Then again, much of that will be dependent upon where you live.
We will have rain coming, but not until tomorrow (so they say).
Our Hoosierland weather for today bring us mostly sunny skies with increasing clouds as the day goes on.
Temps will climb to somewhere around 55 degrees.
So, there should not be any impact on your activities that you might have outdoors. Tomorrow is another story.
Now, let's get ourselves that refreshing drink to begin the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the bathroom is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community."
I'd have to say that these days, opinions are driving facts, rather than the other (and correct) way around.
That's a road we really don't want to travel on, but unfortunately, there are those who deal ONLY with that premise.
So, WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at Trinity College in Dublin...
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 27 -
---It's Manatee Appreciation Day
---It's National Little Red Wagon Day
(we all had one...didn't we?)
---It's National Scribble Day
(feel free to indulge yourself)
---It's National Spanish Paella Day
(isn't that a bit on the redundant side? Is there any OTHER type of paella?)
---It's National Joe Day
(we need a national BOB day. Palindrome anyone?)
*** Next, from the "And to think our future is in THEIR hands?" Department:
Wifey and I talked about this yesterday, and we believe that our INITIAL rights come from GOD...period.
Certain (inalienable) rights come from our founding documents that state they indeed come from our Creator.
Pretty much everything ELSE is a privilege in one form or another.
Our government does NOT create rights for us, but (should only) enforce those (rights) given to us by...(you guessed it)...GOD.
Good thing this was an "informal" study...
*** Next, from the "How much sense does this need to make?" department:

That gun maker didn't FORCE that perp to commit that crime, nor did they pull ANY triggers.
Remington is not to blame here at all.
ALL the choices (badly made as they were) are always the SOLE responsibility of the person MAKING those decisions.
Somehow, those judges in Connecticut need to look up the word ABSURDITY in Webster's (they might a picture of themselves).
*** Next up, as soon as the weather gets nice, the "natives"get restless in Fort Wayne.
Here's the lowdown:
This took place in the 4400 block of Smith St. (yes, the SE side, as usual) around 2230 hrs last night. I think we DID make it to FIVE homicides (so far) this year...and counting.
A man was found by police inside a house suffering from at least one gunshot wound. Originally transported in critical condition, he died at hospital.
It appears that someone shot into the house, striking the male.
Cripes, this is becoming a habit down here.
What's this...a new gang initiation?
*** Next, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
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"I can see out the front door now." |
Gallifrey came up in my lap, but he moved around so much, that getting a picture that wasn't blurred beyond reason as impossible.
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"Please, no more of those close-ups." |
Still, you cater to them, because you love 'em.
*** Next up, lt's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"I really like this routine. Lotsa love, too." |
Midnight went on patrol and missed lunch, while Whiskers was around all day (spending time in the shelter or alongside the house.
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"Just waiting to hear the dinner call." |
It's always a pleasure to have them at the patio door early on for breakfast. It's something to look forward to every day.
*** Last back to the laundry room...the world keeps getting crazier each and every day.
I won't get into the decision to dismiss all the felony charges (16 in total) that were tossed at actor Jussie Smollett. Let's just call it a travesty and leave it at that. And, we won't get into the Mueller report that came out and showed no collusion between Russia and our president (wasting millions in the process).
Let's instead touch on something Glenn Beck featured yesterday...FACTS and OPINIONS.
Facts are rather self-explanatory, while opinions are based (or should be) on facts.
Granted that many times, people form opinions based on feelings, perspectives and such, with little to no regard for any factual basis. Facts can always be checked...opinions can also be checked by the facts they're based on. If not, then it's based on feelings or propaganda.

I don't want facts based on opinion (now should you). That leads to bias very easily, and we constantly see on news channels how that pans out.
Our best recourse is to ALWAYS seek the truth, and that means having to sift through information to uncover the facts, so we can develop a proper opinion that cannot be summarily refuted.
It's not easy to do sometimes, but the net result rewards us well.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Well, I am all for Nat'l Scribble Day.
My home area in Illinois--most men had guns and used them for hunting. # of murders in our area? only one, from an outsider and this was a decade ago.
Your cats always make me feel better.
---I had to look twice...I thought it said
But, I can do SCRIBBLE well enough. Ask my wife about my handwriting!
---See, that seems to be the case in MANY areas...MORE guns appears to equal LESS deaths BY guns...weird how that works.
---I will pass that along to the cats. I'm sure they'll continue to have a positive effect.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Be well and stay safe out there.
Another nice walk day- and a scattering of random pics will be posted tomorrow.
LOVE that quote...
LRW: Yup, and it was great for hauling snacks out to the "secret hideout" shed...
Scribbles: I was told by a Spanish-speaker today that my English notes to myself look Chinese...
Joe Day... AKA the Biden Bash? The Namath Nativity? The McCarthy Meet-up? The Montana Mingle? The... oh, okay.
Hmmm... Biblically, does God GIVE us rights? Outside of entrance into His family, that is. A topic worth debate, perhaps not here, though...
CT Judges.... Al Penwasser could tell you a few tales of ANYONE in gov't in that rathole.
Shooting: Iron bedboards coming ever closer...
"...that meant I got the floor..." you mean treats and lasers didn't move her?
I just read an article by someone who is recovering from BPD and believes that liberals en masse exhibit the classic symptoms of that disease. Thus, as she got healthy, she became conservative. Makes a ton of sense these days...
So this week I start groundwork for the "f is for..." post. Wanna take a guess at how many people whose name starts with F are in the Bible?
---Figured you would have a good walk.
(Scrappy better have come along)
---Quote...I never cease to be amazed at what I find, and how pertinent such words are TODAY.
---Never had a snacks hideout shed...just deep pockets...heh.
---I'd get a second opinion...from someone of CHINESE descent, just to make sure.
(Mandarin or Cantonese?)
---LOL (Joe) THAT was funny!
---Well, I don't believe He hands them out in a baggie, but I would say that (as fallen beings) we are permitted (granted) them BY Him from conception to grave. How's that?
---It's sure NOT the CT I once knew, and visited once...(just once).
---Don't forget the KEVLAR insulation, bullet-resistant windows and armored doors.
(cripes, that's gonna cost a bundle)
---Nah...she was SO peaceful, and I wouldn't think of doing that to a lady, anyway.
---Off the top of my head, I really can't think of ANY.
I trust you'll use the GREEK "ph", because there is no "F" in Hebrew.
(sound about right?)
Thanks for spending some time here today to comment.
Stay safe (and keep an umbrella handy) up there, brother.
God and rights: Works for me. I just was posing the question, I been too busy tracking down Bible characters to dope it out.
There are three- one only mentioned by name, and the other two (Felix and Festus) are in the same story! I even searched the Jewish encyclopedia to see if they had something crazy and heretofore unknown (like maybe, "Job's wife's name was Fanny") but no dice. And no, I won't take the phonetic way out- at least not until Q, X, or Y.
---Maybe if you didn't use the ENGLISH alphabet???
It's all Greek to me, anyway...heh.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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