Hope all of you have your umbrella today, because you WILL be needing it.
We won't see anything dry outside until late Saturday, according to the reports.
And, I heard that we might even see some snow over the weekend (I wouldn't sweat getting the shovel back out).
Our Hoosierland weather for today will bring us...RAIN, followed by more rain throughout the remainder of the day. Skies will be partly to mostly cloudy (oh look, there's the sun). Temps will climb to around 60 degrees, and we'll have some light breezes.
Now, let's get a comforting drink to begin the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the rain barrel is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community."
This was spoken by someone we all studied in high school English class...Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) who was an Irish poet and playwright. And here is his WIKI:
I loved his "Picture of Dorian Gray"
And NO, don't confuse Mr. Wilde with Tom baker as the 4th Doctor in the Doctor Who series from the mid 70s...heh.
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"Fancy a Jelly-Baby?" |
When he wrote his only political essay, The Soul of Man Under Socialism, he argued political conditions should establish this primacy - private property should be abolished, and cooperation should be substituted for competition.
This put him in disfavor with the Fabians (intellectual socialists who advocated using state apparatus to change social conditions).
But, his writings created controversy, as well as allegations of homosexual behavior, sodomy and gross indecency, and he was imprisoned for two years (25 May 1895 to 18 May 1897).
I know he'd probably never see a jail cell in say...FRISCO (or in the Greenwich Village section of NYC).
It's a very interesting read, and worth the time.
*** Next, let's look into our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 28 -
---It's National Black Forest Cake Day
(i had me at "cake")
---It''s National Something On a Stick Day
(could we be more specific with this?)
---It's National Triglycerides Day
(well, if we find them in cake...that'll work)
---It's National Weed Appreciation Day
(got 3 words here - NO...EFFIN...WAY!)
*** Next up, there's another good Bob Rinearson column:

Let's hope that any "live drills" don't include "shooting" teachers with rubber rounds.
That tends to leave a mark (and creates lawsuits).
Also, just because we have adequate resources locally to create a better sense of security at schools, doesn't mean we can sit back and take things easy.
Such criminals don't usually advertise in advance when they're coming.
*** Next, an update on the latest homicide in FTW:

Address was listed as 4424 Smith St.
On the rap sheets, he has to be a "junior", as there's another male with the same name with crimes going back to 1990. , and THIS Felton Walker would have been a child. The younger Felton had a couple misdemeanors for DUI driving w/o a license and insurance.
The "elder" Felton did have drug possession (pot and cocaine) arrests.
Must run in the (SE side) "family"?
*** Next up, another house fire on the (where else?) SE side:
This took place around 0030 hrs this morning at 2812 Drexel Av.
A teenage boy and his dog got out okay.
Fire crews determined the fire began in the bedroom OF the teen...imagine that.
No one else was home at the time...curious. That boy got some "splainin" to do.
*** Next up, time to see what's going on at our "Kitten Corner"...
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"I'll let daddy have the sofa...this night." |
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"I see WEIRD stuff." |
At least I got the sofa in the living room back last evening...lol.
*** Next, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry duo spent all day around and near the house, and that kinda surprised me.
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"C.mon, I'm not THAT hard to spot." |
He was snoozing in a shadow near the table. I didn't expect him to be there.
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"Yippee...another nice day out here." |
He just soaked up the sun while it lasted.
*** Last back to the downspout...I saw a news story mentioning a survey stating that the majority of people (in another survey) feel that not enough is being done for blacks in America.
Well, I didn't know whether to roll my eyes, laugh my ass off, or elevate my blood pressure due to anger.
The people in that survey must NOT have been in my part of the ghettohood, for we seem to have more Cadillacs than at the local dealership (as well as many other new vehicles), and there is obviously plenty of money, because few if any blacks down here actually WORK for a living.
And of those that do, some are of the "street pharm distributorship" variety.
They all enjoy cable or satellite with he obligatory big screen television, and can afford enough meat to have regular cookouts (when not burning down a house from cooking at 3 AM).
And they have plenty of friends that do likewise, because they're always over to various houses daily.
