He would have his comedic rants about people getting ON the plane, while he (much) preferred getting INTO the plane ("There's not a damn thing to hang onto ON the plane anyway"), or how we've taken certain phrases and twisted meanings around JUST to be politically-correct and "not offend" anyone.
He knew the meaning of words, and the power thereof.
And he was not afraid to show us the foibles of their misuse.

Today's world is replete with ALL kinds of words and phrases designed to better "attune" ourselves to the specificities of our humanity...and while some do capture (in essence) a better understanding of what is defined, many more fall way short, and actually help to distance ourselves from our very own language.
People will tend to say ONE thing, while meaning something completely contrary.
We used to call that speaking out of BOTH sides of one's mouth at the same time.

Now, I certainly don't pretend to be a purveyor of linguistics, nor do I claim to have studied etymology in ANY long-term format...
I leave THAT job to the professionals...that's what we pay them for, anyway.
I don't know HOW many times I go to Mrs. Bobby G., and ask her something, just to see if I was correct in my assumption, or to get a better idea of what I was TRYING to say...yeah, I'm not that proud that I can't ask for help when needed.

And if you haven't...what's taking you so long, eh?
Words convey a multitude of feelings...from anger to sorrow; from ecstatic joy to utter depression or grief...and everything in between.
Words will allow us to "get our point across", or define a particular person, place or thing.
What all these may words lack in size, they make up for in POWER.
Think of yourself as a pistol...and I know they used to call people that in years past ("He's a real pistol, isn't he?"), and all those words are the bullets carried in that magazine.
When needed, you shoot one (or more) out...

Now, if you're a decent marksman, you hit what you're aiming at...the same can be said for words.
Words can be used to console...or to maim...it's YOUR choice.
Words can also be used to confuse or obfuscate.
And some people are pretty damn good at doing THAT (trust me - all you have to do is watch much of the news).
Other people use words to present facts and the truth (which can still be quite liberating).

This series began on 14 September,. and Part III came out today.
The columns he wrote can be found HERE:
I know what you're thinking...The JEWISH WORLD REVIEW????
Hey, you turn over EVERY rock when trying to uncover truth...that's the way it's done.
Leave NO stone unturned...THAT'S how we learn.
Besides, the last time I checked, the Jewish people were still our FRIENDS!
His columns are entitled: THE MONEY OF FOOLS, and I guarantee you will come away with a better appreciation for what you read and hear.
He borrows the title of this series from 17th century philosopher Thomas Hobbes who said:
"Words are wise men's counter, but they are the money of fools"
Yes, Virginia...Words still carry meaning.
But, it's up to US to figure out WHAT that meaning truly is, and Dr. Sowell (yes, he has a PhD, as well as an A.B. and A.M.) demonstrates brilliantly the nuances being thrust upon us, that we are supposed to take at "face-value", when indeed, they meaning something else.
For example, you'll find out what is REALLY meant by phrases such as :
--Rent Control
--Gun Control
--Social Justice
And that's just the tip of the iceberg...all YOU have to do is look further.
Here's a thought...

And how many times have you found yourself in conversation or debate with someone who loved to engage their mouth before they put their brain in gear?
(we called that mentally popping the clutch...and that can lead to a abrupt STALL a lot of the time)
I like to equate it to verbally having a gunfight with an unarmed person...
You just KNOW you're going to win...even if you just THROW the "gun" at them.
Other people you just CANNOT talk to in any way, because they have this preconceived notion that YOU are the "bad guy".
Hell, I find that around MY ghettohood every day, and that's why you won't find me hob-nobbing with the locals...
I choose to be informed...they do not.
I choose to be knowledgeable...they do not.
As an example...if I'm talking outside with the missus and I mention that we have a crack on an interior wall in our house, someone else in the area will ONLY hear CRACK...and HOUSE, and the next thing you know, we could have a line from our front door around the damn block...LOL.

I have learned over the years, that one has to weigh one's words CAREFULLY, lest they be misinterpreted.
And we've got way too many people out there that LOVE to misinterpret...due to that "selective hearing" thing they've got going on.
Personally, I do believe it does come down to education...or to be more precise...educating OURSELVES.
Schools can only give us the proper TOOLS to utilize, but it's up to US to know WTF to DO with those tools, once we got them in our hot little hands.
I mean, when was the last time you tried to drive a NAIL...with a CIRCULAR SAW?
It's all about the RIGHT tool for the RIGHT job.
And it's about keeping your own "toolbox" somewhat organized, when it comes to words and their usage.
I'm one of those people that firmly believes that words are wonderful descriptors.

