We're "almost" at the end of another week...been flying by (it seems)
And, we're closing in on the premiere of what could possibly be one of teh all-time highest grossing movies to come out
Yes, Avengers - Infinity War (part one) actually starts tonight, but "officially" begins tomorrow.
The second part is slated for a May 2019 release (but it could be sooner).
I figured you all noticed the "theme" we had at the header of this week's post...
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We NEED to get a large popcorn WITH extra butter. |
No rain, no snow, no sleet, no huge rocks falling from the sky...not a bad day for us.
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Finally, I got Stark to pay for coffee. |
*** First out of the blooming flower bed is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:

This was spoken by Ayn Rand (her second appearance according to the archives) born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum (January 20 1905 – March 6, 1982) who was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher, playwright and screenwriter.
And here is her WIKI (once again):
((Although she rejected the labels "conservative" and "libertarian", Rand has had continuing influence on right-wing politics and libertarianism. She faced intense opposition from William F. Buckley, Jr. and other contributors for the National Review magazine.
Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected faith and religion. She supported rational and ethical egoism and rejected altruism.))
Well, nobody's perfect...right?
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 26 -
---It's National Audubon Day
(go watch some birds...now!)
---It's National Dissertation Day
( oh, have I held back on this one)
---It's National Help A Horse Day
(I would if we had any around here)
---It's National Kids and Pets Day
(cuteness alert)
---It's National Poem in Your Pocket Day
(is that like a Haiku in your hip-waders?)
---It's National Pretzel Day
(got this covered with a bag of "rods")
---It's National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
(lol...yeah, right...that'll work in blue-collar jobs)
*** Next, more on yesterday's double shooting on the SOUTHEAST side.
Here's the lowdown:
Raymond O. Denby, 51, of Fort Wayne was the shooter who was arrested yesterday, thanks to the girl who was shot and managed to give a vehicle description and plate number to police.
Nothing like a convoluted "domestic situation" to shake up the old ghettohood, isn't there?
And that's what thee women get when they start taking in those "revolving boyfriends of the month".
People have forgotten HOW to have a relationship...and they don;t know how to react when they don't get their own way...simple as that.
It's like houses full of spoiled (adult) brats.
I'm not saying they deserve it, but they ARE asking for it,
*** Next up, time to punish some students (for some really dumb reasons) Here's the link:
Yep, singing the NATIONAL ANTHEM in the damn CAFETERIA (which is a "free" period) can get you in trouble...at least at Homestead high school.
Funny, I didn't know such things were considered "disruptive"...did you?
Weird how schools come down on stuff like THIS< and yet give the REAL disruptive kids in proper classrooms the never-ending "free-pass" when it come to honest discipline.
No wonder educators are leaving the profession in greater numbers.
*** Next, but if that's NOT enough, there's THIS story:
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Student's dad on the Pat Miller show. |
This story has got NATIONAL attention, and deservedly so.
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NOT cool, Sarah. |
Naturally, FWCS is being very "mum" about both incidents, and gave the usual "double-speak" rote statement..
Time for some REAL transparency, people....and pretty damn soon, if you ask me.
*** Next up,cleaning your vehicle can be costlier than you might think. Here's the story:
More "crimes of opportunity", and with come all the young bucks wandering our streets with NOTHING to do but cause mayhem.
Makes me wish a couple of the perps would pick the WRONG person to screw with, and get a good beatdown as their reward for such bad behavior. Maybe even take a bullet or two...JUST to wiose the rest of them the hell up.
Sooner or later, you have to fight back...or just give the hell up.
*** Next, could China be on to something GOOD? let's take a look:
The Chinese government has started using its “personal score” system to bar citizens with low scores from traveling. China says that it is trying to “purify” society by rewarding the trustworthy and punishing those it deems as untrustworthy.
While I view the word "purify" with mixed feeling, they are essentially correct in trying to promote better behaved citizens.
But this raises the question: "Can you legislate behavior?"
