07 May 2018

Monday Musings...
Now THIS is the kind of day you don't MIND waking up for...until some a-hole goes and screws it up for you.
Truth be told, it's MY kind of "summer". Not too hot and certainly not too cold. Don't even need an umbrella, either.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps reaching to around 68 degrees, and not a lick of precipitation in the mix. Might even get a light breeze so you can smell the freshly mowed grass.
Now, let's get a nice comforting cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the patio table is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 7 -
---It's National Barrier Awareness Day
(come to think of it, we ALL some in one fashion or another)
---It's National Packaging Design Day
(some are pretty clever)
---It's National Paste Up Day
(has to be a newspaper thingy)
---It's National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
(or...you could just get a gyro)
---It's National Melanoma Monday
(forgive me if I take a PASS on this one)
*** Next up, Here's one of those stories that will give you whiplash (so STOP shaking your head in disbelief when reading it):
These leftards are nuts.
How about that, Fort Wayne is 13th in the COUNTRY when it comes to EVICTIONS.
Cripes, I WISH they'd evict some of the locals infesting OUR neighborhood. Oh, wait...they DO, only to have more creepazoids move in to start the cycle anew. Easy to figure out.
Works REAL well...NOT!
Here is the source article for the story, if you want to see where any of YOUR favorite cities wound up:
And they do include renters in the mix...(it's called "you gotta pay the rent, fool.").
*** Next, if you're outraged by any of this (or even something unrelated), maybe you have an "addiction", according to this story:
Mind you, if people didn't make it their life's mission to PISS ME OFF daily around here, I wouldn't have to feel my blood pressure max out regularly. But, when you take away ACTUAL social interaction, and instead supplant it with social media digital "interaction", this is what you wind up with, right?
Sure makes it hard for those of us NOT so dependent upon all that tech to interact with others (because they ARE dependent).
*** Next, and speaking of not being able to adapt, there's THIS story from the UK:
Yeah, certain schools across the pond are going to remove the "traditional" clocks, because (ready for this?) children are having trouble READING THEM... (pause to let that sink in)...
(unless it's in a digital format, which is what the schools are going to swap out the analog clocks with...dumbasses)
I think we have our 1st candidate for the "WTF?" award this week...
*** Next up, I read where Avengers - Infinity War has managed to break another record...
It has become the first movie to hit the ONE BILLION DOLLAR mark in ELEVEN days...not an easy task by any means.
But not all was rainbows and lollipops, kids... there was THIS story:
Wow, a person DIED while watching the movie (in 3D yet)...well, at least it didn't happen here.
Guess there WAS something to having Thanos snap his fingers after all.
Now, lemme see if snapping MY fingers works on any of the "neighbors"...LOL.
*** Next, and speaking of The Avengers, we bring you this story:
COULD be? Let's say DEFINITELY (for the time being)...until the second half of this movie comes out around this time NEXT year.
After the dust settles on that, then we can call it.
*** Next up, the weekend wasn't that bad, after an "interesting" start.
Wifey and I headed out to grocery shop, but before that, we hit the gas station to tank up.
Wasn't THIS bad...but not far off.
There was this loudass (to borrow from Mad Jack's lexicon) "guess-the-race" moron, thumping his "music" (?) the next pump over, and I said loudly "TURN THAT DAMN CRAP DOWN", to which I was wonderfully ignored. He even smiled and said "youdonlikeloudmusic?"
I answered: "Yeah, I just DON'T LIKE ASSHOLES". Well, he didn't turn the crap down and drove off (finally).
I was expecting to see a firearm, because such primate bucks love to prove their "manhood", but I figured such actions as that MUST make up for a lack of size "down under" (and I'm not talking Australia here).
After that, it was nicely uneventful (and free of "local" aboriginal intrusion), so Wifey drive us to Books Comics and Things for FCBD.
Wifey got her phone back.
We had to make a stop at the Goodwill Store (along the way) because the night before, she LEFT her cellphone in the bathroom there (she was taking her clients there to shop). I did ride Wifey about that kinda stuff. I keep my phone all but surgically-attached to me (in it's own holster), and I only lost mine once when it came off the belt last year (but a trip to Broadview Nursery cured that - the owner found it for me.
It had fallen off the belt.
It doesn't do THAT nay longer.
Anyway, BC&T had moved it's location in that strip mall out on Covington...had to call them to find it. It's a smaller store (not a good sign), and small signage to make it hard to locate, but we did get there, and I snagged 4 titles.
(they had a 3 comic limit, UNLESS you made a purchase, which I did. It was worth $5 and change) I got a Spiderman, Avengers, Doctor Who and Ghost in the Shell (free) and I bought Avengers #1 (Marvel's got a slew of #1 covers out there. Guess we're going through another "reboot" of sorts?).
After that (and having my heart in my mouth when Wifey missed a stop area in the parking lot, as well as crossing a double line in same lot) it was back to Homestead Heights.
(thank the Lord).
Yesterday, was "mow the back yard" day, and that went rather well. My legs didn't protest near as much as I thought they would.
We'll see how the side lawn works (sometime later this week).
*** Next up, time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids were really good all weekend, even if "daddy" was still miffed about the gas station encounter with that stupid-ass.
They ate, they played, they "made their ancestors proud"...lol.
The level of cuteness they display never gets old, either.
*** Next, time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
When last we left our furry twosome, they were at the patio door waiting for breakfast, which they enjoyed.
Midnight stayed around more than Whiskers, as she took to "patrol duty".
She missed a lunch, but made it back for "last call". Must be those hand held treats.
Actually, I was hoping for some "supervision" while mowing, but both of them stayed pretty much "in the bleachers"...(the patio) and just watched from afar.
Lawn looks good.                    Yes, it does.
They did check things out a bit later, and must have approved of the job.
*** Last back to the flower beds...Wifey and I plan a trip to Menards for some sale flowers to get "ye olde Fortress" looking more springlike.
Yeah, needs some flowers...some color.
Unlike nearly everyone ELSE around here, we STILL do give a damn. A shame such manner of thinking doesn't equate to lower taxes or a break in utility costs for us.
Hell, I'd be happy to see more police in the area, JUST to keep the morons quiet for a couple hours (which is what takes place when a FWPD car DOES stop in the area). Not long after the police leave, the idiots go right back to their TNB.
It's sad to see how people can grow to love being in such a state of ignorance...and arrogance...and disrespect.
Yet, we have permitted this to occur by not holding everyone accountable.
Each generation of such people seem to get a little farther away from what it means to be a GOOD person.
And to act like that doesn't require much, but it does require something. That something is called DESIRE.
You have to want to be a better person than you were the day before, and it IS possible...for ANYONE.
It just starts with one choice (as does anything in life)
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

