Friday Follies...

Most of us can enjoy some well-deserved time off.
Some of us will be pressed into service in our communities and around the world.
Keep those people in your thoughts, for they ARE there to protect and/or to serve, be they our military, law-enforcement, firefighters, doctors, nurses, air-traffic controllers, pilots, ship captains, or even the grocery store and restaurant personnel.
They are ALL there to make our lives better, and we should always be aware of that.
With that said, let's enter this weekend on an upswing...

(one of those sneaky days that doesn't show up on our calendars, unlike BOXER DAY in Canada...!?!)
Take a romp through the Internet and get reacquainted with the founding document that laid the groundwork for this nation.
Here's a link:
You'll be glad you did.
And take note of that PREAMBLE.
Moving along...
*** I was watching Glenn Beck last evening, and found it to be a fascinating program.

He wore a baking apron that read "I'm a BAKER...NOT a DIVIDER".
And that gave me pause to think.
We are fast becoming a nation not of BAKERS of pies, but of recipients of other people's pies, thanks to overblown government programs designed solely to keep the populace "pie-fed", when what is REALLY required is to LEARN how to bake a damn pie ourselves.
Amazing stuff. Kind of like the parable of the fishes (GIVING a man a fish versus TEACHING a man to fish).

But, if more people make their OWN pies, then they become more self-sufficient (a much better thing).
And whatever pies are being made by

Fantastic analogy...I loved it.
And that brings me to the next point today...
*** Poverty in AMERICA is now at a FIFTY-YEAR high...!
Now, I've spoken (here) about poverty almost since the beginning of this blog, and I've seen the REALITIES as well as the FANTASIES regarding what passes for poverty these days.
I've said what poverty IS, as well as what it IS NOT.
And if anyone ever doubts the veracity of what I've stated, they must come on down to my part of the ghettohood, and see for themselves how this poverty "system" is gamed, and how much fraud is perpetrated against the taxpaying public.
You will come away with an entirely new perspective on what REAL poverty is...or should be.
What you will find is that people are perverting programs designed to help those on purely a SHORT-TERM basis.

The welfare system, as well as every other public ASSISTANCE program ever designed was NEVER meant to be a LONG-TERM venue, and certainly NEVER meant to be a multi-generational entitlement for the lazy-asses of this nation.
These programs were meant to ASSIST people...think of it as a FINANCIAL TRIAGE...but NOT to provide cradle-to-grave lifestyles that only serve to enslave people to the government, instead of helping these people stand on THEIR OWN TWO FEET.
Not enough pies to go around, and definitely not enough bakers. Therein lies the real problem.
Our federal government has seen fit for the last several decades to "promote the general welfare" (part of the PREAMBLE to our Constitution) by creating an entitlement-driven portion of our population, in order to foster specified agendas.
Now suppose we create a "fictional" scenario...

Now, this same government WILL be providing ALTERNATIVES such as education and job skills needed so these people WILL be able to WORK for a living, instead of sitting on the couch, eating Crunch N Munch and drinking orange soda all damn day (when they're not driving about in some god-awfully loud boomcar).
The government would be creating people WHO CAN BAKE PIES, instead of giving out pies they don't really have available any longer.
Why, the RIOTS that result would turn this nation against itself in a form of anarchistic behavior unheard of in times past.
Wholesale looting, burning of property, and outright murder would be the order of the day. And it wouldn't be the working class regular people doing it, but the generationally-expectant and dependent welfare baby-mamas...

These former welfare "recipients" would be happily taking from anyone else who had something THEY whatever price it took to get it.
Now, I don't know about you, but having anything close to that happen is too damn scary to ponder.
But what else would be the result?
Would these people just acquiesce to the "higher powers" and line up to learn "how to bake pies", or would they just toss a sh*t-fit and fracture this nation like a Faberge egg that's been tossed out the observation deck of the Empire State Building?
They've been getting this free ride for SO long now, they'd be going through "welfare-withdrawal" like some addict that's gone cold turkey can BET on it. Their first reaction would be to destroy anything and some spoiled child that doesn't get their own way.
Hell, you can see that already...that's why we have the crimes we do, and in such abundance.
Gonna be a LONG road to hoe here, I can tell you.
Let's pray that cooler heads prevail, and that common sense becomes the order of the day.
*** This story was interesting, simply because it's less than TWO blocks away...
(( Man charged with molesting 3 girls - The Journal Gazette
A Fort Wayne man was formally charged Wednesday with repeatedly molesting three girls over a span of four years.
Anthony Bellanti, 29, of the 4600 block of Monroe Street, faces nine counts of child molesting and two counts of child solicitation. He was being held in lieu of $170,000 bail.
According to court records, Bellanti sexually abused three girls, all younger than 14, between February 2006 and July 2010. Police learned of the abuse after a domestic disturbance July 14.
Bellanti and a woman got into an argument after the woman learned Bellanti had abused her three children.
One of the girls told her mother Bellanti abused her, court records said. ))
Wow...only took FOUR YEARS to bring this piece of crap to some modicum of JUSTICE...amazing!
And NO, he DOES NOT show up on any sex offender registry in Fort Wayne.
Love how these people manage to fly UNDER the radar.
But if that's enough to peak your interest, how about this?
*** The government "stimulus" plan sent $800,000 to AFRICA for a Kenyan genital washing program!
(I don't know whether to laugh my ass off or cry - I don't make this stuff up)
Here's the link:

