traits, too.  All of us come to expect one another every morning,  Nothing wrong with that.
*** Last back to the wind farm...we live in an ever-changing world.
And, for the most part, that's not a bad thing.
Seasonal change is a good thing. Advances in the sciences is also quite beneficial.
Yet, when it comes down to humanity, it's a mixed bag.
By that, I mean we have changed the ways in which we wage war, prey on one another, and make life more convoluted than it already has become. We have tossed aside many aspects that made us better people.
Sure, we may be more efficient, or perhaps more informed, but most of this is predicated upon HOW we define efficiency, or WHERE we choose to get our information.
Many people see such change as an opportunity to take the easy way through life, rather than challenge themselves to become better individuals who won't give in to any whim that blows their way on the four winds.
Where we tread isn't the path we should be walking upon.
Instead, we might be better served to take a path that embraces morality and similar values, which, in the end, benefit not only ourselves, but each other.
All we have to do is try...
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

This weather sucks. That is all.

That quote is dead on what our problem is these days. Even the Tao teaches us that.

I am NOT running through the mud in a jeep in this weather. Nor on the highway, for that matter. Come back when 70 is the evening low temp.

CCB is pretty good once in a while.

I was going to say, "Child, please," on the hug a newsperson until you pointed out the advatages. But I swear if Nicholas Ferreri comes near me...

MLK take- right on.

Van story- so, what language does it take to CAUSE that? LOL JK

Good grief, Scrappy is snoring SO LOUD over there...

"We have tossed aside many aspects that made us better people." THAT is worthy of being your mystery quote someday.

Bob G. said...

---The weather - in a word: YEP!
---There are times when the RIGHT quote just reaches out from the screen and gives 'ya a Gibbs smack!
---The OLD style jeeps were fine. The NEW ones have too high a center of gravity, hence, they LOVE to roll over.
(I, on the other hand prefer NOT to, except in bed...lol)
---Can't go wrong with Dr. King.
(wish more black communities figured THAT one out)
---I'm just saying that we've got a lot of Latinos around here with those vans...I might do a "head count" and see if I come up ONE SHORT...heh.
---Scrappy needs to take on D...ROFL!
(between them, I'd bet it sounds like a rain forest being cleared)
---I appreciate that, and will take that under advisement.
(I realty need to write a book of my Bob-isms before I take the big dirt nap.)

Hey, thanks for taking time to swing by and comment.

You stay safe (and warm) up there, brother.