We managed quite well overnight when those nasty-ass storms blew through.
I did a "reccy" early on, and everything is where we left it last night. The house, garage, trees, patio furniture, planters all in the same spots. Guess the winds weren't as bad as we were told they would be.The brunt of that front seemed to go around us both north and south, with THOSE areas getting hit harder. Dodged another bullet, right?
Hope those of you in those locales made out okay as well.
Our Hoosierland weather for today sees us with cloudy skies to begin with, plenty of leftover humidity hanging around, with a high today of around 82 degrees (not gonna feel like a cool down...sorry).
Now, let's all get that cup or glass of relief poured as we take a look at what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the rain barrel is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, and a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial of rights to others."
This was spoken by Jonathan Sacks (born 8 March 1948), who is a British rabbi, philosopher, and scholar of Judaism. He is also know as Rabbi Lord Sacks and here is his WIKI:
And his official website:
A very interesting man of the cloth. He served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth from 1991 to 2013, but was not recognized as the religious authority for the haredi Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations or for the progressive movements such as Masorti, Reform and Liberal Judaism.
He is the author of 25 books, many of which have garnered literary acclaim.
Rabbi Sacks has expressed concerns at what he regards as the negative effects of materialism and secularism in European society (he ougtta check out OUR country across the pond).
He argues that such things undermine the basic values of family and lead to selfishness.
This is a very good read, and demonstrates that men of faith STILL exist and that they WILL say what needs to be said, rather than give into political correctness.
*** Next up, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
June 23 -
(I'd say after last night, we got this one covered...with water)
(one damn good cookie - pass the milk, please)
(It's the COLOR and not the singer, thank God)
*** Next up, more on the police-action shooting.
Here's the story link (with video):
I watched the video...anyone else think Garry needs some public-speaking classes?
(Caution: DO NOT turn this into a drinking game where you do a shot every time Garry says "UH" or "UM"...you will be out like a light before the first THREE minutes...lol)
In over his head...said that from the get-go (and I'm not the only one that feels this way). I've seen LOTS of pressers by many chiefs and sheriffs in law-enforcement (and so have many of you), and this is NOT one of the better ones, as far as knowing what you're talking about.
The Q&A wasn't as bad, and some GOOD questions were asked of Hamilton, and a lot of what we already know about the people in these areas did come out through the answers.
It would look as if black lives don't matter all that much in these parts of town, and by their own hands most of he time. At least Hamilton alluded to the ease of getting a gun through break-ins and burglaries, and mentioned that buying the AMMO is the main source of tracking some of these perps. He must read crime stats and trends, too...lol.
*** Next up, another update to another death (took long enough too).
If you have Mr. Peabody get Sherman to set the "WAY-BACK" machine to 27 April, I related a story about a woman found dead in the 7900 block of Decatur Rd, and how it COULD be homicide number ten (at that time).
Here's the update to the story:
Jacqueline Vanduyn, 52, was the victim who was found dead in her apartment back in April.
Well, the coroner finally agreed with me (again).
The determination was death by strangulation and suffocation, and it would seem that the boyfriend is the primary suspect.
No word on whether he's been found or where he might be.
Given the area this took place (and the people that infest it), it's not hard to draw a reasonable conclusion before the coroner.
We are REALLY now (officially) at HOMICIDE NUMBER SIXTEEN.
*** Next up, Frank Gray had a good column about the recent shootings.
Here's the link to his take on this:
This is also worth your time to read it.
The ancillary damage that occurs whenever someone gets shot is at the forefront of the article...and it SHOULD be.
Rare are the times when a person gets shot and killed and no one else in "affected".
A shooting, or ANY death by criminal causes should galvanize people in a neighborhood to get on community leader's backs and stay there until the issue gets resolved.
But, as is the case many times in such parts of our city, the people dry their crocodile tears and move on, usually within a few days...back to business as usual in these places.
Things like this have been going on for YEARS.
Some blocks are the hottest of the "hot spots" for crime, and people just don't seem to care as much as they should. That's pretty pathetic and THAT has it's own effect throughout that neighborhood, which will spread outward...we've seen that occur.
*** Next up, I'll bet you often wonder where YOUR city wound up on the latest list of "best cities in Indiana", hmm?
Well, wonder no longer. Here's the link to find out:
I can tell you right now, Ligonier is looking REAL good (as is Berne)...lol.
Included are the top 100 cities, and let's say that the "usual" ones are near the bottom.
--Fort Wayne is at 57 (oops, guess all that downtown development ISN'T making our city SAFER).
