24 October 2018

Humpday Happenings...
You're most likely going to need an ice scraper this morning to clean off the windshield if you parked outside.
Yes, we're into that time of year...sorry.
And, you're also going to need a coat if you're venturing anywhere past your front (or back) door.
Our Hoosierland weather for today bring us mostly sunny skies, but temps will only manage to climb to around the 50 degree range.
Now, if that isn't reason to start the day with a nice comforting hot drink, I don't really know what is.
So you get yours (I've got mine) and together, we'll see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the waffle iron is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Social justice is a cancer. Social justice means you are ruled by whatever the mob does. What social justice does is destroy individual responsibility." 
I'm sure you can agree that this marvelously describes a lot of the problems that ail this country, and if you need proof of this, just turn on the news or pick up a paper. Individual (or personal) responsibility seems to be fast becoming a lost art, given the nature and manner that society acts today.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile,back at Matanzas, Cuba...
*** Next up, let's see about our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Bologna Day
(sounds like lunch to me)
---It's National Food Day
(ditto, and for every meal)
---It's United Nations Day
(I knew it...we had to have something to screw things up...lol)
*** Next up,  the gun control extremists strike out...in RUSSIA. Here's the story:
Well, I guess nothing beats taking down a bad guy with a gun than having a good guy with a gun.
No matter what schools do these days (in ANY country), there is still the possibility of some lunatic getting "under the wire".
Funny how we had a lot fewer idiots like those when we had something like asylums to house such people, isn't it?
Maybe the Russians could learn a thing or two.
*** Next, here's the latest Bob Rinearson editorial column that you should find illuminating::
Now that's a pretty good history lesson, and also shows that kind of goes hand-in-glove with our quote on social justice. You'd think they were somehow "related".
(psst...they really ARE, but don't let it get out, because everyone will get wise and want to stop the practice).
*** Next up, a bomb scare at our favorite "spooky dude" house and just in time for Halloween. Here's the story:
Gee, it couldn't have happened to a nicer P.O.S.
THIS man is a major reason we have so much social unrest and upheaval in our country...make no mistake.
Personally, I think he is evil incarnate, and needs to be removed from the land of the living.
If there is a "Dark Lord of the Sith" among us, this turd-blossom is IT. Time for we "Jedi" to take a stand.
Here's a WIKI so you can see how this person seems to enjoy screwing with nations and their economies around the world.
Just make sure your head doesn't explode along the way.
*** Next, let's leave that crap in the gutter, and stop by "Kitten Corner"...
"But that chair iz comfy."
The kids did pretty well yesterday. Gallifrey likes to climb onto the computer chair and use his claws...sorry, that's NOT a scratching post, and I have to remove him from the chair (sometimes more than a few times).
"I just likes to be near daddy."
Violet just climbs into the chair while I'm sitting in it, rubs her head against me  and watches me type...lol.
Two completely different mindsets at work here. I really prefer the latter for some odd reason.
*** Next up, time to do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
"It's a good day to NOT miss a meal here."
The furry duo were here for ALL three meals (for a change), but they really have to stop thanking us for the food, shelter and water with dead mice on the patio. We really don't need such gifts, and would prefer it if they would stick to being good cats first and maybe mousers second (or third).
"About TIME he showed up for lunch."
I know...when cats do such things, it's their way to show appreciation.
Just come by when I feed you and stay close overnight...that's ALL we ask...really.
*** Last back to the breakfast nook, ever get the feeling we're all at the hands of some "puppet-master"?
There are many days when I sure feel that way.
It's like nothing you do would change the way things are going in your neighborhood, your city, state, country or definitely not even the world. But still...we try.
Adding to this mess comes that lottery payout of over $1.6 BILLION bucks. I wonder how many people THAT has messed up and how many more will succumb to the allure of such things.
Granted, I would (also) LOVE to hit that jackpot, but you have to play to win. God must have other plans, and that's fine.
This is insane.
There's so much I know I could do and still have some funds left over for ourselves.
Yet. there are others out there with such fortunes that use their money to incite, revolt, and otherwise make life as close to hell as they can for the rest of us.
And when it comes to such things, there is ALWAYS a lot of "hired help" available.
That's what we're seeing in this whole "caravan" gig...and be warned, there is ANOTHER such group gathering in Guatemala (to head north).
I suppose we could always do another remake of the movie RED DAWN...only this time around call it Brown Dawn, or maybe Honduras Dawn.
The premise between the movie, the remake, and this caravan are eerily similar...we get invaded.
And maybe, after over 60 MILLION illegals coming here since before I was born (that's 66 years ago), just maybe...enough is enough.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Quote: I'll take Bill O'Reilly for 100!

NTL Baloney Day: Boy, if that didn't hit the mark... oh, you mean lunch meat...

Screw UN Day... buncha losers...

Russia shooting: Just shared that one on Facebook.

"Funny how we had a lot fewer idiots like those when we had something like asylums to house such people, isn't it?" We still do, only we call it 'Democrat Party'...

Rinearson: Shared that, too.

Hey, just give the gifts to the INSIDE cats...

I played. I tell Laurie, "When it's that high, it's an investment!" $20 later, the usual results- out of 60 chances to hit a number, I got five. Did manage to get 2 on the same line once...

Bob G. said...

---Ooh, sorry, that's incorrect, nut you are on the right track.
(and I think you'll be as surprised as I was)
---And I left that play on words JUST for you, my friend...heh.
---My thoughts exactly!
---I wouldn't think THAT country would be anywhere close where such things could occur...nice to be wrong once in a while.
---LOL...yes, how very true.
---Bob used to be the discipline officer at South Side HS (when D taught there)...I met him once...very nice gentleman. That school (and FWCS) hasn't been the same since his "departure".
---Gifts? yasureyoubetcha!
---I played the (pick 4) lottery back in Philly regularly - won $500 once...JUST once.
Played when I lived in OH too, never won there (obviously)...HA!
Since then, I only gamble whenever I step outside our door...!

Hey, thanks much for taking the time to stop by and comment.

You stay safe up there, brother.