07 November 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Finally, a break in all he dampness, but it comes with a cost (doesn't everything?)...baby, it's BRISK outside There is indeed a chill in the air.
And, the mid-term elections are finally over (no more mailers in the post or annoying ads on TV. I suppose that means the flood of Christmas ads will commence...lol.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, temps only climbing to around 44 degrees, and it will be breezy as well (which helps make our sidewalk and patio a bit on the "self-cleaning" side with the leaves). Works for me!
Now, let's break out the coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or something stronger if you need it to chase the chills away, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the commode is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"God is not troubled by one who is conservative or liberal, and He certainly never inclines His ear toward a donkey or an elephant." 
That's what I like, short and to the point...and truthful. Can't argue with any of those, can you?
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Abilene Christian University...
*** Next, is out "What the hell happens today, Bob?' feature:
---It's National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
(yes, even man's best friend is not immune to such diseases)
---It's National Stress Awareness Day
(great, something ELSE to get me stressed...heh)
*** Next up...From our "Only in Detroit" department comes this:
Excuse me..."misplaced" the voting machines???
And on ELECTION DAY??? Yep,,,SO typical.
They DID find the machines in a CLOSET later on...!?!
*** Next...From our "Senior Living" Department (which has nothing to do with ANYONE of Latino persuasion) we have THIS:
"Security"? What security?
As far as I'm concerned, with all the talk about SSI going belly up in the (near) future, let's just say that a little SOMETHING is better than more NOTHING.
(you may quote me on that)
Yesterday, people VOTED for these shrubs.
Not to mention, if I waited long enough for SSI to become a "livable" income, I'd have to live as long as some of the Old Testament fellows. (not gonna happen)
Maybe SSI isn't really going under, but why take the chance, right?
Get (your OWN money back) it while you can.
*** Next up, time to drop by and visit our "Kitten Corner"...
Getting some serious napping in.
The kids had to endure another day of DREARY, and that meant lots of time spent napping (and dreaming of nice weather, no doubt).
Guess chasing him around tired him out?
We had a little running about, and and some time to cuddle with daddy, which means climbing onto the chair in the computer room (while I'm in it) and rub against me (which feels good, actually).
I admit it IS hard to get any pictures of that, so you'll have to let your mind's eye capture the moment.
*** Next, let's do our daily check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Where are you going now?
Our furry twosome had a pretty good day, in spite of the weather. We even dodged the rain and I got them fed out from under the patio table.
I plan to make the rounds outside the battlements.
Midnight was missing for lunch (as usual) but he made the other two meals and treats time afterward. Whiskers didn't miss any meal, and was in the shelter while the winds blew in the afternoon.
*** Next up, we got our first leaf pickup...imagine that.
They worked the E-W route yesterday, and today, they're going N-S.
Not near as many people raking this year (apathy abounds), but I got some to the curb (been too wet to use the blower).
*** Last back to the outhouse...well, the voting is over and while the REPS gain a stronger hold of the Senate, the DEMS have retaken control of the House of Representatives.
Talk about your outcomes. Guess all those illegal and inmate votes made the difference for the left. And we certainly can't discount the votes from dead and fictional people either.
Wouldn't surprise me if George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were still voting (and for the wrong party).
What I find curious, is that "IF" all those people voted for the dems to take back the House, then WHY was the senate still held by the reps?
Usually you wouldn't see THAT mush ticket-splitting, and yet, here we are.
Something just does not add up (for me) here. No "Russian interference" perhaps?
Maybe the dem voters (here illegally) were not told how to vote the straight party line?
Anyway, this means we might have to put up with the Wicked Witch of the West once again - Nancy Pelosi  - with Chuck (U) Schumer as the "puppet-master" pulling her strings.
I think the sale of televisions RISES when she's in power and shows up on the lame-stream news (must be all those feet, fists, bullets and other assorted heavy objects going through the screens). Maybe she is actually helping our economy...in her own way...LOL.
I, for one, am NOT looking forward to hearing her elitist, haggard voice trying to pull our nation apart all over again.
Yet, anything the dems try to push through ("you have to pass the bill in order to see what's in it" bullshit) SHOULD be halted at the senate level , so that's a saving grace. And the Senate needs to pass as much as they can to keep things stable and the economy running well..
But, our country should not have to resort (or rely) on those "saving graces" in order to move forward.
We should be able to stand firm against that which seeks to destroy us and our culture.
Maybe it's high time we took to walking a bit more softly...and carrying a bigger stick.
If nothing else, we can fend off the evil that roams about. It's just a thought.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

I would bet the quote, if not Billy Graham, is certainly one he lived out.

Democrats against the COLA increse- and yet, Mike Braun was trying to take money away from seniors.

I don't know what I am more sick of- lying politicians or people who voted for them...

As to Pelosi, I shudder to think that Rush's speculation today might be right, and the Demo-brats that won this election might oust her for something- gag- even worse.

Bob G. said...

---No, not Rev. Graham (or any member of his family), but you ARE in the ballpark (or is that church pew?)...heh.
---I know. I can't make sense of this any longer because none of it MAKES any sense to begin with.
---Personally, I think it's only proper to be sick OF BOTH.
(how's that for an easy choice?)
---I was listening to that, and considering how the left has distanced itself from the Clintons...maybe they want to get rid of the dead weight (and yes, it could get WORSE). Rush might be on to something there.

Thanks for taking time to stop by and comment today.
(much appreciated).

Stay safe (and always well-informed) up there, brother.