--Winchester is at 80 (wow, never would have thought THAT)
--Portland was at 39, and Decatur was listed at 30 (not bad).
--Markle didn't make the list, so I guess THEIR crime is SO low as to not warrant mentioning.
Now I wonder what "commonality" is shared by both the GOOD cities as well as the BAD ones?
(how about percentage of certain ethnic populations?) Gotta be it. Amazing how that works, isn't it?
*** Next up, remember those Takata airbags in cars and the HUGE recall that's still going on?
Not a good "boom" for business. |
Behind your steering wheel lurks THIS. |
But, I have to ask an important question: Why use METAL canisters to contain the explosion of the inflators?
It's THOSE that are causing drivers and passengers to get FRAGGED when they go off, because the drying agent in the ammonium nitrate deteriorates with age and causes the explosion to become more severe.
And that ammonium nitrate works well...when used against government building in Oklahoma.
Yeah, the same stuff used to kill people is right in front of your face in your vehicle, WAITING to go off (in a crash).
Here's an idea - Let's minimize the possibility for personal injury and make those canisters from...(...wait for it...)...CARBON FIBER.
Yeah, I said it first, and it makes sense.
CF is 3x stronger than steel and weighs a lot less. If carmakers can build a vehicle frame and body from this, then they SHOULD be able to make small canisters, right?
Get those grenades out of our vehicles and keep 'em on the battlefield.
*** Last back to the downspout...yep, cleaned out the gutters yesterday (well, the ones that were clogged) and didn't have to find out how well I can "bounce".
Lookit all that schmutz! |
Had "Junior" (our newest squirrel-buddy) stop by yesterday to get fed, The Lovely Mrs. Bobby G. grabbed a video of it, and may be posting it to her Facebook thing.
Took every peanut from my hand. |
When I'm feeding a squirrel or just sitting on the patio, I think back to days when a person didn't have to worry about bullets coming through a house from some gang-banging jerkoff riding around with nothing to do and no future to speak of.
We are told that time relates to progress, but I don't see the justification in such statements.
In many ways, we have not "moved forward" (enough) as a society...we've gone the other direction. Some say that technology has aided society in SO many ways. Sorry, not seeing that either, unless you mean in the world of medicine and other related sciences.
From an interpersonal standpoint, it's more a millstone than a milestone for humanity.
I look at it as a very large encyclopedia/dictionary/thesaurus that helps me learn MORE than I knew yesterday.
Oh, no...I was UN-friended!!! |
Being obscure is part of life...get over it. About 99.9 % of us are relegated to being obscure to some degree, and that's fine. Less hassle and less "notoriety", right?
Face it, we ALL can't be in the limelight AT ONCE, and the constant social-media posturing for that position bores the hell out of me.
I much prefer the tangible...the tactile, and the personable.
You're gonna spend a helluva LOTTA time in REALITY, so people better get used to it.
If you don't learn that from little on up, you're in for a very rude awakening.
And, I think we, as a society have already proven how well (and often) "rude" can be used, right?
Time to wake up, get our "stuff" together and WORK together toward a better future for everyone.
To do less is to want less, and settle for less. That's not what has defined this nation.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
I guarantee you, we got NO wind- not even a little breeze. I coulda moved more leaves with a fart.
You'll never get anyone in this city to do anything about these deaths when so many out there refuse to put the blame where blame is due and work on the problem. They could care less if every black in this city was murdered by other blacks, as long as they can pat themselves on the back and say that the problem isn't a black one. I learned that on FB the other day, like I mentioned yesterday (I think). They think they are so caring without realizing that their response shows they don't give a damn about the problem.
Really surprised that your list didn't have Michigan City and East Chicago closer to their sisters Gary and Hobart. Or their cousins Speedway and Indy. Apparently the only way to stay safe is be Amish.
Did see the Junior video; it just shows what life can be when you concentrate on the IMPORTANT things... Too bad most of your neighborhood is more concentrated on penis size, speaker size, and EBT size...
---The way they "predict" the weather around here, I have NO reason to doubt you AT ALL.
LOL - let's hope moving leaves doesn't come to THAT, my friend.
---Another "great minds thinking alike" moment there.
What problem? They're POOR (no, that's not the problem).
ONE good thing about social-media...you find TRUTH a lot more obvious in coming, by the manner in which OTHERS act.
---Those are the FBI stats, so they may know something.
Be Amish? I'll have to throw Wifey over the fence a kiss then...LOL.
---Ha, you "sized" them all up PERFECTLY. I could not do better.
Hey, thanks for stopping by and making my day.
Always look forward to and appreciate your comments.
You stay safe & keep cool up there, brother.
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