"...until some a-hole goes and screws it up for you..." Just remember the only thing that you can control is your reaction to it. You can choose to react independantly of the a-h s, or react as they do. I came about 70-30 good today...

My friend Kelli was talking about how she was ahead of some woman at Target who was going on about how bad her food choices and the person's in front of them both were- and then Kelli wrote about the lady's basket- leading off with Cheetohs and going down hill from there. I told her, that's just someone who has a miserable life (or outlook thereon) and wants everyone around her to jump in the misery pit. I said, best thing to do- smile, say, "Have a wonderful day!" and walk on.

This is the second article that I have read (or posted) in the last six months that makes me question how much of a head start on liberal dumbing-down the Brits actually had on us...

Oh, BTW, I saw that Black Panther Bobble out of the box... looks like a kid who made his costume out of a trash can! Not a good effort IMHO...

Wow, didn't know BCT moved... that's a shame, it was a nice store with a gaming room and all.

Yes, they did another reboot after their latest crisis- which was brought on by the fact that changing age, gender, and race on many of their biggest characters didn't fly as well as they assumed it would. Would have been easier on them to just look at what DC was doing (at nearly the same time) and DON'T DO IT, but learning's never easy with your head up your butt.

Bob G. said...

---Roger that. I'm more of the 60-40 "variety"...and that's TOTALLY dependent upon the level of "a-holery" that I encounter...LOL.
Still haven't met anyone whos "100% A DICK"...yet, but some around here come REAL close.
---I'd bet some good FOLDING MONEY that the person Kelli came across was a LIBERAL to a very large degree. They're not happy even when they GET their own way.
---I think a lot of them are STILL miffed about losing our War of Independence...heh.
I'd have expected this kinda nonsense from say...Kalifornia...!
---Never been into bobble-heads, but I did want an OBAMA one...just to kick around.
---Didn't see ANY gaming room (which used to be pretty big in the back at the old place). The new digs are about HALF the size...narrow aisles, too (BOTH of them).
Might have to use Maplecrest Rd as the new "go-to" place (BC&T) now.
---I recall the gender change BS...and when I saw these titles, I figured they were going that route.
(not that they should, unless it's another version of EARTH).
Geez, just let us have OUR heroes...go create other realities for those who don't like "traditionalism" for God's sake. That would work well enough for everyone.
---"Head up their butt"...(sounds like City hall...lol)...that sums it up very nicely, too.
I heartily agree.

Hey, thanks for dropping by to comment today.
Much appreciated.

Stay safe up there, brother.