Hey, you guys...wash it off after sex...c'mon now. Be a REAL man! (that doesn't go blind from syphilis...or worse)
Yeah, I know those rivers in Kenya are pretty damn nasty from a bacterial standpoint, but maybe ABSTINENCE would make the heart grow fonder.

Sure gonna have plenty of APPLES to make LOTS OF PIES there...(hint, hint).
I know my Mom used to make a fantastic Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Cake, and I wasn't one for eating apples.
But that cake was to die for!
Then again, mom was a BAKER..and NOT a "divider".
And she was a seamstress, housewife, cook, name it.
She hated to rely on the government for anything, but came to depend on her SSI check every month.
She was getting up in years, and could no longer work.
Now, while that ONE festival is going on, we also HAVE to have this "other festival", because too many white folks will be at the Johnny Appleseed gig.

Here's the link to the story:
Here's the website link:
And yes, you ARE reading it CORRECTLY...that is NOT a TYPO...they spell AFRICA with a frigging *K*...go figure.
(must be a "Socialist" thang)
Still, that's better than spelling AMERICA with a damn *K*, right?
Even though there are those people out there that would LOVE to see AMERIKA fundamentally "change".
I just hope this festival doesn't have a genital-washing demonstration (ack...!) that would be going a BIT far, don'cha think?
I mean, we DO have our fair share of SEX offenders in the same area, right?
I'm just sayin'...
Actually, I get MY "breath of Africa" (with a *C*) every damn day...not that I WANT to, mind you.
We pretty much have not ONLY a BREATH of Africa...but the NOISE of Africa, the LITTER of Africa, the CRIME of Africa, and even the APATHY of Africa...pretty damn amazing, isn't it?

No brag...just FACT.
*** Before I forget, tonight at sundown marks the beginning of Yom Kippur (day of atonement) and is the holiest day in the Hebrew calendar.
During this holy time, may you give charity to many and ask forgiveness from few.

Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, always...
Stay safe out there, America.
I love watching Glenn's program. I found it interesting the way he used pies to describe what's going on. Thanks for your comment at my blog. I appreciate it. Enjoy the weekend.
You're more than welcome...
Thank YOU for being an upstanding person that doesn't know the meaning of the word QUIT.
I have a good feeling you WILL find a position that will fulfill your needs and meet your wishes.
You just have to work at it...the result WILL be worth every minute.
Stay Strong.
Have yourself a great weekend, too.
Good analogy with the pies. I can only think that the crash is coming soon due to the lack of bakers and it is going to be a nasty one.
Have a good weekend Friday.
We can only hope that we can CHOOSE the manner of "crash" that seems to be inevitable.
It could be just a 5 MPH bump in the ass...OR, it could be a 20 car pileup on the interstate.
THAT is something we ALL need to be on guard for.
Thanks for stopping by and have yourselves a great weekend at the homestead.
its going to be a nasty crash. it looks to me that the people that didnt make a tough choice during the first one are making this tough choice now. i see more and more that people are moving closer to their jobs. and not going on vacation. the staycation is the vacation. i'd rather bake my pie right now. but, if for some strange reason my job would go sour i'm very cool with taking it easy for the next half of my life. i've paid my dues to the system in my mind. now, the kenyan washing program i about fell out. wth. who knew. but, if your in a country that fires up shit to heat your meal then its not unforseemable.i'd stay away from any black expo type of thing. who knows what will be brought to the table. maybe a m16 or ak47. hay its the in thing. (but, i would bet that in crowd cant take it apart and put it back together in the deepest darkest night. )
take care my friend and dont eat too many apple pies. yum.
When you've already PAID your dues, I think it's perfectly OK to kick back...people don't understand that sometimes.
Yeah...field-stripping @ night...whatta "hobby".
I'm looking for cherry or blueberry today...LOL
(and pumpkin is ALWAYS on that short-list).
Have yourself a great weekend.
Carry on.
this is hilarious!!!! a must read for your day. and by the way 38th and meadows is THE HOOD. less then a year ago i lived within 4 or 5 miles of it. they may have put up nice apartments but i remember when it looked like the south side of chicago.
I take it you're referring to that "salon" that tried to open on the EAST side....ROFLMAO!
Gotta love the mindset of these numbnuts!
ALL of these folks need to seriously UN-F*CK themselves, because they're up to their armpits in a lifestyle that's FUBAR!
Funny stuff.
Thanks for the story...Carry On.
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