12 July 2019

Friday Follies...
It was good to have a break in the humidity and heat yesterday. While it wasn't AS nice as I would prefer, it was tolerable in the shade. Today promises to be a close copy of Thursday.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly skies, temps climbing to around 83 degrees, and yes, no rain on the immediate horizon.
Now, let's get a cup, glass of mug of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the bunker is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 12 - 
National Simplicity Day
(that's me...simple. Ask the Missus)
National Different Colored Eyes Day
(David Bowie had them)
National Pecan Pie Day
(best I had was in Georgia)
Collector Car Appreciation Day
(guess I can work with this one now)
*** Next up, and since the weekend has finally arrived,  let's see what we cna observe over the following 48 hours:
JULY 13 -
National French Fry Day
(as long as their plain and good)
National Beans ‘N’ Franks Day
(hold the franks)
National Delaware Day
JULY 14 -
National Grand Marnier Day
National Tape Measure Day
National Nude Day
(you CAN'T be serious)
National Mac & Cheese Day
(we do this once a month on a Sunday)
There you go then...a goodly amount of items to keep one busy and out of jail.
Just remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next...We now know the ID of the man who crashed into a Whitley County police cruiser and killed the K-9 officer inside.
A total LOSER!..
Clarence Shearer, 31 of FORT WAYNE is the perp, and with a previous mug shot, you just KNOW he's part of our city's (growing) problem.
He's like to move around, and has a nice rap sheet (since 2007)..domestic battery, sex offender, possession of firearm by violent felon, theft,...talk about "diversity", huh? Sounds like a career criminal to me.
My prayers go out to the department there, as well as the family of Cas.
As for the perp...rot your sorry ass in jail, you POS.
*** Next up...The nefarious "chk eng" light comes calling.
Yep, the Wifeymobile (2015 Impala LT) has the yellow icon on the gauge cluster lit.
Wifey took it down to Yeoman's where they told her it was an issue with the "fuel trim sensor".
Something new to go wrong, hmm?
Anyway, she takes it in next Friday, and she was told there's no driveability problem with it.
Basically, the engine was running "lean" (more air than fuel), so the ECM (electronic control module) added more fuel,. which causes the chk eng light to come on. Hopefully, it won't be THAT involved. and should be an easy fix...as for cheap?
LOL...yeah right. Nothing is cheap when it comes to fixing cars these days, that's for sure.
*** Next...time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
"But we're not running around now."
The kids had their "catch me if you can" time yesterday. For no reason, they got into running around, but fortunately, no one and nothing was injured or damaged.
"Now, we're just tuckered out."
After that, you just KNOW it was time to nap...a lot.
Later in the evening, it was time to be with daddy in the living room. Not a bad day at all.
*** Next...let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome spent most all day close by, and that's fine with me.
"Sure seems better than the other day."
Midnight had a brief patrol, and then hung out on the patio (in the shade of course).
"Yep. Even the ground feels a little coo."
Whiskers was in the garden for the morning, and then she migrated to the patio as well.
Our other furball, Caruso was missing for lunch (only Whiskers was hungry a little), but all three cats were there for back step treats.
"This isn't bad at all."
Evenings are the best. I get to watch the cats as they might chase a firefly or two. Caruso actually caught a cicada. Hey, if that keeps those bugs away from the house, it works for me.
*** Last back to the garage...Like I said yesterday, technology will never be consumer-friendly UNTIL it becomes a lot better constructed and tested.
For example, I can't remember if my CHK ENG light ever came on with the Firebird, and I've had it for 36 years. I did have to replace the carb, and the transmission and the water pump (all MECHANICAL items, mind you), so any "computer-related" issues are pretty much non-existent.
The infamous ECM.
Remember, my car is a first gen rolling computer...only some stuff is under the watchful eye of the ECM (engine timing, air-fuel mixture, carb setting, etc), but overall, it's like comparing the lunar lander to a modern laptop as far as functions (computing power) go.
Had more electronics than my '68 Buick.
As a consumer, all I ask is that those who BUILD all this tech should take the time to comprehensively TEST every item they produce...like we do with military-grade gear...exceed the requirements.
Sounds like a plan.
Make the stuff as bullet-proof (and stupid-proof with some people) as possible.
And by all means, if it DOES work...please DON'T FIX IT.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Susan Kane said...

He will fit quite well in the general prison population. Lots of experience, attitude. Yup, lots of cousins in there.

Nat'l Mac and Cheese Day! Oh yeah.

Bob G. said...

I really LIKE the way you think...heh.
You know, with all the "box" M&C out there, when all is said and done, there's NOTHING like homemade! Thank God I remembered the way my mom used to make it.

Thanks for taking time to comment here today.

Have yourself a good weekend and be well out there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Before beer and the race...

French fries on the way...

Yeah, doesn't seem to be much diversity in thuggery. Into God's hands...

Fricking sensors...

BTW, following D on FB. Prayers all around.

Bob G. said...

Beer? Race? Maybe I don't wanna know.
Roger on the fries.
Well in thuggery, there ARE many forms of STUPID (diversity?).
Senors...sensors EVERYWHERE (toy story meme there somewhere).
Appreciate the prayers. Been a crazy-ass weekend.

And thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe (and keep cool) up there, brother.