Well here we are...end of the week, and pretty much the end of the month.
And, it would appear that March is going out like a bit of a lion, considering the conditions over the next 72 hours.
I thought this month was supposed to go out like a lamb? Guess no one sent that memo along.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us scattered showers through the day (when exactly is anyone's guess), so take the umbrella and be mindful when on the roads out there.
Temps are starting out in the 50s, but will drop into the 40s as the day passes.
As for the sun...I find any sign of it more unlikely than not.
So, let's get things moving with a cup, glass of mug of Friday Fortitude, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the soggy lawn is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 29 -
---It's Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
(okay, there's cake...fine so far)
---It's National Mom and Pop Business Owner's Day
(always help out the "little guy")
---It's National Nevada Day
(not bad, if you like a lot of nothing and casinos)
---It's Vietnam War Veterans Day
(we lost not on the battlefield, but at the bargaining table)
*** Next up, and since we have arrived at the end of the rolling week, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
MARCH 30 -
---Saturday is National Doctors Day
(hope this also includes THE Doctor.)
---It's National I Am In Control Day
(if YOU'RE not, someone else will be)
---It's National Pencil Day
(the old Ticonderoga #2 comes to mind)
---It's National Take a Walk in the Park Day
(sure, if you like getting soaked)
---It's National Turkey Neck Soup Day
(not into the neck part)
---It's National Virtual Vacation Day
(what the hell is a vacation? I think I remember what they were)
MARCH 31 -
---Sunday is National Prom Day
(big, fat, hairy deal)
---It's National Bunsen Burner Day
(toasts marshmallows REAL fast)
---It's National Clams on the Half Shell Day
(sorry, don't eat snotballs...fry 'em up)
---It's National Crayon Day
(make sure the kids don't eat them)
---It's National Tater Day
(okay, plenty of ways to like those)
And there you have it...lots of things to observe this weekend. Just remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next, could this be another "global warming" OOPS? You decide:
Yep, the largest glacier in the northern hemisphere has started GROWING again...guess the climate is changing, and perhaps not for the hotter?
Seems facts have won out again.
*** Next up, here's a wonderful example of highway stupidity:
This took place in Putnam County. The corvette driver was "dream-weaving" in and out o traffic, going at an "excessive speed" when he lost control, did a couple lateral ground spins, hit a guardrail, and was ejected from the car (wasn't wearing a seatbelt).
That's a damn shame. That used to be a nice car.
Can't get any MORE dumbassed than that, can you?
Someone buy that idiot a Yugo!
*** Next up, time for us to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
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Let's do something. Like what? I dunno, |
They chose to take things easy (like they don't do enough of that already?)
So, it was up to me to "amuse" them...plenty of neck rubs, back rubs, and petting.
No, I didn't get ANY of those...but they did...lol.
*** Next, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"Hey, I'm here. Where's the grub? |
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Went for a walk. Came back when it rained. |
The back steps seem to be a good "meeting" place.
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"Wow, we get treats HERE now too." |
Guess we'll be doing that most of the weekend.
*** Last back to the umbrella stand...You always hear me say that I attempt to start every day with an optimistic viewpoint (accent on the attempt).
And usually, that optimism dies off very soon afterward, and never by my own hand.
The human flotsam that has been permitted to infest our (once nice) neighborhood is a sign that something is grossly amiss with the manner in which society is evolving (in some respects, it's devolving).
We're supposed to all be better than this, and yet, there's little (if any) evidence that these people are even trying to do something constructive, or enjoy where they live, or be respectful.
There's no gratitude, little concern, and a whole lot of apathy that rules the day where we live, and I'm very sure that's not the best way to make ANY community better.
Yet, these same people cry the blues whenever something bad occurs (which is more commonplace than the media reports).
You know, people should figure out that they create their own storms in life, so they shouldn't bitch a fit whenever it rains...right?
They just meander through life, held to no accountability or responsibility, UNTIL something bad happens (to shake their reverie) and it usually does, many times by their own hands.
There are alternatives to such behavior, but like anything worth something in life, it DOES require work.
It requires diligence, patience, persistence, and above all...hope.
Therein lies the lesson for the day.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
We'll see you next month.
My doctors have never looked like the two out front...
I Am In Control... sure you are...
No prom this year, Bob?
Bunsen Burner: Last night I read Dectective Comics #1000, which was an anthology. One of the stories was about a thug for hire that hired on- and screwed up for- about every villian in the Bat gallery. Once he accidentally burned down Poison Ivy's hide out by "Leaving a sandwich on a bunsen burner". Turned out, it was Alfred, Bruce, Dick, or Barbara in disguise every time.
I saw the headline on the iceberg- that scientists are saying even THAT is bad news for some arcane reason. I'm so done with climate change crap I didn't bother to see why.
Vette driver: Thus to all who love to play "Highway Wonderland".
Closing: Yesterday someone put a meme on FB about having that good attitude until 3 minutes after clocking in at work. I replied, "Didn't even take three minutes today..."
---You're NOT alone there, neither have any of mine...heh.
---I keep telling myself that TOO...!
---No, and NONE of the cats are planning to go to any.
---See, those Bunsen burners do a flaming GOOD job, don't they?
---The left can find a dark cloud behind every single silver lining out there.
The Earth does IT'S thing...THAT is settled science.
---Certainly not one of the "E" tickets rides in the Magic Kingdom!
---Yeah...unfortunately, something always seems to come along and louse up a perfectly GOOD attitude.
But, it's not WHAT we deal with...it's HOW we handle it that counts, my friend.
Thanks for swinging by today to comment.
Have yourselves a great weekend and stay safe (and hopefully dry) up there, brother.
Nat'l Vietnam War Veterans day is a day all in America should honor. those men and women gave all they had and were seldom honored.
We call young stupid drivers in hot cars the "young immortals", because that is what they believe.
No seat belt?
---I am total agreement there.
We must never forget what they did for us and our country.
---"Young immortals"...LOL.
I like that, and I'm sure we both know that their "belief" system needs to come into question.
Hey, thanks for stopping on by and commenting.
Have a great weekend & be well out there.
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