17 June 2019

Monday Musings...
That wasn't a BAD weekend (I've seen and heard worse), and although today isn;t looking all that great, conditions will be deteriorating a our Monday progresses (so much for outdoor activities).
Still, I've learned not to hold my breath with such things. Might be able to enjoy half a day, right?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, temps rising to around 75 degrees and a good chance of rain showers by this afternoon into tonight (so much for a NICE day). Maybe tomorrow?
Now, let's take a moment to get a refreshing beverage as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the water dish is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?' feature:
JUNE 17 -
National Eat Your Vegetables Day
(few as they are, I always do)
National Stewart’s Root Beer Day
(started in Mansfield, OH in 1924)
National Apple Strudel Day
(not a fan, but they do smell good)
National Cherry Tart Day
(definitely a fan of these)
*** Next...Seems we found our Dumbass of the Week:
Okay, make that dumb-ASSES..
A stolen car, gunfire, the gang task force, the Children's Zoo...pursuits... ALL the trappings of a typical day on the SE side of FTW.
But, this kind of crime IS spreading, people.
Matthew Fox  Jontra Clark   Travis Ladd
And let's not forget all the OTHER evidence found by police after these three pieces of human crap were arrested a Ruger EC9s 9 mm and a Taurus PT111 (also a 9 mm), both semi-automatic guns; nearly 20 grams of crystal methamphetamine; 4 grams of marijuana; four hydrocodone pills, four digital scales and several ceramic smoking devices.
*** Next up...Oops. I found more dumbassery:
We couldn't start the weekend with a BANG, but it appears we ended it with one.
This took place at the Walmart located at 5311 Coldwater Road around 1830 hrs.
Police found one male in the parking lot shot and taken to hospital in critical condition. He later died, so that makes HOMICIDE #13 for the year?
Are things getting THAT bad where people can't shop in town on a SUNDAY, or its it something "else"?
Seems a lot like the Lowe's parking lot shooting a couple weeks ago.
And, for the record, although the media shows this as homicide #12 for the year, I called that one back on 3 June (the 800 block of Hamilton shooting death), so who is right here?
UPDATE - The victim is ID'ed as Andre Paris Leslie, 20.
*** Next, let's take a minute to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
The kids had a pretty good weekend.
She loves her grocery bag.
Violet spent last night sleeping with me. She also lays on my legs when I watch television in the living room.
But she will get up and run away whenever some boom car comes thumping by. Can't blame her...it's annoying as hell.
Gallifrey just comes and goes. He's his own cat, it seems.
And he loves napping on the window perch.
But is he wonderfully cute with his clumsy affection. He does mean well.
*** Next up, time to check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome also had a very good weekend.
He gets the upper berth...
They made all the important meals and they got back step treats morning and evening. Midnight missed lunches, and that's fine. his limp is hardly noticeable now, so we know it's not affecting his ability to roam the area on his patrols.
And she gets the lower berth.
Whiskers was here the whole weekend and never wandered off.
I still worry about them whenever some idiot starts shooting off fireworks. Don't want to see either one injured.
(the noisiest is yet to come, unfortunately)
*** Last back to the scratching post...it looks like it's that time of year once again - when we have police involved shooting and the obligatory protesting in the wake of such events.
It's becoming a common thing these days. And, I have to say that having families sue police departments is becoming much akin to the lotteries.
Sorry, but that does not (nor should not) take the place of working for a living (unless you're disabled or retired, but that is a whole other story, and even then, it's not a proper way to amend your income).
Have you also noticed that it's usually racially-motivated. I'd want to think our society is trying it's best to move away from that sort of tactic, but I suppose that's not going away any time soon.
Is this a BETTER alternative?
Personally,I think if a man is found going through vehicles at an apartment complex at 0230 hrs, and the man then approaches the officer with a RAISED KNIFE (like what took place in South Bend recently), the officer might take that as "an imminent threat", and react accordingly.
As can be expected, the family of the victim is outraged and you just know a lawsuit is coming, if not criminal then civil in nature.
Maybe people don't really NEED to be meandering about in the early morning hours, and should be in bed, or otherwise at home where it's safe.
Make better choices.
There's little good that occurs after midnight...we all know that.
Perhaps some segments of our society and communities may be better served if they started to take that to heart.
It wouldn't hurt to TRY...would it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Okay, now I am fed and almost caught up. And as for the 'Saturday beer review', here are my at the time comments on FB:

"Tonight's beer tasting: First contestant is Founder's breakfast stout. First time I tried a beer Beer Advocate had rated at "world class". Opinion: I can see why! Darn good stuff if you like the dark, coffee flavored brews."

I will add here: This was absolutely jet black, no light shone through. Wicked good, and I drank it way too fast.

"Next up, a St Bernardus Tripel from Belgium. My review for BA: "So this poured with a big head, , had to pause to get it all in the glass. The hazy particles spun like a very slow tornado until dispersing throughout. Smell is kind of a poser..."very ripe bananas and floral" pretty well covers it.taste is a bit banana and orange peels."

Followed in the comments by:

"I was telling Laurie one of the best comments on BA was, " This reassures us that beer is better than wine." I said, "I bet a wine drinker would like this. It's like wine, but it's better. BECAUSE ITS BEER!"

They were 8.3 and 8.0 respectively, so the rest of the haul remains for next Saturday...

Now, on with YOUR post!

Veggies: NO.

Root Beer: Like but have to avoid b/c the sodium count is way high.

Strudels and tarts- if I've gotten my exercise in (IOW not today...)

Yeah, that's Laurie's Wal-Mart. She was safely home napping when it happened.

Just remember every one of you alleged protestors... the LORD judges the HEART. One day your motivations will be called on the carpet...

Bob G. said...

---And that's why I've liked STOUTS (since my high school days).
I shoulda TOLD 'ya...that's SIPPIN' brew, Bub!
(savor the flavor)
---I like beer AND wine...(and scotch, bourbon and gin). Just NEVER all at once and not in excess! I "learnt" that the HARD way.
---Sodium in root beer? Learn something new every day.
---I'm relieved she missed the "action"...crazy people out there. More on the victim tomorrow (that you WON'T hear from the drive-bys).
---YES! VERY well put...because it's TRUE!
(eternal consequences...indeed)

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and prayerful) up there, brother.