They tried to describe what they "felt", and it is a rather amusing tale.
What we should require of ourselves, is that we never become SO "blind" so as not to properly convey our thoughts and feelings.
We should strive to know our language...know the words we speak, and know the power OF those words.
Rush Limbaugh once said that "People will judge you by the way you speak".
Now, that's not to say that a police officer, swearing like a dockworker in a taproom (bar) with his friends after his shift is a Neanderthal.

And when they're on the job, they literally drip professionalism, as well they should, unless a situation demands otherwise.
In every instance, the officer HAS to maintain control of the situation, lest it escalate into something "not so good".
Words are his/her first line of control...and they will TELL you as much.
You mouth off to THEM, and it's a whole other ballgame...and you have no one to "thank" but yourself.
What you have to remember is that when it comes to words and usage, all men are NOT "created equal", and you might have to modify YOUR stance to suit the venue.
And, after a time, YOU get the hang of it.
Doesn't matter if you're dealing with drunk on the street, an unruly student in a classroom, or a child that hates cauliflower.
The WORDS you use and the manner in which you present them will set the tone for compliance.
Every LEO knows that, every EDUCATOR knows that, and every PARENT knows that.

You'll most likely find yourself nodding in agreement. I know I certainly did.
Choose your words, think before you speak, and always say what you mean.
You can't go wrong applying such "rules" to yourself.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Nice rant on the words Bob. Growing up in Oklahoma, many of my friends and classmates were Indians. They despised the term "Native Americans" because it was a term created by some Washington bean counter and used to lessen their tribal identity. When I hear that label used today by "the lets all get along crowd" I cringe.
You're so right.
In very many ways, we DIMINISH people simply all by creating this "PC" verbage...just becasue ONE person (out of thousands, if not millions) became offended in some way when their day kinda sucked.
Be nice IF we "all COULD get along", but that's hasn't happened since the model came out.
We're ALL unique in that way.
But it IS high time we started paying attention to the MASSES and apply some common sense.
A lot of people still DO NOT get bothered by all that this nanny state SAYS we're miffed at.
Pursuing the TRUTH within our language may even change the disturbed minds of those few rebellious loons out there...
And that's the way we truly CREATE change...ONE person at a time.
Hey, thanks a lot for stopping on by today.
back in ancient times words were considered magic. its true about becareful what you ask for you might just get it. :) speek it and it be so.
Ever since mankind was able to utter worss, they have carried power...to warn, to chasten, to advise, and to teach.
And in many ways, the ancients viewed this AS magic...you are correct.
If one can carry this into the religious realm, we find that PRAYER, which is composed OF words, DOES invoke much power...that being from God.
Yet, in the secular world, we also will find evidence of like power.
It's been said that the PEN is mightier than the SWORD.
and the last time I checked, the "PEN" was the instrument of choice when it came to the WRITTEN WORD.
That's got to account for something, right?
Thanks so much for taking time to stop on by.
Words are so powerful! Look at how they change and effect our country and our history!
Momma Fargo:
Indeed they are.
What all of US have to do is pay attention to WHAT is being said, the reasons behind it, and to sometimes look BEYOND the words to the person uttering them.
That will tell us much more about things AND people..but you as a LEO already KNEW that...didn't 'ya?
(yeah, 'ya did...lol)
Thanks for rolling up here today.
Stay safe out there.
exactally......:) have a good weekend. i was a little short last pay period and found out gas was almost 3 dollars a gallon. i had about 9 on me and i was like hummmm i dont feel like going to the bank. so i started walking to work. one of the best things i have ever done. i am now getting close to 2 miles round trip. and that doesnt include what i do at work. lol i think in a few months my weight loss will come to another stand still and i will have to start using the gym at my apartments that i am already paying for threw my rent. :0 lol
I'll bet that 2 miles seems REAL easy compared to those "nature walks" in boot camp...LOL!
(no "ruck" to worry about)
Way to go!
Carry on.
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