I mean, what MORE can be done for the richest "poor people" on the whole planet?
Many of them receive subsidies out the wazoo for food, housing, utilities, child care, college...you name it.
And the way they shoot each other in such a cavalier manner, one would think their ammunition is ALSO subsidized.
I think if anything, they should start doing more for themselves, and have less dependency upon everyone else. That mindset seems to work quite well for others.
When they can appreciate and be thankful for what THEY can achieve, then they can create a better life for themselves and their own communities. Charity surely begins in the HOME. Besides, it sure beats taking from everyone else, doesn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Got a GREAT walk in before the rain. Left work at 1300 hrs. Horrible day there. Windows ate my password to the cutter. IT guy said, "I don't know why Ft Wayne doesn't have the same PW as everyone else- all cutters are supposed to have the same PW (lie- if we didn't know, it's because his lazy ass never told us)". Upshot is I cut my first cover at 0845. Worked in the frame cell for a while- they have a POS hole puncher that constantly trips the breaker, and they have to take a 20ft long stock aluminum pipe to reach the reset ON THE BUSBAR ON THE CEILING. When I questioned a boss about the safety implication, he said he'd reported it since he was hired ("Not a priority") and suggested I put in a saftey suggestion (Me: "Why? Someone run out of toilet paper?") Partners machine kept crashing in the middle of cuts (Oh, and an update- our new machine is on hold because Pathfinder is visiting Minnesota next week to figure out why THEIR new machine isn't working right), my fabric was full of flaw, and I was told that the drawing markers our machine uses- and are leaking all over- are the same as everyone elses and "No one else is reporting problems, markers last all day".
I left because I am sick of being lied to. One guy texted our former lead (who does the same thing for another company). We've been told "The entire marine industry is slow right now". Former lead told guy, "We're working 5 10's every week."
Okay, now to YOUR day, lol.
Oscar Wilde? (Raises eyebrow) Fascinating...
BTW, to Wilde's sex life- prepare for tomorrow's TM lead-in...
My partner dropped a chocolate cake (thankfully in cake carrier) for our pot luck today. We kept busting her by calling it an "upside down" cake. (Her: "You know, I am so done with you guys...")
"Something on a stick..." Like the head of Dobie Gillis?
Triglycerides: LOL on you!
I was just telling Scrappy it's not spring until we see the first dandelion...
Felton: We learn from our fathers. That should have been a good thing...
Lassie: "Timmy... TIMMY! Put that damn joint out!"
Midnight didn't look up and say, "Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of men..."?
One thing I am learning: For every place where there are parasites, there's another where they simply have no chance the way things are. Our governments at every level apply one-size-fits-all solutions and take opportunity from the needful in order to create more parasites. And when they finish, they check out to that nice suburban home and pat themselves on the back for "caring". And guess which end of the spectrum lives around you?
---There is always "balance" in life...bad day at work / great walkabout.
---Seems the IT guys are great at putting the ambiguous "it" into everything.
---ON THE CEILING? Weird-ass place for a RESET button...?!? Good Lord!
---LMAO on the TP!
---A new machine that's got teething problems before you even get it...that instills a new level of confidence, right?
---Must be some BIG markers that can last all day and still LEAK!
(55 gal drum sized?)
---Here's an idea...maybe your place can start doing covers for things OTHER than "marine"...(whatta concept).
---Wild sex life and the TM lead-in...(raises one eyebrow) should prove "most interesting".
---ROFL...upside down cake...brilliant
---I was thinking a "bit" more political in mind. Dobie was kinda cool in his day.
---What, no rabbits, deer, or groundhogs?
---How very true (good or bad).
---It was a candle left burning (yeah, right...at least the dog got out).
---I might start calling him "Lamont", or maybe "Mr Cranston" (btw, SHADOW was one of the runners-up for his name).
---Believe me, I see first hand which end of the "sh*t-stick" we got down here.
(and it's not the end we SHOULD be holding)
Parasites, anyone?
Hey, thanks for stopping by and providing some smiles as well as your keen insight.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe (and dry over the next 36 hrs) up there, brother
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