23 October 2018

Tuesday Tidbits...
Looks to be a decent day outside, not that we're going to spend ALL day out there.
Naturally, it will be cooler, as is the case with autumn, so don't forget the jacket or light coat.
Be on the lookout for fall foliage...we are getting some leaves changing color (at last).
Our Hoosierland weather for today has us enjoying partly to mostly cloudy skies (and we miss the Orionid meteor showers...I think we're 0-4 this year...that sucks), temps reaching to about 53 degrees and no precipitation on the horizon.
Like I said...a decent day. Could be better, but could always be worse, right?
So, let's all get a soothing cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate made, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the runway is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's iPod Day
(something else to keep sheeple distracted from life)
---It's National Boston Cream Pie Day
(man, that looks damn good)
---It's National Mole Day
(not to be confused with Morocco Mole)
---It's National TV Talk Show Host Day
(otherwise known as Johnny Carson'c birthday)
---It's The Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day
(what? More illegals coming here?)
*** Next, and since we have once again arrived at a Tuesday, let's see about all the FWPD calls that went over the air last week (that we never heard anything about).....
OCT 15 - OCT 21
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
18F124102 10/16/2018 07:34pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1300 CASS ST
18F124577 10/18/2018 12:05am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1100 ELMWOOD AV
18F125276 10/19/2018 06:34pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1900 CRESCENT AV
18F125287 10/19/2018 07:06pm 113 SHOTS FIRED ABBOTT ST & MCKINNIE AV
18F125297 10/19/2018 08:00pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 400 W PACKARD AV
18F125407 10/20/2018 03:52am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2100 POINT WEST DR
18F125421 10/20/2018 05:52am 113 SHOTS FIRED ABBOTT ST & OXFORD ST
18F126006 10/21/2018 08:21pm 113 SHOTS FIRED LYNFIELD DR & PRESCOTT CT
18F126051 10/21/2018 11:09pm 113 SHOTS FIRED BUELL DR & W PETTIT AV
18F126050 10/21/2018 11:09pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4800 MONTROSE AV
18F124669 10/18/2018 09:59am 23,113 1200 RIVERMET AV
18F124724 10/18/2018 12:44pm 23,113 1100 RIVERMET AV
18F124824 10/18/2018 04:49pm 23,113 1200 RIVERMET AV
18F124926 10/18/2018 09:15pm 23,113 900 HARMAR ST
18F125275 10/19/2018 06:34pm 53 ARMED ROB 00 E MAIN ST
18F125712 10/21/2018 12:03am 53 ARMED ROB 3600 E STATE BLVD
18F125905 10/21/2018 03:28pm 53 ARMED ROB SOUTHPARK DR & SENATE AV
18F126028 10/21/2018 09:47pm 53 ARMED ROB 600 TENNESSEE AV
18F124145 10/16/2018 08:51pm 53 ARMED ROB 3200 S HANNA ST
18F124908 10/18/2018 08:53pm 53 ARMED ROB 300 W JEFFERSON BLVD
18F124827 10/18/2018 05:01pm 56 MOLESTING 2700 MILLBROOK DR
18F125987 10/21/2018 07:27pm 58 SHOOTING 7900 TIPPERARY TRL
18F123642 10/15/2018 05:54pm 58 SHOOTING 2200 RANDALLIA DR
18F123708 10/15/2018 08:37pm 58 SHOOTING 700 BROADWAY
18F124882 10/18/2018 07:43pm 58 SHOOTING 4500 SOUTHWAYNE AV
18F123780 10/16/2018 02:51am 59 CUTTING/STAB 7400 HOPE DR
18F124331 10/17/2018 11:30am 61 RAPE 00 E MAIN ST
18F125162 10/19/2018 01:21pm 61 RAPE 1700 BEACON ST
18F124309 10/17/2018 10:21am 75 PURSUIT OAKWOOD DR & AUTUMN VIEW DR
18F125924 10/21/2018 04:15pm 75 PURSUIT HARRIS RD & W COLISEUM BLVD
Plus 14 narcotics calls 
Fireworks calls: OCT 15 - OCT 21
WTH? Did all the crims take the week OFF or something???
Geez, if we're not careful, we might get a GOOD rep as a safe city...heh.
*** Next up, a Sunday night shooting leaves one in critical condition.
Here's what's known (and it's not much):
This took place on the northeast side of the city at 7925 Tipperary Trail around 1930 hrs Sunday night. It's uncertain is the shooting was accidental or intentional. And, the story wasn't covered by any other media source...go figure.
*** Next, one city councilman looks to trim the city budget by $5.3 Mil. Here's the story:
Good for Russ Jehl...at least ONE person downtown is looking to make things better for the people who HIRED him. Now, if only we could get the rest (along with the king and his court)  to go along with this program, we might actually see some real progress in our neighborhoods.
I know ours could use some change, like getting away from loitering at the gates of hell for starters.
*** Next up, time to stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids were into some early morning  running about, but nothing that a meal, some laser playtime,  and some naps could not cure.
Hey, you asleep up there?
Yes, we resort to bribery whenever possible, and with treats when necessary.
That's why they're spoiled ...lol.
*** Next, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
I haz to guard the patio door.
Our furry twosome changed things up yesterday...
He missed lunch and she was late for dinner. Just when you think you have their routines down, they toss a curve at you.
And I haz to watch the yard and garage.
But, as long as they still come around and we can take care of their needs, it's never a bother.
Funny how the friendliest ones in what's left of our neighborhood have FOUR legs, isn't it?
*** Last back to the hangar...this whole "caravan" fiasco is really starting to piss me off (like I don't have enough things already).
To me, the theft of the name CARAVAN is a good starting point.
I've been through school and know the meaning of the word (which can be dangerous in a world such as ours).
Now, with that in said...let's see what such a definition might look like...
THIS is a proper caravan.
---CARAVAN: countable noun
1) A group of people and animals or vehicles who travel together.
ex: the old caravan routes from Central Asia to China.
2) A caravan is the same as a trailer.
[British] trailer [sense 2]
This is ALSO a caravan.
(like those campers people tow behind their cars and trucks - a "fifth wheel" as it were)
Thank You, Collins ENGLISH Dictionary
THIS is a DODGE caravan.
Okay, so we have that covered.
Now what would you call these thousands of people streaming northward (seemingly undeterred and unable to be halted by other nations) and wanting to crash our own southern border?
Gee, that looks and sounds a lot like an...INVASION!
Seems JUST like what Hitler did to Poland...and Belgium...and France.
Yeah, this ain't no nature walk.
And why are there so many "military-age" young men in this battalion-size mob of humanity?
Are they ALL from Honduras? How many are MS13 gang members? How many are followers of ISIS? The lame-stream media only seems to show women and children.
Why aren't other nations stopping them at THEIR borders? You know, if anyone thinks our president CAN"T do anything to halt thee people at OUR border...think again. Cut off the free money first.
We actually went farther than stopping them at out border...remember the name Pancho Villa? How about John Pershing?
Yeah, we chased Villa across our border and pursued him into Mexico...and it was all done by order of our president (Wilson). Perfectly legal.
(about the only good thing that president did, aside from getting us into WW1).
It's real easy to see through any and all deception with this story and these people. You can't create a hoard of people and them get them to storm across borders...Genghis Khan is dead...get over it. The days of the Mongol rampage are long gone.
Leave it in the history books, but feel free to learn from it along the way.
It's OUR country 'tis of thee...and ours alone.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Okay, before I came here, I was in the shower trying to name off the provinces of Canada (don't ask) and me-speaking for the Yukon, which is just a territory, said, "why aren't we a territory when puny little Prince Edward Island is?" and my smartass in the back of my head, playing PEI, replied "Because we have 5 times the population."

