07 March 2019

Thoughts For Thursday...
Yes, we've another day of COLD weather, but, it's not AS cold as it has been...even though it seems as cold.
Weird how that works.
We might even manage to get above freezing. Well, that would be almost epiphanic in nature at this point.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly sunny skies, temps reaching to around 32 degrees, and yes, a chance of some snow flurries (doesn't look like any accumulation). Probably just enough to annoy the hell out of us, right?
So, let's get ourselves a comforting beverage, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the slightly thawed lawn is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
This was spoken by one  Edward L. Bernays (November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995)  who was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations".
And here is his WIKI:
Now, you have to understand that there IS a difference between public relations and PROPAGANDA.
Bernays was marvelous at both, but excelled in the latter.
((His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom" and his work for the United Fruit Company connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954.))
Here is the WIKI for his PR campaigns:
Bernays envisioned an Utopian society (uh oh),  where the emotional energy and biological drives of people could be harnessed and channeled for economic benefit. He viewed propaganda  as the only alternative to chaos.
They both are pretty interesting reads and goes to show how his philosophy can be utilized in ways he never imagined...and with verifiable success.
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Be Heard Day
(just shout louder)
---It's National Cereal Day
(okay, there's today's breakfast)
---It's National Crown Roast of Pork Day
(and that would make a nice dinner)
---It's National Hospitalist Day
(weird way of saying hospotal workers)
*** Next up,f From the "I told you this would happen" Department, we have this story:
Like I said many times, the things that happen on the SE side (with regularity, I might add) have come to Waynedale.
This took place in a 1st floor apartment at the 1817 Woodhaven Drive in the Winchester Woods Apts around 1117 hrs yesterday.
One person was alerted by a smoke detector and got out unharmed.
Two people and a dog were rescued from a 2nd floor apartment. All total, six people were impacted by the fire.
Now WHO the hell left something on the damn stove AGAIN?
(must been someone who used to live on the SE side).
*** Next, from the "Who knew this was true?" department:
All I can say is sure...because THIS is what's important in life, right?
*** Next up, from the "Okay, we KNEW this was true" Department:
Now, I would like to know WHY a "crisis" is not considered an "emergency"?
This story would seem to bear the truth in this matter:
Seems we DO have a crisis at our southern b
order, despite what the left says (typical of them).
I mean, a major heart attack IS a crisis...AND an emergency, so it would appear that what the president calls a national EMERGENCY is in fact ALSO a CRISIS, as stated by the  border chief.
To me, there is no difference except in SPELLING.
*** Next, from the "You sure this isn't Fort Wayne?"  Department comes this story:
Meet The "PERPS"
Imagine that...using fraudulent credit cards...what a novel idea. The cards were used at Lassus Handy Dandy gas stations in Ligonier, North Webster, Warsaw and Wolcottville.
Now here's the "kicker", boys and girls...the credit cards were used to purchase a large amount of Newport cigarettes.
Well, we don't even NEED a photo to know the ethnicity of these perps...do we?
Can't blame them for being lazy, though...they've been VERY busy. Crazy stuff, huh?
*** Next up, on a sad note. ;ong time Jeopardy host, Alex Trebek has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Here's the story:
We're with you, Alex.
I know he's been added to my prayer list, and I wish him only the best in this fight.
*** Next, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
Failing at staying awake.
Our kids did fine yesterday, and spent much of the day doing what they do best...taking it EASY.
(meanwhile, I had to feed myself, get the trash and recycle ready...human stuff)
Oh, and I had to clean THEIR letter pans..."you're welcome"...LOL.
I haz clean litterpan again?
Be nice to trade off for a couple days...well, maybe not.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Hey. guess who's here for lunch?
Our furry twosome were once again near the house for most all of the day.
Huh, wha...you talking to me?
They BOTH made lunchtime, too. Midnight must have felt it was too cold to wander about. (smart cat).
As usual, Whiskers was in a shelter, and came out to grab some of the fleeting sunshine we had.
*** Last back to the frosty patio...we, as a society certainly have our share of crises.
In fact, there are those who wouldn't know what the hell to do if we DIDN'T have any.
I am not in that number.
In today's world, there are those unavoidable crises that demand our immediate action...like natural catastrophes and such.
And, as is often the case, we step up and show our best side to help those in distress and need.
So what about those "manufactured" crises - the ones we're supposed to care about just as much (if not more so) than the natural ones?
Sure, we can hear about climate change until the cows come home, and here is where I have issues with such things.
Mankind is pretty good at taking of things that mankind creates, good or bad.
But, what happens when mankind is taken out of the equation? What if a crisis that comes our way is NOT of our OWN doing?
Yes, this goes right back to those NATURAL disasters mentioned earlier.
I think we, as a species fall short whenever we attempt to play "god" (with a small "g").
And yet, some people keep on trying to elevate us to that lofty perch by saying we can control everything on this planet INCLUDING the planet itself.
There's where that train goes off the rails..
We're all "along for the ride" on this big blue marble, and perhaps we'd be better off trying to fix MANKIND rather than alter the cosmos.  Lord knows mankind could sorely use all thee help it can get these days.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Since I took till after TM was in the can to come over, I guess I should leave off the part that I had the WHOLE DAY off...

"Torches of freedom"... lol!

"He viewed propaganda as the as the only alternative to chaos." I wonder how he'd feel now that it's the harbinger of chaos...

HEEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!! (You said shout louder)

Who knew: Oh, that's just because I skew the surveys with my lousy answers...

The Perps: Wow. Newports. Go figure.

BTW to FWPD: Canvas local flea markets for Newports going cheap.

Trebek: I loved a comment on Twitter I saw last Night:

"Alex Trebek looks into the camera like the man he is and says in a steadfast and unshaken voice that he has Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. And that he’s going to beat it. What a fucking beast. Go get em Alex. We are all behind you brother."

Bob G. said...

---Nah...it matters that you DID have the WHOLE day off!
---Yeah, I got a kick outta that one...talk about propaganda right?
---He'd probably REVEL in it.
---Heard 'ya all the way down HERE< too. Nicely done.
---But you skew them SO VERY WELL...heh.
---I know...NEWPORTS...kinda takes all the "fun:" outta guessing who purchased them.
---Knowing people where we live in the SE, I'd bet there's a thriving "black" market...lol.
---Yes, we are. I can't imagine the show without him.
( U said the "D" that the only other person I could see doing the show would be KEN JENNINGS, but he's got no "hosting skills...yet).

Thanks for dropping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and stay warm) up there, brother.