Well, it would appear that you CAN to some degree, but will it amount to a long-term success?
Time, as usual...will tell.
*** Next up, and speaking of some really BAD behavior, comes this story:
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Why do these people hurt us? |
I can only imagine how scared that young child is after witnessing the actions of another mommy's "boyfriend", domestic situation.
No child need be that traumatized over anything like this.
For me, it just makes me want to love our pets even more.
*** Next, time lose all the nasty crap, and instead drop by "Kitten Corner"...
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Daddy's chair is NOT a window, Bub. |
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My brother iz goofy, but I likes him anyway. |
She will chase him around a little, probably to try wising him up in her own way.
*** Next up, let's take a minute to check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
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Got my comfy spot going on. |
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I stick out my tongue at speeding cars. |
It does provide some good pictures on and near the patio, not that the cats are awre that they are fast becoming the most photographed community cats in Fort Wayne...heh.
*** Last back to the rose trellis...we often wonder why justice doesn't seem to occur like it used to. Something is missing.
I know I wonder that almost every day, and with stores like those above, it's has to get one's head to shaking like someone with severe nerve damage. And yet, there are those small victories that provide a glimmer of hope.
The subpoena I was served has been DISMISSED.
See, there IS a God, and HE knows what is going on.
Yesterday, I received an email saying the perp was going to plead GUILTY in court today.
Later, the assistant prosecutor called and we spoke at length about procedures and civil versus criminal cases (yeah, I know more than I let on...a LOT). He agreed with me after reading my emails and gave me his word that my subpoena would be dismissed (A formal letter would be arriving soon as well).
He said that in cases like this, anyone and everyone who contacts police is "usually" subpoenaed (to cover all the bases), and I can understand that. Someone may have s bit of information or saw a small thing that CAN lead to an arrest. Solving any case is determined by the amount of incrimination evidence that can be proven beyond a doubt, and in my case, it was tenuous at best (which is what I said).
So, in the end, I will NOT have to go downtown to court (and I admit that prayer worked once again).
There was no need to be there, ergo, my call on this was correct.
The asst. prosecutor also said "I hope this doesn't dissuade you FROM calling the police". I told him no way...when I SEE something, I SAY something.
That's just me, and that under those conditions would be my duty to testify as a witness.
Being right never gets old...unlike we mere mortals.
And we all come away better for the experience.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
* * * * *
((also, say a prayer for little Alfie Evans...he and his parents need it.))https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/live-updates-toddlers-alfie-evans-12416526
Here we are at draft central, where I just finished a profanity packed ("profanity exclusively") FB message to KC over the stupid Browns taking Baker Mayfield. But I digress.
Wouldn't have thought I had many points of agreement with Rand. Live and learn...
Sonnet-Boxers!! BWA-HA-HA!!
"People have forgotten how to have a relationship..." Source cause for inner city decay.
D can fill you in on my Blackhawk thoughts.
Chinese idea= early test case for Antichrist's world control. Just let me put all that data on your subcutaneous chip...
Cat killer- that man (loosely put) needs to be put away from society. Permenantly. Oh, liberal judge, any human deaths occuring after you give him a break YOU will have to confess.
I kinda figured the S was just procedure, making sure any possible T is crossed. There goes your "Give me liberty or give me death!" moment...
---Just another reason why I shy away from a LOT of sports these days. I can relate.
---Rand is one of those people yew can both like and dislike at the same time.
---LOL...what about limerick long johns?
---Inner city decay stems from the evil of IGNORANCE...everything else sprigs from THAT well.
---I will check with her on that.
---Yeah, if it comes down to THAT, we are truly boned and primed for THE Revelation.
---I like your way of thinking (because it's RIGHT).
---Yeah...so much for channeling Patrick Henry, which will have to go back into my "attic".
(To quote James Rhodes from Iron Man: "Next time, baby"...heh)
Hey, thanks for stopping over to comment.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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