So you know I had to look it up. Actual: 4.237 times the population. Darn, I'm good!


I was out for the Perseids... didn't see anything for sure despite about an hour outside....

National days, respectively: IDK/LOVE/so what/Happy Bday Johnny/LMAO illegals...

Looks like I'll be cancelling that move to Rivermet Ave...

Russ will get a visit from some o' the boyz if he ain't careful, lol...

You REALIZE the cats prolly have a wheel of "show-up" out there they use to mess with you, right?

Hey, the nice thing about the caravan is that they'll be nice and clean when they arrive, thanks to the hurricane heading straight for 'em...

Rush said there were some middle easterners mixed in, according to imbedded observers...

Gee, a little hard on Woodrow, ain't ya? Just because he got the chance to try all his liberal crap, and it all got hashed? Hee Hee, always a pleasure to hang with someone who thinks all the same POTUSes were idiots...

Bob G. said...

I cannot fault such logic, simply because you are correct, sir. (you been watching JEOPARDY again?)
Oh, the things that come to mind in the shower, eh?
---We had some great meteor showers a couple years back. Wifey and I saw a LOT of 'em.
guess we can blame the lack of seeing them on global warming now?
---Good call on the :days".
---Russ stirs the pot in a nice way...he bugs those that NEED it (kinda like me...hahahaha).
---LOL..."Wheel of Show-up"! Most likely.
---I'm hoping it blows them either back south...or way EAST or WEST.
Any of those 3 directions would be a "win" for us.
---Absolutely NO surprise as t6 some camel jockeys in the mob.
---Yea...and it also goes to show that being a progressive in the mold of Wilson does NOT signify ANY progress at all, but at least we got a good size army (and some future generals of note) out of his "reign". That alone helped us get ready for the NEXT war (which I believe we WON quite well). Other than that, he was a tool (and his wife ran the WH because of his stroke).
History IS a good teacher.

Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and caravan-free) up there, brother